Part 1 - The Coffee Shop

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Virgil always hated his job. The fake smiles, the long hours, the annoying customers. But how else was he supposed to pay his rent? His roommate forgot about it half the time, and it's not like he could go home to his parent's house for the holidays like a normal college kid. He was stuck here, working minimum wage, living off the spare pastries that were leftover after his shift. God he was so sick of the taste of cookies.

He didn't share his shift with anyone, and usually only caught a few seconds of small talk with the employee who took the afternoon shift; he hadn't even met the person who did the night shift. Virgil worked between five thirty am and eleven am, which meant that he had to deal with the morning rush of students. Like every coffee shop, they had regulars; a dead-inside college boy who always took a large latte to go - the group of chirpy cheerleaders who seemed to only come in groups of three - that one kid who was never seen without a shirt and tie, who always ordered a medium black coffee with no sugar, and sat at the back table by the window on his laptop for exactly two hours each morning. His name was Logan, Virgil remembered, though that's really all he knew about him. Just another customer, with nothing much that made him stand out. Oh, and of course, there was one other regular.

The bell rung as the familiar figure strolled into the shop.
Virgil sighed, "Hi Remy."

"Hey emo. I'll take the usual." The tall student leaned on the counter as Virgil started making the coffee.

Remy was Virgil's roommate. He swore that the tall, dark-haired boy spent 90% of his time asleep. Did he go to college? Have a job? Virgil doubted it. His parents were stupid rich, so he always wore some expensive leather jacket, as well as Gucci sunglasses, even if it wasn't sunny. Because of this, despite his parents' wealth, he barely ever payed rent, attempting to make up for it by heavily tipping Virgil whenever he ordered coffee.

"One large pumpkin spiced latte with extra cream and white chocolate swirls." Virgil handed the cup to Remy.

"You know it, emo." He pushed a twenty across the counter, "Keep the change."

"I'll use it to pay the rent you missed last week." Virgil hissed, "Oh, also, can you do the dishes when you get home?"

"You know I won't!" Remy did a half-wave as he left the shop, the bell ringing as he opened and closed the door.

Virgil growled in frustration under his breath before glancing at his watch. It was 10:50, only ten minutes until his shift ended. He tidied up the disorganized cups for a little while, before the next employee came in. Virgil nodded to them before handing up his black apron and leaving the shop. Once he was out on the street, he found himself a little hungry, and noticed he had some change to spare from tips over the course of the day. He decided to get a donut, and remembered that there was a bakery just down the road. He put on his headphones, turned on some TØP, and headed over.


The smell of freshly baked goods filled the air.

"Hello, and welcome to the Happy Hippo Bakery!" The man behind the counter chirped. He had light blonde hair and large oval glasses, and wore a light grey apron over his blue polo shirt. He had a wide smile, and seemed far too enthusiastic for a teenaged shop employee.
Besides, Virgil could have sworn the bakery was called Thompson's Pastries. But he didn't question the young cashier, and instead mumbled his order, putting his hands in his pockets.
He waited patiently as the boy packaged the glazed donut.

"What's your name? I'll write it on the bag!" He smiled.

"But... there's no one else here?" Virgil glanced around, raising an eyebrow.

"I know, but still..." he seemed disappointed. Virgil felt a bit guilty, and he thought there'd be no harm in telling him his name.

"It's Virgil." He grumbled, trying to shove his hands even further down into his pockets.

The boy's fact lit up, "You got it!"

Virgil smiled despite himself. It seemed impossible not to, given the boy's enthusiasm.

"Here you go! My name's Patton, by the way. I hope you come back again soon!" He grinned, handing him the bag.

"Thank you, Patton." Virgil looked away, flashing him a small smile before shuffling out of the shop.
He put his headphones back on as he emerged into the deserted street, and seemed to feel a little happier than before, as if some of his anxiety had evaporated into the air. He ate his donut on the way home, listening to music and thinking about life. Maybe he'd go to the donut shop again tomorrow? Who knows.

The Rainy Day Coffee Shop - Sanders Sides AUWhere stories live. Discover now