Part 9 - The Jacket

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Oh. My. God.

How could he have been so stupid? Virgil sighed in annoyance as he looked at the white denim jacket. This really was turning into a rom com. This would mean he needed to go back and return it.

Return it to Roman's house.

How the fuck would he do that?

He eventually decided that he would text Roman and ask for his address, explaining the situation. He was aware of the implications, but went through with the plan anyway. It was the Sunday morning, as he had crashed as soon as he got home, still wearing the jacket. Roman obviously made fun of him over text, and said he could come pick it up at 2. Virgil was stressing for hours before he had to leave, and got exactly no work done in the hours that followed. He even put on his signature dark eyeshadow, his hands shaky as he tried to get it perfect. He put on his hoodie, deciding to make some lunch before he left. He went into the kitchen to find Remy sitting on the counter texting.

"Get off the counter, Remy." Virgil sighed, getting some bread from the cupboard and a butter knife from the drawer.

Remy glanced up, "You look nice. Got a date?"

Virgil turned away to hide his blushed cheeks, "No."

"Where are you going?" He questioned, jumping down from the counter and slipping away his phone.

"Just dropping something off at a friend's." He continued to make his sandwich.

"Oh, right, a 'friend's'. You mean a boyfriend?" Remy chuckled, leaving the room before Virgil could reply.

Sighing, he finished making his sandwich, ate it, and started towards the door.


Knock knock knock.

Virgil tapped on the door of the small apartment, listening for movement behind it, glancing down at the jacket in his hand as he waited. He had walked the whole way, stressing and contemplating every possible scenario. He couldn't delve too deep into his fantasies though, as he had to periodically look at Google maps to make sure he was going the right way.

The door opened before him, and an elegant man stepped forward.

"Ah, Virgil!" Roman grinned as he saw him.

"Hi, I've brought your jacket." Virgil said, handing it to him.

"Ah, thanks." Roman took it and glanced back up at him, "Why don't you stay for a while?"

"Oh, I wouldn't want to cause you too much trouble..." Virgil fretted, secretly hoping that Roman would insist.

"I insist!" Roman smiled, bowing like a prince to let him through the door, "Come in!"

Virgil shot him a small smile before making his way through the door.

It was a fairly small space, but certainly bigger than Virgil's shared apartment. The door led directly into the living room, which had a light carpet and off-white walls, along with a beige sofa and wide-screen TV. There was a door directly in front of him that was slightly open, and an archway to his left that led to the kitchen.

"Where's you roommate?" Virgil asked.

"Roommate? What kind of a prince do you think I am?" Roman replied, closing the door.

Virgil laughed, and Roman threw his jacket on the sofa and went into the kitchen, "You want a drink?"

"I'm good, thanks." Virgil replied.

"Oh, come on! I've got cheap wine?" Roman called as he opened the fridge, and Virgil could hear the klinking of glass bottles.

"Oh, well it that case," Virgil joked, leaning on the side of the doorway, "I can't object to your very best cheap wine, good sir."

Roman laughed and got some glasses, pouring the wine.

"I can't stay past five, though, or I'll miss work." Virgil smiled.

"We'll try and limit our wine testing, then." Roman grinned as he passed him, making his way to the door across the room with the two glasses and wine bottle in his arms. Virgil followed him through the door, and into an impressive bedroom. In the centre there was a double bed with white linens, and either side of it was a beige bedside table, one with a digital clock on it and the other a vase full of roses. There was a matching beige dresser off to one corner, atop which there were various framed photographs and memoirs, including his highschool graduation certificate. The room was immaculate, with the carpets hoovered, the bed sheets made, and the white curtains perfectly pulled back to let the golden midday light stream in through the window.

"Wow, you really are a prince." Virgil said sarcastically.

"Nah, it's nothing special. Not even any jacuzzi, how pathetic." Roman sat down on his bed and smiled, placing the bottle and glasses on his bedside table, next to the vase. Virgil approached and sat next to him, sinking into the soft mattress. He examined the flowers; they were real.

"You're so extra." Virgil noted, feeling the velvety petals.

"Says Mr Eyeshadow King!" Roman nudged him playfully, reaching for his glass.

They drank the wine and chatted for a while, laughing and joking at any chance they got. They talked and talked, and the hours crept by.

"Okay, but the eyeshadow looks good, right?" Virgil asked playfully.

"Yes, it really suits you actually!" He responded.

"Why thank you." He said.

"Except that you got a bit on your cheek, I think..." he reached forwards and rubbed his jawbone.

Virgil leaned forwards a little, squinting.

Then he realized that Roman wasn't moving his hand. He was just holding his chin.

"Are... are you gonna rub it off?" Virgil asked, glancing up at him.

He had an aloof, playful look in his eyes, before looking up again and meeting Virgil's gaze, "Oh, there's nothing there. I just wanted an excuse to touch your face."

"Wh-what?" Virgil flushed aggressively, "Why?"

Roman smirked, "Eh, just wanted to see if it was as soft was it looked."

"That... is exceptionally creepy." Virgil laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah, it sounded smoother in my head..." Roman blushed and took his hand away.

Virgil laughed, flopping tiredly onto Roman's shoulder. He was a little tipsy after the wine, and didn't have the mental capacity to be anxious right now. All he wanted to do was sink into Roman's dark eyes, into his lavender scent and his soft skin...

Their gaze met once more. At first Roman was smirking, but then his face relaxed a little. That look behind his eyes... it was the same as yesterday, Virgil thought. He was sure of it now. It was definatly love. It was less veiled than last night, now like a leaping flame that warmed him through all of his limbs...

Virgil didn't know who leaned in first, but suddenly their lips collided in an, albeit clumsy, kiss. His breath smelt like mint, his lips tasted of cheap wine. Virgil didn't care. As long as it was Roman, he could taste it all day...

It wasn't like what he had imagined in his head - there was no dramatic music to back up the moment, no lustful embrace. There wasn't even any tongue. How disappointing, said a voice in his head. He brushed it away. The moment seemed to last forever, and yet it still felt like it was over too soon. They separated, gazing at each other with passion, and Virgil knew that all the anxieties, all the fantasies and dreams, all the worries and frets he had had over the last few days, could be melted away in just that one moment.

And he wanted it to last forever.

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