"What do you want, Letta?" She asked, her tone full of disdain.

    Letta swallowed before quietly answering. "I was told if I ever needed help, you were the Jedi to contact." Commander Tano looked skeptical, but allowed her to continue. Letta glanced towards Fox.

    "Give us a minute, please," Commander Tano said.

    Fox hesitated, then stepped back out of the cell. He sealed the door once again. They started walking back towards the command center. "Do you think she'll learn anything?" Clay asked.

    "I don't know," Fox replied. "I hope so. Letta was saying that a Jedi was involved, but Admiral Tarkin didn't believe her. Maybe she thinks Commander Tano will."

    They reached the command center. One of the clones, Wit, turned towards them. "Sir, one of our security cameras doesn't have sound."

    "That's odd. Get a technician up here to look at it," Fox ordered.

    "Right away, Sir." Wit turned away.

    "Are you going to see Riyo after Commander Tano leaves?" Clay whispered.

    "Maybe. I don't know."

    "Prisoner health critical," a mechanical voice blared, interrupting them. "Holding cell 173."

    Fox narrowed his eyes, turning towards Wit. On the security camera, he could see Letta's body hovering in the air. She clawed at her throat. Fox's gaze landed on Commander Tano's outstretched arms. She's going to kill her! He realized.

    "Commander Fox, the prisoner!" Wit exclaimed.

    Fox drew his blasters and ran from the command center. "Follow me." Wit and Clay grabbed theirs as well and chased after him. They reached the cell, but it was too late. Commander Tano crouched over Letta's lifeless body.

    "Blast it," Fox heard Clay hiss.

    "I...don't know what happened," Commander Tano said, her expression full of panic.

    Clay pushed past them and knelt beside Letta. He held two fingers to her neck. "Commander, she's dead."

    Fox gritted his teeth. Tarkin isn't going to like this. He struggled to find the right words. "I can't say I blame you, Commander Tano," he said finally. "But all the same, you're under arrest." He pointed his blaster at her back.

    She raised her hands, her voice quavering. "I...no, no, no! I did not do this!"

    "On your feet slowly," Fox ordered. She stood, her hands shaking.

    "Please, I didn't do this."

    "Contact Admiral Tarkin and tell him what has happened," Fox said to Wit. He nodded and ducked out of the cell. Clay fell in step with Fox as they escorted Commander Tano to a different and more secure cell. This is not at all how this was supposed to go, Fox groaned to himself.

    Nearly half an hour later, Admiral Tarkin arrived. "Take me to her," he demanded, as soon as he reached the command center. Fox nodded to Wit. He stepped out of the command center and escorted the Admiral down a hall. Another clone joined them, before they disappeared from sight.

    "Here comes trouble," Clay whispered.

    Fox stifled a sigh and turned. The door hissed open again and General Skywalker stormed into the command center. "Where is my padawan?"

    "She's in a secure holding cell, Sir," Fox replied. "I'm sorry, but you can't see her."

    "My padawan is in there. I need to talk to her!"

    "You can't."

    "I said, my padawan is in there," General Skywalker growled. "Now step aside."

    "General Skywalker, Admiral Tarkin has ordered that no one be allowed in there." Fox willed his voice to stay calm, despite his own weariness and frustration.

    General Skywalker's features contorted with anger. He clenched his robotic hand into a fist. "I don't care what she's accused of. Let. Me. In." He took a step closer to the glass divider, raising his fist.

    Fox stepped back and glanced at one of the clones standing guard. Two of them activated their electorstaffs and moved towards General Skywalker. "Sorry, Sir. The Admiral's orders stand. This is now a military operation and under his jurisdiction," he explained. General Skywalker's gaze shot daggers at him. He stepped back though, and allowed himself to be escorted out.

    "Well, that went better than I expected," Clay said when he was out of earshot. "I thought he might've ignited his lightsaber through your head."

    Fox didn't even smile. "He might still. Has someone been by to check the audio on the security cameras yet?"

    "No. We sent for someone though."

    "I don't understand it. We've never had issues with them before."

    "What are you saying?" Clay asked.

    "Commander Tano said she didn't kill Letta, but there's no audio on the camera to prove it. What if someone tampered with it?" Fox surmised.

    "It's not possible. They would've had to be in the facility and there's hardly anyone here but us. A clone wouldn't do that. It's probably just some faulty wiring. Besides, the footage seemed clear enough to me."

    "You're probably right. Still." Fox glanced at the cameras again. He could see into Commander Tano's cell from there. She was laying on the bunk, as though she were asleep. He turned back to Clay. "Have you heard from Wit or Diver?"

    "They were taking Admiral Tarkin to see Commander Tano."

    Fox jerked his head towards the security camera. "They're not there anymore, are they? Wit and Diver should've been back here by now, unless Admiral Tarkin gave them different orders."

    "That is weird. Maybe they went to one of the other control rooms?" Clay suggested.

    "I'll go check." Fox stepped out of the command center and quickly headed towards one near Commander Tano's cell. He opened the door and froze. She was standing on the other side of the glass with her lightsabers in hand. "What's going on here?" Fox whipped out his blasters, hoping he wouldn't have to use them.

    "It wasn't me," Commander Tano replied quickly.

    Fox ran to a control panel and activated the alarms. Instantly, red lights flashed and a jarring sound blared throughout the prison. Commander Tano took off running. Fox activated his comm. "Alert. Alert. The Jedi prisoner has escaped!" Fox tugged off his helmet and rubbed his forehead. This is not shaping up to be a good day.

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