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Quickly I spun on my heels and ran towards the door throwing and grabbing a hoodie of the bench near the door and my keys. A hand reached out behind me and gripped my wrist stopping me in my movement.

"Colby," Kat whispered making me face her getting an intense feel of deja vu "please be careful,"

= Flashback =

"Kat I promise I'll be fine." I ensured the brown haired female shaking my wrist out her grip. "Nothing is going to happen to me. We've all been training for this for months,"

"I know but mine-," she trailed off shaking her head. "It was awful Colby, the feeling of not being able to breath, to not see, to be buried. I only got through it since Devyn was right beside me going through the same thing. I'm just scared you won't be able to break through it at the end,"

"Kat I'm going to get through it. And do you know how I know? Because I have all you to come back to,"

"I will Kat. I just need to try and find him." I begged making her let go off my wrist.

After a single nod sent in my direction I headed out the door quickly doing the quick short walk to the market place. I instantly headed towards the bench near the book store and bakery nodding politely at everyone who passed and said hi to me. My hands were fiddling with the rings littering my hands as nervousness settled in. Was I really about to meet my other half after ten plus years of not knowing them?

People walked around me as I sat there not sparing a second glance my way, too involved in their own little world. I kept my blue eyes focused though looking out for the blonde haired male to appear.

"Colby!" I turned at the voice a soft smile on my face as I locked eyes with the person. Familiar tanned skin and long brown hair stepped into my sight, her own brown eyes locking with mine.

"Shea," I smiled as she sat down next to me.

"Fancy seeing you here," she joked pushing my shoulder with her own knocking me to side a bit.

"Yeah it's been a while hasn't it?" I blushed rubbing the back of my neck.

"You had to go to the elemental academy didn't you," she winked.

"Of course Shea. It was my destiny after all," I joked winking back at her.

"Why you here all alone Colby?"

"Looking for my soulmate," I simply muttered looking back through the crowd waiting for him.

"How have you not found them yet Colby!" She explained making me sigh.

"It's a long story Shea," I shrugged going back to fiddling with my rings.

"We have time," I sighed at her response and leant back against the bench closing my eyes before robing them again looking into her brown eyes.

"I never got to meet them Shea. They never went to the academy so I never got to find out who they were. I then got the news that they were dead, from my parents but it just didn't feel right since more light kept appearing down on earth," I kicked the floor gently making small rocks and stones roll across the floor. "My roommates, the other elements, found news in a book saying that it is basically because they never did the trials, their powers will go out of control. So here I am trying to find him since this is where I bumped into him the first time," I explained.

"Who is he colby?"

"I don't know his name Shea, just he has cute fluffy blonde hair, bright blue ocean eyes, and thick glasses. He was wearing jumpers and baggy clothing and he just looked adorable." I blushed and gushed.


"Sam?" I looked at her wide eyed.

"Yeah, Sam Golbach. He lives in the little house down the road. Wait he's an element?" Shea spoke, her brown eyes cutting through my own.

"He didn't know," I whispered shaking my head, moving my head into my hands sighing.

"You're a lucky guy if it is him Colby," Shea smiled, a slight caring loving look deep in the chocolate eyes.

"Sounds like you're speaking from experience Shea?" I raised an eyebrow at her making her laugh out loud shaking her head.

"He was like my brother Colby, a family friend if you will. Watched him go through multiple girlfriends but they never seemed to last. Parents would scare them away." She explained "he has some protective ass parents."

"I can imagine. I mean they never told him about his powers if it is him." I looked back in to the crowd frowning as he never stepped foot near the bookshop.

"Colby?" Shea muttered making my attention go back to her "don't worry about it. Sam, he's a secretive person and really shy. I don't know what he goes through at home but there will be multiple days where he would just disappear. No one would leave that house. I say let him come to you and don't force him. Slowly get information out of him and don't let him run away in fear if he is your soulmate," she ranted slightly making me nod. "I hope to see you soon Colby but I have to go back home," she blurted out standing up and pulling her jacket tighter around her boy.

"See you soon Shea,"

I soon arrived back home pushing the heavy door open being instantly hit by the laughter from the living room. The books had been moved from the kitchen to the floor by the stairs, stick stacked up as high, the familiar book from before on the top. I yanked my hoodie off hanging it up by the door before ruffling up my hair and stepping through the archway, all eyes locking on me.

"Well?" Tara questioned being the first one to speak asking the single word I knew everyone else was thinking.

"He weren't there guys, never showed," I headed and did the short walk to the love sack before letting my body drop being instantly swallowed by the fluff.

"What do you mean Colby?" Kat spoke.

"He never showed up," I shrugged "Sam never appeared,"

"How do you know his name?" Jake quizzed.

"I bumped into Shea and she knows him guys. Told me some stuff about him," a soft smile was on my face for the first time in ages at home. "She told me his name was Sam and he lives in a small quiet home. She spoke vaguely of his family and mentioned how there will be times where he disappears and no one seems to leave the house. I was also told to let him come to me, and be patient with him."

"What if he never comes to you colby?" Devyn spoke making blue meet brown.

"He will, if he is my soulmate he will feel the connection I already feel for him. He just may not understand it clearly but it should still draw him to me. And I'll be there for him when he finally comes to me." I promised looking at the group before firmly nodding. "I won't let him learn about his powers without me especially if for some reason his parents never told him."


24 hour cycle // Solby AU (DC)Where stories live. Discover now