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"What Colby? No that isn't true. I'm not magical," Sam blurted out his blue eyes filled of curiosity and blown open wide.

"That's what you were told Sam," I sighed closing my own eyes wishing I didn't have to try and explain this to him, in my mind he weren't ready.

"Colby?" His body shifting weight from side to side as he pushed his body up made my eyes snap open again watching as he forced his body into a sitting position. "Am I your soulmate?" I felt all the air knock out my lung at that one question. That one simple yes or no question. I nodded slowly another sigh left my lips. He also nodded as his eyes avoided my own looking around the room he has been staying in.

After what felt like forever a small smile appeared on his lips as he finally looked back at me. "Guess that gives a reason for the attraction and how I don't feel nervous around you,"

My eyes widened at his confession as I felt heat fill my cheeks.

"But why?" He frowned making me mirror his expression, did he not want to be my soulmate? "Why was I never told Colbs? If I was told I would of actually had friends during high school before we would of been made to go to the academy. I wouldn't of felt so lost and alone. I wouldn't have a million questions running mad in my mind and the main one being will I cope? I don't know how to cope with all this Colby! I was born into it but not fully," I watched closely as his eyes started filling up and his hand movements got more and more frantic with every passing word leaving his lips.

Within moments of his brain running haywire and my own trying to figure out how to calm my struggling partner I reached out and pulled his body tightly towards mine. My arms wrapped tightly around him as his own mirrored it, holding onto me as if it was the last time it would ever happen, which with his parents. It could be. I felt his racing heart calm down a couple of notches as he breathed in my scent as I desperately tried to send a calming aura to him.

His eyes fluttered close settling gently on his cheekbones making me let out a sigh of relief and tilt my head to the side, resting my cheek on the top of his head.

"What am I going to do?" He breathed out cutting the comfortable silence with a question I knew was running through his mind. I sighed softly gripping hun tighter to my body.

"We're going to teach you Sam. All of us here, we had to learn your part since you weren't there. You'll have to sneak past your parents to come learn and when it's time you'll have to do your trial."

"My trial? I have a trial?" I nodded at his confused words. "Can you explain the trial?" He begged slightly pushing his body away from mine, still in my arms but so he can look up at me and I can look down at him. I released a hand from around him moving it up to his face and brushing the stray pieces of hair out his face.

"All trials are different Sammy. We won't know yours until the day since we aren't meant to 'train' for them."

"Can I know about yours then?" He tilted his head to the side cutely as I closed my own eyes as memories flooded my mind.

"I was in complete darkness," I muttered making him gasp quietly. "The trials relate to our element and that meant for me, darkness, blindness. I was thrown into a maze like room and was given the task to get out." I glanced up at Sam as I opened my eyes before looking back down at my thumb that was rubbing soothing circles onto his hips. "Our partners are meant to help us out so I was meant to have light, you, guide me through but obviously that didn't happen."

He gasped before reaching for one of my hands now rubbing circles on the back of it slowly urging me silently to continue.

"That meant my trial took a lot longer then it should of. Katrina ended up having to come in to kind of guide me out so I didn't go crazy. I heard voices Sam, I heard the screams of the other guys and was later told the maze was made to do that as light is meant to snuff out any darkness and fear in my life. I kept hearing my friends get hurt, murdered even and their screams surrounded me until somehow Kat reached me. I had wandered halfway through the maze and she has dull fireflies for lighting. The most confusing thing is I heard your voice Sam. I heard your voice try and urge me out the maze as if you were there in person unable to use your powers. I just didn't know it was you at the time," I finally looked up at the blonde seeing him already staring at me, mouth parted slightly.

He lunged forward shocking me before I wrapped my arms tightly around him lifting my knees up slightly trapping him in my hold as he was now sitting on my lap.

"I'm so sorry Colby!" He sobbed slightly making my heart break a bit.

"It weren't your fault Sam. It weren't your fault."


Guess who's back (will be deleting this part when I post the next part.) but I'm officially back to writing just updates will be quite slow at the moment. I hope you liked this chapter and stick around to see what happens.

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