time to think

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I am destroyed.

I broke up with Finn on Thursday, I missed school on Friday and spent my weekend stuck in my bedroom crying. My glee friends tried to talk to me and help but I just told everyone to go away.

I'm going to school today because I have Cheerios practice but I'm not looking forward to it. Since the beginning of the school year, even when I thought he was annoying, Finn was there with me. I don't know how to be without him anymore. He became such a big part of me in the last few months that I just don't know how to act without him.

I wonder if he went back to his old self that was flirtatious and didn't care about feelings. I wonder if I broke him like Quinn did, probably even worst. His family that was always so amazing to me probably hate me now, even more than they hate Quinn.

I get off bed and take a shower and put my Cheerios outfit, some makeup and my hair in a ponytail. I look myself in the mirror and even who doesn't know me can tell that something is wrong. Quinn wants Finn but she's getting way more than that. She's gonna get all my fury on her.

"Morning sweetheart, feeling better?" Daddy asked and I sighed.

"Nope, I'm feeling worst if I'm being honest. It gets worst every day, I didn't think it was possible but it is. I want Finn." I said with my eyes getting teary again and daddy sighed.

"Oh babygirl...I'm so sorry. I can go talk to her parents. Or talk to the Principal and tell him to expel her." Daddy said.

"It's useless, in the minute she hear about it she'll post it everywhere." I said.

"We can sue her for that." Daddy said. "Didn't she give you all the papers? Didn't you burn it all?"

"Yeah, but she knows where to find the stuff and print it again. I know that we can sue her but the problem is not that, is that suing her or not, everyone would see. I don't want anyone to see it. You remember how bad it was." I tell him.

"But is it worth it, love? And so what they get those pictures and know about your past? You can't let people get to you." Daddy said and I sighed. "Is it worth it lying to Finn and losing him?"

"I don't know, I'm so confused." I said to him. "I just don't want people to know. I'm embarrassed of who I was. I hate it."

"But it's not you anymore. And there was never anything wrong with you, you were always perfect. You grew up and you changed and you have nothing to be embarrassed of. You hear me? Nothing. So if that crazy Quinn decides to post those pictures, so what? We'll sue her and eventually people will forget about it. That's life, sweetie. I think you should talk to Finn, he's such a good guy and he loves you. He deserves the truth." Daddy said and I sighed.

"I'll think about it, thanks daddy." I said with a weak smile and finish breakfast and go upstairs, brush my teeth, get in my car and drive to school.

I'm feeling so low that I can't even explain it, I'm like, too depressed to even do things properly. I want my Finny back. Is daddy right? Should I just give in and let Fabray do it? Let her spread everything.

I get at school and get in and go straight to my locker, I don't wanna talk to anyone. I know everyone will make me tons of questions and I don't wanna answer. I grabbed a picture of Finn that I have in my locker and sighed.

 I grabbed a picture of Finn that I have in my locker and sighed

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