=- 4 -= (SAMS POV)

279 11 5

•Abuse warning•

"Where were you?" I heard the voice of my mother yell from the living room as soon as I stepped in through the broken down wooden door.

"I was out," I shrugged, pulling the hood down of my head, my hand instantly moving to fluff up the blonde strands.

"Out where Sam? It's after curfew," she muttered stepping into the hall, her hands on her hips. My mom was a small woman, brown hair and blue eyes that match mine perfectly. She constantly had a defensive manner and aura around her, constant need to know where I went and when I did.

"I went to walk in the market place. I promise I stayed in the shadows, hidden from any guard," I smiled slightly "you know how I am," her arms fell as she walked towards me, before wrapping tightly around my small body.

"I do Sammy, but I also know how the guards get," she pointed out making me nod understandably.

"I know mother. But I promise I was safe,"

"I believe you Sammy. Wait what happened to your eye!" She screamed making me flinch back slightly preying she didn't wake up father, if he was even home.

"I fell," I blurted out using the lame excuse I had used prior to Colby, making a look of disbelief fall on to her face.

"I'm not stupid Sam. That didn't come from a fall, what happened?" She repeated her usual soft voice turning a lot firmer. I sighed knowing there was no escaping it now and I had to tell her. The sleeves of my hoodie was now pulled down over my fingertips and gripped together as I watched her move around before looking at me expecting a proper answer now.

"The guards mother," I finally admitted to her making her gasp, her hands shooting up to her hair. "But I promise I'm ok, I was somewhere I shouldn't of been!" I quickly added.

"Where were you Sam?" She spoke her voice now stern as she glared me down slightly. I felt my body cave in on itself to try and escape the glare being sent my way. Every inch of me wanted to run upstairs and hide in my room until morning or until she forgot about it, however with her in front of my only exit point I knew I couldn't.

"The main elements house," I whispered watching as the colour seemed to drain from her face.

"We told you not to go there Samuel!" She snapped throwing her manicured hands in the air shaking her head, the brown strands fanning out and around. "They are bad people who think they are better then us because they have powers and control what happens on earth," she ranted.

"But mother, I met one of them and he was so nice!" I gushed blushing slightly at the thought of Colby.

"It's all an act Samuel! Not a single one of them are good especially not that darkness element," she sneered.

"Colby?" I whispered shaking my head not believing the words leaving her mouth. The nice blue haired male that saved me from falling twice, that saved me from being beaten by a guard by being out of curfew and around their house. The blue haired male that seemed to make my heart skip a beat, and my cheeks flare red. The blue haired male that actually listened to what I was saying when I spoke.

"You know his name?" Mother sneered slightly making me nod slightly. "Stay away from him Samuel," she ordered her eyes seeming to glow slightly.

"I won't see him again mother. I promise!" I cried out covering my mouth and pushing my body against the door behind me, not sure what else to do.

"You damn right you won't! Go to your room Samuel and don't come out until your father says,"

I finally pushed my heavy body off the door and ran past her, fresh tears threatening to spill over my eyes as I ran up the stairs, my hands still covering my mouth to muffle any sobs leaving. I did the small walk across the hallway before stepping into my small room.

White bare walls surrounded me as I shut the door behind me, swiftly flicking the lock and leaning against the wooden panel. My room was bare, hardly anything in the place, just a bed, desk and dresser holding multiple colours of sweaters, joggers, jeans and hoodies. My eyes looked around the bare walls before focusing on the small spot reserved right by my bed, the spot reserved for photos of my friends.

I was always a sheltered kid, never spoke to at school, never wanted, never liked. I was constantly alone, no friends in sight. I would watch people from afar, one of the people being Colby.

I knew of the blue haired male, previously brown haired at the time, I knew all his friends, the other elements. They were inseparable, pretty much joined at the hip. Known to the whole school, known by everyone even before they became the main group. They had soon left, not going to high school but going to the elemental school to go through the trials main elements have to do.

I walked towards my bed before turning around and flopping down on my back closing my eyes and sighing sadly. I heard movement and conversations from downstairs between mother and father, letting me know he wasn't here when I got back. Footsteps soon sounded up the stairs quite harshly before bangs were sounded on my door.

"Samuel!" Fathers voice sounded through the wooden panel making my eyes shoot open, and instantly push my body off the bed and swiftly move to unlock my door, it instantly swinging open revealing my angered father. "What did I say about staying away from the elements!" He sneered making me flinch back in fear.

"I didn't mean to," I whispered, tears instantly flooding my eyes as fathers glare intensified.

"Do not lie to me Samuel. We've always known about your fascination with that friend group especially the darkness one,"

"His names Colby," I whispered instantly regretting it as father raised his hand up before swinging it forcefully at me, a loud smack sound filling the room.

"Stay away from him Sam!" Father yelled making me nod and step back. "You're grounded aswell. No leaving the house, not even to the book store or market." He ordered

"Until when?" I whispered moving my hand to cup my throbbing cheek, the coolness of my hand contrasting against the burning fire red skin.

"Until you learn not to go near the elements!" He spun around slamming my door shut again, making the minimal things on my dresser rattle before settling. Tears now fell freely down my cheeks helping soothing the stinging sensation. Slowly I walked towards my bed not bothering to lock the door knowing, I wouldn't be aloud to, and knowing my parents would leave me be for the rest of the night knowing they've done enough damage.

My shaking hands gripped the edge of my blanket throwing it back and getting under the thick blanket pulling it over my body again. The soft fabric of my pillow rubbed against my cheek as water slowly wet the fabric as I kept crying, my hand moving over my mouth to hide the sobs leaving my lips. My body shook under the thick blanket as sobs left my lips forcefully, jolting my shoulders with every exhale and sniff.

I knew I had brought this on myself, if I didn't go near the house I wouldn't be in this mess. I wouldn't have a black eye from the guards or a stinging cheek from my father. If I didn't leave to go to the market that one day, if I had watched where I was walking before making contact with Colby. But I had a strange urge to be by Colby, talk to Colby and get to know the blue haired male. I wanted to be friends with the taller male, to understand what he's going through all the time, to just be there for him. I had a strange feeling he was going through something no one else seemed to understand and for once in his life. He was like me.

Seemingly alone even though millions of people constantly surrounded him. The need to have that one person who will be there through thick and thin. He needed another half of him the same as I needed the other half of me. Is that why I feel an urge to be with him? To be his other half? I shook my head rapidly to make them thoughts disappear from my mind.

I can't think like that, I can't go near Colby or anyone else related to him. I can't get to know his friends or him, I have to keep my distance. Do I believe they are bad people? Hell no, but if this is a response from my father for just bumping into him then I don't want to be at the receiving end of getting to know him. No matter how much I tried I couldn't stop thinking of Colby.

Sadness filled me once again once I realised I have to distance myself, regardless of how much I wanted to be with him, to be held by him. I had to distance myself from Colby Brock.


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