hello brother

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"So did you talk to him?" Daddy asked.

"No! Of course not! Ew." I said annoyed. "But great, huh? The only friend I made in that stupid school ends up being his girlfriend! I told you dad, small towns suck!" I said angrily.

"Rachie darling, you're just taking some time to get used to it. Once you'll get used, you'll like it." He said and I buffed mad.

"That's the thing, dad. I don't want to get used to it. I want to go to Los Angeles. I want to be with my friends. You only get to go to high school once and I can't believe you and dad are ruining it for me making me be here in Lima." I said mad.

"Alright, alright, you won. Why don't we agree that if by the end of your Sophomore year you still hate living here in Lima, we go back to L.A. What do you say?" He said and I smiled.

"Better than nothing." I said clapping my hands excitedly and he laughed. "Thank you, daddy. I love you so much!" I said and hug him and he laughed. I rush upstairs excitedly. I brush my teeth and apply some light make up. I pull back my bangs to make a cute hairstyle, I put my hair in a ponytail and smiled. The Cheerios uniform is cute, I'll give you that. Makes my body look amazing in that short skirt, especially my ass. My uniform back in Los Angeles was white and blue that I personally prefer, but this one is great too.

I apply more gloss then smiled to the mirror one more time and left the house. I get in my car and drive away, when I stop in the red traffic light I grabbed my phone and decided to text my other dad, I got here in Lima a few days ago and I still didn't see him which is annoying because I miss him.

Me: 'Hey dad, miss you! I didn't came all the way back to Lima to not see you! When can we meet?'

I sent him the text and wait for the answer. "No one told you that you can't text while driving?" I hear the familiar voice of Finn Hudson and look to the car next to mines and there he was, with no blonde friend this time. Just him. With an annoying half smile, his letterman jacket and sunglasses.

"No one told you that is rude to mind people's business?" I snapped back at him and I heard him chuckling while I look back to my phone and saw that my dad had texted me back.

Leroy: oh Rach sweetheart! I'm sorry I didn't had the time to meet with you but we could go grab dinner tonight.

Me: only if you promise me that it's without Noah

Leroy: fine, fine, without Noah

Me: yay! Can't wait

I texted him back with a smile and put my phone away. "Texting your boyfriend?" Finn asked.

"None of your business." I said to him.

"You never told me your name, I'm Finn Hudson by the way." He said.

"Cool." I tell him annoyed.

"I'll find out your name, ya know? Especially that you're a cheerio now." He said.

"Well, if you'll find out, don't ask me then." I snapped annoyed and the traffic lights became green and I just drive away trying my best to not be filled with annoyance.

I get at school and get off the car. Today I wasn't getting looks for being the new girl, I was getting looks because I'm the new head cheerleader and probably because I dethroned Quinn Fabitch.

I walk to my locker and opened it and smiled when I looked at myself in the small mirror that I have in it and smiled. I look flawless as always but I decided to put more gloss.

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