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Keith's POV

I walk to the dining room for breakfast hopeing that Lance is there already. A small smile makes it's way to my face and I giggle slightly.

Just thinking about him makes me happy. Yeah, I really am a love struck idiot. I just wish he would look at me more.

Shaking my head I walk through the doors and sit down in my seat, everyone else is already there except for Lance. I'm about three minutes late. Everyone else has already started eating but I wait. I'd rather not leave Lance to eat alone plus I like being with him.

After about two minutes (really not long at all) Lance walks in looking tiered and like he was rushing here. I look away as he sits next to me, my cheeks turning red.

"Lance your late, again," Shiro says snapping me out of whatever state I was in.

Wait, late? He was only two minutes after me why didn't I get scolded?

He gives a grin but something feels off about it "sorry gotta get my beauty sleep you know, can't wake up every day looking this perfect," He winks twords Allura and I feel a slight pain in my heart. I wish he would look to me more often I want him to be mine and I want to be his.

"There's not much we can do about it now just try not to be such a disappointment," Shiro says.

I see a flash of hurt go through Lance's eyes and I feel my blood start to boil. Why is he getting scolded? I was also late and nobody cared. I'll have to go have a talk with Shiro.

Lance grabbed his food and said a quiet grasias. I smiled a little as I was the only one to hear him and started eating my food. Everyone else started to get up as they finished to go do their own thing, leaving me and Lance alone.

We both finished and I told him I was going to go to the training room.

"Oh, cool, can I come?" My heart swelled a little and I blushed turning my head to the side so he couldn't see my face.

Oh god, I would love that, I would get to hangout with him alone.

I opened my mouth to say that I would love too but he interrupts me before I can even get a word out, "you know what, actually I can't I have something to do so I can't make it anyways," My heart breaks a little and I look down.

I whisper out an ok but he is already gone. I give my self a hug trying to make me feel better. I shake my head and remember what Shiro did.

I walk off to the control room to go and have a talk with him. Someone has to set him straight *ha straight* it's not fair he's supposed to be our leader he can't just go off on Lance.

I whish Lance could talk to be about what's wrong with him, and I know there's something wrong with him. Every smile he gives look almost like their fake. I don't want him to be like me. He deserves to be happy. I just whish I could be the one to make him happy.

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