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"NO MATTER HOW MANY YEARS I STAY IN PRISION I'LL FIND YOU RACHEL BERRY!" Quinn shouted angrily and my jaw was on the floor. She was being dragged out of the courthouse by the policemen and the doctors that are taking her to a psychiatric hospital.

"Oh wow, that's a lovely goodbye." I said ironically to my lawyer and he chuckled.

It's been a while since Quinn, Jake and the whole kidnapping thing happened. Today finally the official judgment happened and damn she's going to spend some long years behind the bars. Jake's jail time is not as long as Quinn's because he helped the police and he turned himself in. He's staying there for a little while but if he behaves and do the community service right, he may get out earlier.

"It's finally over, huh?" My lawyer said and I chuckled and hugged her.

"Thank you." I said and she smiled.

"I hope you don't need me again, but if you do, it's going to be a pleasure to help." She said and I chuckled softly. I left the big room and sighed.

"Finally." I said relieved and hugged daddy.

"I'm so glad you're here and safe, my baby girl." Hiram said and I chuckled a little. I break the hug with daddy and hugged dad. I was still upset with dad before going to New York after I heard the whole story about Jake but I don't even care anymore.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered to me.

"It's okay, dad. I'm alright." I said with a small smile and he wiped away his tears. I hugged Ronaldo, I love Ronaldo, great step-dad.

"Mija, I'm so glad estás bien!" Ronaldo said and I laughed with the mix of Spanish and English.

"Thank you." I said with a smile.

"I'm happy everything turned out okay." Carole said hugging me as well and I smiled. I feel so loved by everyone! Finn's family became a second family to me and they did so much for me that I'll never forget about that. I hugged Christopher as well and Marley. Then I hugged Marley, then Noah, Santana and last but not least, my lovely boyfriend.

"I'm so happy you're alright." He said in my ear and I smiled and chuckled a little.

"Me too." I said chuckling and he laughed a little. "What now?" I asked to the circle of people.

"Now you just forget all of that ever happened and go enjoy your summer." Carole said smiling and I smiled feeling relieved. I do deserve a great summer.

Finn, Noah, Santana and I decided to enjoy my house's pool to FINALLY get this summer a great start. I went home with my dad and the others went to their houses to grab their stuff before coming.

"I'm so glad it's over." Daddy said and I smiled.

"Me too, it's weird to think that it ever happened. I guess I was groggy mostly of time." I said shrugging. "I'm happy now and nothing will change that."

"I'm glad to hear that. You from all people deserve your happiness." Daddy said and I smiled. "So no going back to L.A to you Senior Year?" He asked and I laughed remembering the deal we made when we arrived here in Lima.

"Nope." I said chuckling. Gosh, it's weird how things have changed. I couldn't stand my brother or Finn, now I would give my life for them. Daddy dropped me off at home and went straight to the hospital and I went inside my home and I go to my bedroom and change into a bikini, I grabbed my sunglasses and put on and make my hair into a ponytail because it's a freaking hot day today.

I threw myself on my bed just waiting for the others to arrive and 15 minutes later, the door bell ring and I smiled. I get off my bed and opened the door and my eyes widened in surprise because the whole Glee Club is here.

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