Generation of Miracles

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                                                      Teiko Gym, first string training session.

"No, not like that, Tetsu-kun." Shuiro said as she threw the ball to Murasakibara, who waited for her signal. "You don't pause with the ball, you kind of tap pass it." she nodded to the tall man and he bounced the ball to her, Shuiro slapped it quickly and it was suddenly in the hands of Midorima, who took the shot.

Kuroko didn't even notice her touch it, let alone pass it. It was really impressive...Kuroko tried again only to hear the whistle. "Too long."

"Too long."

"Too long."

"Wrong direction, Tetsu-kun."

The training made Kuroko the most patient in the team seeing as he didn't have that much raw talent but instead he grew from what little he had in the first place. Shuiro watched from the center line at the little practice match between the regulars and the second string.

Aomine passed it to Kuroko and instinctively ran towards the hoop. Kuroko grabbed the ball and threw it behind him back, Aomine caught it and dunked it. 'An alley op...' Shuiro grinned as she glanced at Satsuki, who was collective data on the second string members.

Throughout the game, Kuroko successfully misdirected his opponents making the score 112 - 6 to the regulars. The second string was thrashed. Akashi walked in front of the group and over to the two girls. Shuiro threw them the water bottles and rose an eyebrow at how everyone was squeezing the water into their mouths yet Kuroko was drinking it calmly.

"He's good with misdirection." Akashi whispered to her twin, which caused a confident smirk to appear on her face. She already knew that. 

"Wanna play shogi later?" She asked Akashi, watching as his face brightened at the mentioning of his favorite game. It wasn't obvious to everyone else but considering the circumstances....

"Second strings, go home." Akashi barely raised his voice but it echoed in the hall. The second string left the hym allowing more training to resume.

"Shintaro, Tetsuya, go with Shuiro and train." Midorima wasn't very pleased with the fact he had to share his coach and the not-so-obvious blood type ordeal.

Kuroko didn't really get along with him that well either though he never let it interfere with the game as the Akashi twins taught them never to mix your personal life with your basketball life.

Shuiro stopped on the other side of the court and crossed her arms, "Taro-kun, shoot from the half way line."

Midorima was indeed a good shooter but he had yet to be able to shoot from so far away. Countlessly the ball bounced off the rim, Kuroko would catch the rebound and try pass it to Midorima, increasing his passing distance.

 "Your arc isn't high enough, Taro-kun." Shuiro said as she watched it bounce off the rim again, frustrating Midorima again. It's frustrating...losing. Shuiro picked up the rolling ball (Kuroko's pass wasn't that far yet) and looked at the hoop. "Plus, the time you take to get into the form to shoot is longer than normal." Shuiro flicked the ball and everyone watched frozen as it travelled slowly through the air, it's arc abnormally high.


"Kuroko," Shuiro continued normally, ignoring Midorima's shocked eyes. "You need to put more power into your passes, it's hard to get it from one half to the center but you can find a different way to power up." That's where Kuroko got the idea of spinning.

He didn't show it in front of anyone but Shuiro and Aomine though.


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