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Everyone was weary of Akashi today. It had been a couple of days since their training from hell, courtesy of Shuiro, when suddenly Scarlet dragged Shuiro out for a couple of hours. It wasn't really suspicious to anyone but Akashi because they assumed it was some mother-daughter bonding thing they were trying out. Then they returned home, and that's what ticked Akashi off. 

Scarlet had obviously been bawling her eyes out and Shuiro even had her share of depression, looking paler than usual as she stormed into her house (after punching away an upcoming ball and wincing about it) before slamming every door she used. When Akashi questioned Scarlet, the woman just shook her head. 

So now, Akashi was sitting at one of the seats with a prominent scowl on his face as he opened and closed his scissors tauntingly, itching to stab someone with them. He was angry, sorting through the possibilities of the two women of his life's depression. He didn't get much going because he could counter everything. 

What if they were mugged?

Shuiro would've dealt with them swiftly and fearlessly.

What if they encountered an enemy?

Scarlet had no enemies and Shuiro would've dealt with them swiftly and fearlessly.

Perhaps the ATM swallowed their cards?

They didn't have any credit cards, but Shuiro would've dealt with the situation swiftly and fearlessly.

Maybe they were hiding something from him?

Shuiro would've hid it swiftly and fearlessly.

Okay, so every conclusion he came up with ended up with Shuiro dealing with it rather efficiently but it was the truth and for once, Akashi was stumped. What in the world had happened, and why wasn't he allowed closure? Hence the reason everyone was treading on eggshells around their former coach.

Then Akashi did something he didn't think he would do for years to come. Whipping out his red cell phone he flipped it open and scanned through the contacts, clicking on the contact given to him by Shuiro for reasons that involved life and death and right now, it seemed logical. Akashi held the phone to his ear, eyes closed as he tried to control his peaking anger at the thought of calling that person.

After a couple of rings, the phone was answered. "Hello, you've reached the Akashi Residence in Kyoto, Japan. This is Gerad speaking, how may I help you?" The familiar and professional voice of Akashi's former chaperone reminded him of some bitter and lonely childhood memories. 

"Gerad," The teen regarded coldly. "Put me on with Joushi." He could tell Gerad was frowning on the other side of the phone judging by the tense silence that passed between them. Akashi's patience was ticking due to his already annoyed mood.

Gerad cleared his throat, "Sorry, but may I ask who is speaking? Unless you have an appointment, I can't connect you through to Mr Akashi." Akashi closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. It seemed his father had gotten more paranoid over who he talked to over the last couple of years. 

"Seijuurou." He growled out. There was another silence before some sort of shuffling was heard and an impact sounded. Akashi sighed once more, irritation nearly reaching it peak. "Let me talk to my father, Gerad." 

"S-Seijuurou-sama! O-Of course!" There was a beeping sound and suddenly another voice was heard through Akashi's phone. "Sei?" His father's voice had dropped even further and he sounded so excited to hear from Akashi. The basketball player didn't feel any remorse when he thought of his father's reaction to him not calling from will.

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