Part 10 - The Couple

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"Thank you, have a nice day." Virgil wearily waved out a group of gossiping collage kids, glancing at the clock as he did so.


How was it only 7am?

It was Monday, and Virgil felt tired after the shenanigans of the day before. He blushed as he remembered what had happened between him and Roman, before pushing the embarrassment away. He'd only stayed for about twenty minutes after they had kissed, too awkward to stay any longer. He'd gone home and made the most of what was left of the day, getting most of his homework done, before watching Netflix. He had gone over and re-gone over the moment in his head countless times, thinking on its implications. Were they dating? How did Roman see him now? Was he just a one-night-stand? Or was he something more...

8am. Most of the regulars had come and gone, and Logan had ordered his coffee and was sitting in the corner doing work, as usual. The only person that was left now was Roman...

9am. Where was he? He was normally here by now, with the shop nearly empty, apart from him and Logan.

9:30. This wasn't good. He needed to talk to him. He needed to get the story strait, to clarify what had gone on between them...


Ding, ding.

Virgil smiled with relief, turning around to greet the customer, before nearly stumbling in shock.

"Hey, kiddo!" Patton smiled.

"Patton?" Virgil blurted, "What are you doing here? I thought you'd be at work!"

"I got the day off! Earned a vacation day from all the extra shifts I've been taking." He approached the counter, "Thought I'd end my extended weekend with a nice coffee!"

"Right, right." Virgil nodded, trying not to let his disappointment show, "What'll it be?"

"Hmm..." Patton gazed at the menu, "Surprise me!"

Virgil smiled, trying to think up a drink that Patton would like. He decided he'd make him a salted caramel mocha, and got to work brewing it.

"Where's Roman? Shouldn't he be here by now?" Patton asked.

Virgil glanced back at him with suspicion, "How do you know that?"

"Oh, he told me his schedule." Patton said casually.

"Uh, right. Well, I don't know. You're right, he is usually here by now..." Virgil continued making the drink.

"Oh, look!" Patton squeaked, and Virgil glanced up to see him gazing at Logan from across the shop. Logan was so embedded in his work that he hadn't even noticed Patton come in.

"You'll want to get to him quickly," Virgil said, finishing up his drink, "He'll be leaving in a couple minutes."

Patton smiled and handed him the money, before scurrying off to greet Logan.


It was ten thirty now, and Virgil had officially concluded that Roman was not coming. He tried to convince himself that it was probably because of work, or some deadline. However his anxiety kept insisting that he had messed everything up, and Roman now hated him. He glanced at Patton and Logan, chatting happily amongst themselves, and decided to join them. They were supposed to be his friends, after all. He jumped over the counter and made his way over there.

"Oh, hi Virgil!" Patton smiled as he saw him, Logan acknowledging his presence with a glance to the side.

"Hi, guys." Virgil stood there awkwardly for a second or two, before Patton gestured for him to sit down.

Taking a seat next to Logan on the comfy sofa, Virgil almost regretted coming over, as the interaction was exceedingly awkward.

"I was just telling Logan about my math classes. They're pretty hard, but you get the hang of it eventually!" Patton took a sip of his mocha.

"I always wanted to take math, but I ended up not doing it in the end." Logan said, typing something on his laptop absent-mindedly.

"So what do you take instead?" Virgil asked.

"Oh, I'm doing a degree in astronomy." Logan replied.

"Ah, of course." Patton said, "You work at the museum downtown, right?"

"Yes, I do. You should visit one day." Logan seemed a little excited by the prospect.

"Yeah, absolutely!" Patton grinned, turning to Virgil, "You and Roman should come too!"

"Eh, I'm not really into astrology." Virgil rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Its astronomy." Logan snapped, "Astrology is for superstitious morons who believe that your date of birth can effect who you're compatible with."

Patton winked, shooting a finger gun at Logan, "I'm a Libra."

Both Virgil and Patton burst out laughing, and even Logan couldn't help chuckling a little.

"Hey Logan, what's your star sign?" Virgil teased.

"I dont see why its relevant, but I happen to be an Aquarius." Logan continued typing.

"Hold on, let me look up if you two are compatible." Virgil pulled out his phone.

"Oh lord." Logan sighed, Patton giggling.

"Oh, hey, look at this! 'It's a harmonious relationship between Aquarius and Libra, with Libra's need for balance and their people pleasing attitude, and Aquarius' free spirit but adaptive nature.'" Virgil laughed and put away his phone, "I dont know what to tell you guys, Google speaks the truth."

Patton laughed, and so did Logan.

"What about you and Roman, Virgil?" Logan asked, "Are you two compatible?"

Virgil stuttered something and went bright red, sending both Logan and Patton into a fit of laughter. Virgil chuckled nervously.

"I believe Roman's a Pisces. What are you, Virgil?" Patton asked.

"Uh, Cancer, I think." Virgil scratched his neck.

"Let's see..." He pulled out his phone and started tapping into Google, "Aha! 'This is a very intuitive, caring and affectionate match. You're both deeply romantic and sentimental, and intuitively understand each other, providing the sensitivity, tenderness, compassion and stability you both need.'" He put his phone away and winked, "Google never lies!"

"Romantic and sentimental?" Virgil scoffed, "Ew, no way!"

The three of them laughed again, before a moment of comfortable silence.

"I love this!" Patton bounced on his seat, "I wish Roman was here..."

"We should meet up again some time." Logan suggested, "If that suits all of your schedules?"

"Yeah! How about next weekend?" Patton replied.

"Yeah, I'm not busy." Virgil said, "Where would we meet?"

"You could all come to my house!" Patton suggested, "Oh, this is going to be so much fun!"

"We already have the group chat," Logan said, "We can text Roman the details."

"Wait, Roman'll be coming?" Virgil tried to hide his panic.

"Well, yeah, he's part of the group!" Patton said, "Why, what happened?"

"Aha, nothing!" Virgil laughed nervously, glancing at the clock - it was 10:50. He looked back to Patton, "My shift'll be ending soon, I should really get back to the counter. Don't want my co-worker seeing me here chatting to you guys!"

"Right, of course." Patton replied, glancing down.

"Sorry," Virgil stood up, "Text me the details!"

He headed back to the counter, leaving the happy couple behind him.

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