quinn & jake

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I wake up very groggy and confused. I blink a few times very confused about where I am. I don't remember a single thing that happened. I feel my eyes closing again and I fall asleep one more time.

When I wake up again, I'm still very confused but less tired. I look around and I noticed that I'm in a Hotel room. What? I didn't suppose to be here. I thought I was at Nationals. I look around and the room is empty.

I walked to the door and tried to open it but it was impossible because it was locked. Why am I locked in here? The hotel is a bit old so the doors open with actually keys and not with cards. Damn it.

I look around the room and see that the clock was broken so I don't know what time it is and there is no TV. What the heck am I doing here? I'm still with the black dress from Nationals but I don't remember performing. I try to open the door again and I'm getting desperate now. "Hello! Hello!" I said hitting the door. "Can someone please take me out of here?!" I shouted nervously.

I'm scared.

"Hello?!" I shouted again but no one gave me an answer. "Someone please help me!" I said hitting the door and I hear a familiar laugh and I turn around scared and Quinn comes out of the bathroom and my eyes widened. What the hell?!

"Hello there." She said.

"Where the hell am I?" I asked scared.

"It's payback time." Quinn said. "You found out my darkest secret and you used it against me, you got my boyfriend and made him be against me, you took my spot on cheerios, you made everyone be against me! EVERYONE!"

"Maybe everyone is against you because you are fucking crazy!" I said. "Help! Help! Somebody help me!" I yelled hitting the door.

"No one is going to hear to you, sweetheart." She said ironically.

"So what? You'll keep me here forever?" I asked.

"Just until I think the perfect way to finally get my revenge." Quinn said and I rolled my eyes.

"And you'll do what? Tell me to break up with Finn again? Wow, that's new." I said ironically and she looks so pissed off and she grabbed me by the neck and my eyes widened.

"Talk to much and I might kill you." She said and I started choking and she laughed and squeezed my neck tighter and after a lot of struggling she finally let go of me and I started to cough desperately and I take a deep breathe trying to get my air back.

"Psyco." I said while coughing.

Finn's POV

"It's all my freaking fault." I said angry at myself. It's all my fault and no one will change my mind on that. If I wasn't jealous because of that Jesse thing, she wouldn't have left and she would be here.

"It's not, dude." Puck said.

"But of course it is, if we haven't fought, she wouldn't have left and she wouldn't be only God knows where." I said. I am freaking out! It's been a few days since everyone last saw Rachel, the others went back to Lima with Mr.Schue and my parents and her parents came here to New York. Mr.Schue came back after going to Lima with the others. I'm so worried about my Rach.

"You couldn't know what would happen." Puck said.

We're here in the police station just giving information and I gave a testimony because I was the last person to talk and see her. I'm so scared, I really need her to be fine or else I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. I love her so much and we already had so many good moments but the last one was a stupid fight. Gosh, all I want it's her back perfectly fine. I just need her to be okay.

"We're going to start the investigation and I promise that we will do everything we can to find her." The detective said and we all thank her.

I'm so scared, please God let her be alright. Please.

Rachel's POV

"What are you doing here?!" I asked in shock when my brother, Jake, walked into the room.

"You don't remember?" Jake asked.

"Remember what?" I asked confused.

"Who brought you here?" He asked.

"It was you?!" I asked in shock. "You...You're working with Quinn?!" I asked in disbelief. "Why?"

"Because I'm furious! You had it all! You had the fancy trips, the perfect family, the fancy stuff, while all I had was a trauma about being abandoning by my father for not being perfect for the family." Jake shouted mad and I'm scared.

"And why is that my fault?!" I asked. "It's not my fault that Leroy was a terrible father to you, I know that he was and if I knew, I would've tried to change that but I did not know! You know that!"

"I don't care! This is my way to get revenge on him! This is perfect, I wanna make him suffer and keeping you here is the right way." He said.

"Jake...Don't do that...Please, get me out of here. Quinn is crazy, she's going to kill me." I said. Differently from how I was when I woke up that I could walk around the room, I can't anymore. I'm tied up in a chair now.

"She won't." Jake said. "She just wants the boy, she won't kill you."

"But she will, she told me that she would! Jake, pleade help me!" I begged with my eyes filling up with tears and he takes steps closer to me and I thought he was going to let me go but he just simply put a silver tape on my mouth and left the room.

Oh gosh...I'm freaking screwed!

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