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"How was it?" Kat called as we stepped back through our doorway. I sent a soft smile shaking my head at her excited manner, sliding my shoes off.

"Everything and more then I could of asked for," I smiled, "I never thought in all of my life I would step foot down there."

"Yeah, your life is really looking up isn't it colbs," she smiled stepping closer to me and pulling me into a tight hug. "The guards never stopped by, they glanced up at your window but Corey was in there so it did look like you were home,"

"It sucks they don't trust me," I winked making Tara laugh behind me.

"Because you use to always sneak out when we first moved in after the trials Colby!" She explained throwing her hands up in the air. "You would always go exploring or sneak to the portal,"

"I was a curious kid Tara," I mused shaking my head.

"Always worried your parents," I rolled my eyes at her words before shrugging Kat off me and heading into the kitchen.

"I guess I should probably phone them right? I mean they think Sams dead I should tell them he isn't," I swung open the fridge grabbing some pizza rolls placing them on the counter behind me.

"You can't tell them Sam is alive Colby are you joking," Jake spoke, sliding his body on to the island counter.

"Yeah, for once jake is right," Tara sighed making Jake shout 'hey' at her. "If you tell them he's alive, they might tell the council which means you won't be aloud back down to earth and Sam could be thrown into this way to soon then he needs," she clapped making me sigh.

"You're right Tara, and Jake," I quickly added seeing the glare he was giving me. "I won't tell them about Sam, but I will tell them about my earth journey, and explain everything to them, that I cannn," I quickly added seeing the glance Tara gave me. I sent an innocent smirk her way before opening the pizza rolls and placing them in the microwave.

The couple soon walked away as the microwave beeped making me pull out the rolls before grabbing my phone and FaceTiming my mom. After a few rings she answered, a soft smile on her face.

"Cole," she called making me smile at her.

"Hi momma," I whispered at her.

"I'm so sorry baby we couldn't tell you in person about your soulmate. We weren't allowed to stay since it was getting close to curfew,"

"It's ok momma, the roommates told me and looked after me," I smiled at her to calm her worried face down. I watched as her face relaxed slightly before sighing.

"How were you?"

"I didn't leave my room," I shamelessly admitted "Tara tried to get me out and Kat was the only one who succeeded. They were worried I would do something since I wouldn't of been able to do my full purpose,"

"Awe, Cole baby," she muttered shaking her head, a thin line of water filling her eyes.

"It's all good now though momma. I'm happier then I was that day. I've been told that I can go down to earth since and do my purpose since his parents legally said he was dead. It just sucks I never met him,"

"Oh my sweet boy, he would of loved you," she cooed slightly making me blush hearing the kind of loud laughs from Jake in the next room.

"Mooommm," I whined making her roll her eyes.

"I'm just speaking the truth Cole. Now get that Jake in here,"

"Jake!" I shouted spinning around on the chair I had moved to. "Momma Brock wants you," I smirked handing him my phone before leaning back.

"Now jake, it isn't a nice thing to laugh at someone when they are having a conversation with their mother," she scolded making me let out a single laugh before covering my mouth. Jake blushes slightly before looking down.

"Mrs Brock."

"No excuse Jacob," she interrupted. "At least Cole here has the common sense to phone his mom. Your poor mother is worried about you!" I listened as mom went on a full rant to the silver haired male and watched how he got redder and redder.

"Ok momma that's enough," I butted In after about ten minutes of just her ranting to Jake. I took the phone back and watched as he quickly scurried out the room pulling his own phone out his pocket.

"Did it work?" She smiled making me laugh.

"He's on the phone to her now."

I leant back into the sofa, arms crossed as I listened to jake ranting to himself.

"I can't believe she did that!" He muttered angrily although a smile was clear on his face.

"Did it make you call your own mother though jake?" I pushed enjoying the reaction he was giving me.

"Yes! And I got the exact same lecture from her. It's like they planned it or something," he stopped moving suddenly before slowly turning and facing me. "It was planned weren't it?" He assumed making me laugh.

"Jakey! You have to phone and update your mother, it's not my fault my mom and yours got together and planned that shit," I laughed throwing my head back before screaming slightly heat heat surround me. "Come on jake this isn't funny," I yelled throwing my hands around gesturing once again to the flames surrounding me.

"I bet you gave them the idea," he pointed at me as the flames lowered.

"God damnit why did Tara have to go out with Kat? She could save me right now," I muttered angrily crossing my arms. "Come on jake please," I whined. 

"Not until you admit you are in on it!" He laughed "you phoned your mother Cole," he snapped a jokey tone hidden beneath his voice.

"Actually Jakey," I pouted batting my eyelashes at him "I phoned my mother to update her on the situation with Sam, like I told you," I pointed out making him click and the flames disappear.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that," he bashfully spoke making me laugh out loud once again.

"I swear you have a memory of a fish or something,"

"I'll have you know Colby, I'm very smart for my age," he muttered throwing the tv remote at me. The small piece of plastic landed next to my body bouncing slightly on the sofa.

"Who told you that?" I challenged raising an eyebrow at him.

"Tara did,"

"Oh Jacob, Shes required to boost your ego," I joked standing up and rubbing a hand through my hair. "It's part of her job being your girlfriend," I yelled running out the room and upstairs laughing as Jakes shouts were getting quieter and quieter.


24 hour cycle // Solby AU (DC)Where stories live. Discover now