quinn's secret

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"Hey handsome." Quinn said smirking opening the door and I fake a smile.

"Hey." I said with a very forced half smirk.

"So Finny, I'm SO glad you're here! I made us dinner." Quinn said.

"Oh, dinner sounds great." I said lying.

"Come in!" She said grabbing me by the hand and taking me inside and we sit at the table. "So Finny, I was already thinking about prom and how amazing would it be us prom Queen and King." She said.

"Oh that sounds super cool." I said trying to seem honest but I'm not. This is probably how hell would look like, being in a endless date with Quinn Fabray. I just need to go to her room and find something.

Please God help me to find something.

During the dinner she was just talking and talking about prom and I was agreeing about everything she said but I do not care. "Why don't we upstairs to your room? Watch a movie or something?" I suggested and she smirked.

"I love how that sounds." She said smirking thinking that something else will happen.

No way on Earth!

We go upstairs to her room and I think I'm going to throw up, literally. I hate her. I feel like ripping off my ears when I'm with her and scratching my face. She's a nightmare.

When we get upstairs she push me on her bed and started to kiss me and I'm shocked. What the hell?! I hate this. I really do. "Woah, I thought we were watching a movie." I said breaking the kiss.

"Oh cmon Finn, you don't have to play the gentleman. I know that when a guy says watch a movie it means sex." Quinn said with a smirk.

"I thought you were trying to be celibate after Brody." I said to her.

"Not with you, baby." She said opening my shirt and I'm desperate.

"I didn't bring a condom!" I said as an excuse.

"No problem baby, I'll get you." She said getting off me and left her room and I get off her bed.

I opened her drawers trying to find something, please God help me because kissing is already horrible and I barely can do it and I will never ever have sex with someone that it's not Rachel.

I look under her bed and I find a yellow envelope and I grabbed it and opened and when I read it my jaw fell in shock. It's an abortion document, she got an abortion. Looking the dates it matches with the time that she got involved with Brody. Oh damn. That explains why she was crying on Brody.

I grabbed my phone and take a picture of the papers and put back under her bed. "Finny! I'm back!" She said coming back in red lingerie.

"And I'm out." I said.

"What?!" She exclaimed.

"You heard me." I said.

"You can't leave!" She said as I walk past her and make my way to the stairs.

"Watch me." I said.

"Why?!" She squealed.

"Because I want to." I said and she looks pissed and I left her house and grabbed my phone and called my real girlfriend.

"Finn?" Rachel said confused answering her phone and I get in the car.

"Hey babe, can I go to your place right now?" I asked.

"Wait, didn't you suppose to be at Quinn's? Did she find out about the plan?" She asked. "But sure, you can come. I'm kind of third wheeling to Noah and Santana anyway." She said and I chuckled.

"Everyone being there makes even better." I said to her. "And no, Quinn didn't find out. But I have something really important to show you." I said. "I'm almost there, okay? Love you."

"Love you too." She said and we hang up the call. I drive to her house and park and get off the car and ring the bell. I really wanna tell her this.

"Hey babe." She said opening the door.

"You will not believe in what I found. Heavy stuff." I said and she looks surprised and I follow her inside.

"Finn? I thought you would be at Quinn's." Puck said confused.

"I was but hear me out." I said. "When I got at Quinn's she said that she had made dinner to me and I was like okay so we ate while she talked about prom, prom, prom and I was tired because I wanted to go to her room to find something so I suggested to go her room and watch a movie. When I got there she started to kiss me which was pretty awkward. She said she wanted to have sex with me and I think some part of me died right there. I told her that I couldn't do it because I didn't have a condom but she said she would get me one and she left the room and I started to look in drawers, closet, everywhere. Until I found this envelope under her bed and look what was inside." I said and grabbed my phone and opened in the picture of the document and I showed them and they were shocked.

"Quinn had an abortion?" Santana asked in shock.

"Yeah, the dates match with the time she was with Brody." I said to them.

"Woah, that's a lot to take in." Rachel said shocked. "I would never ever post that because that's way too personal but she doesn't need to know that I wouldn't post." Rachel said.

"Yeah, you just need to make her a bit scared. And everyone it's even." I said.

"Thank you so much." Rachel said with a smile and hugged me tight. "Sorry for throwing you to the lion like that."

"Yeah, by the way, you have mouthwash in your bathroom?" I asked and everyone laughed.

"I do." She said.

"I'll be right back." I said and they laughed.


"Seriously, thank you." Rachel said to me and I smiled to her.

"Anything for you." I said and she smiled.

"But seriously means a lot to me that you had to go through so much trouble just to help me." She said and I smiled. "I never thought I would admit this but fine, I will, I never thought that Lima could be better than Los Angeles but it is, because of you."

"Well, thank you, babe." I said and she laughed and she give me kisses and I tight hug.

"I love you very much." She whispered in my ear while still hugging me then she gave me a kiss.

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