new boyfriend

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"Oh it's you." Noah said grossed out when he opened the door and I just ignored and walk past him. "Hello?!"

"Shut up, I just came to lunch." I said.

"Whatever." Noah said annoyed.

"I just came because dad asked me to. But from here I'll go straight to Finn's." I said.

"To Finn's?" My dad asked confused as he comes downstairs and I smiled and hugged him tight. The best thing of coming to Lima was definitely seeing my dad often again. I love daddy, of course I do, but I missed my other dad. "Finn Hudson? Why you're going to Finn's?"

"Finn is my boyfriend." I said and dad gasped.

"Oh my gosh! That's great! Finn is such a good boy! You should bring him here sometime as your boyfriend not Noah's friend." Dad said.

"No!" Me and Noah said at the same time.

"Geez, what's wrong?" Dad asked.

"Because no one knows that Rachel and I are related and we like this way. I'm just Puck, not Noah at school. And she's Rachel Berry, not Lea Puckerman. Not even Santana knows that we're brother and sister, let alone Finn." Noah said.

"Yeah, when Finn goes to my house I take all of Noah's pictures off the wall. Every time. I told daddy to never mention Noah whenever Finn or my friends were around." I explained. "Things work this way."

"You two are so weird." Dad said confused.

"Anyway, what's so important?" I asked.

"Well, I have news." He tells me and Noah.

"What news?" Noah asked confused.

"My news should be here soon." He said seeming excited and Noah and I look at each other confused and the bell ring.

"Who that be?" I asked confused.

"My boyfriend." My dad said and my jaw fell.

"A boyfriend?" Noah asked in shock and my dad went open the door and a smiley man came in and I'm so fucking confused.


"Kids, this is Ronaldo Garcia. Ronaldo, those are Noah and Rachel, my kids." Dad introduced us.

"Uh...Nice to meet ya, Ronaldo." I said still confused and shake his hand and he smiled.

"You too, your dad talks about you two all the time. It's so good to finally meet you." Ronaldo said with a smile. He seems like a nice guy.

"Okay so let me see if I get it...We have a dad, we have another dad and now we have a step dad?" Noah asked.

"Aww how cute, you know how to count. See dad? I told you he wasn't lost." I said and my dad and Ronaldo laughed and Noah looked at me pissed off.

"So Ronaldo, where are you from?" Noah asked.

"Oh I'm from Colombia but I live here in America for the past 10 years, I have a green card, so that's not the reason I'm with your dad if you guys are wondering." Ronaldo said and we laughed.

"Oh gosh, that's not why I asked, it's just that you have a strong and different accent." Noah said nervously and Ronaldo laughed. "Like that famous pretty actress? What's her name? Modern family?"

"Sofia Vergara?" I said.

"Yes! Her! Your accent reminds me of hers." Noah said and Ronaldo chuckled.

"She's Colombian too." Ronaldo said smiling.

"And how you met?" I asked and they started telling us their story. Ronaldo is really fun, he's a good guy. I wonder how daddy is going to reach to this. I'm kind of nervous to see his reaction.

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