He smiles and waves. We walk into the elevator, I grab Toms hand.

"I'm sorry I just have to bad of anxiety for that,"

he looks at me and smiles

"it's alright darling somethings are just not meant for some people, just like me dancing."

I laugh.

"You'll catch on to singing one of these days and we'll make a life out of it."

We get to the lobby and the girl smiles.

"have a great rest of your day!"

We get into the car and something seems off?

"Tom that Miles guy looks familiar it kinda looks like my old professor."

I turn to face him,

"well he has never taught at schools but he is a singing coach for Miley Cyrus or someone famous like that."

My jaw drops.

"oh my he's One Directions coach or whatever! I used to be so into them!"

He laughs.

"well I'll make sure Miles knows that, anyways lets head home."

I look out the window and just look at how everything has turned to fall. We get back and Tom takes willow out for a small walk, the temperature was making my ankle hurt so I decided to stay back and unpack. I get hungry so I look around in his pantry, I make chicken and rice. Tom gets home and immediately comes to the kitchen

"food?! Yes I'm starving you must of read my mind!"

He kisses my cheek and sits down.

"like always, so how was the walk?"

He makes a thinking face.

"well not bad, but its getting colder by the day."

I sit next to him.

"well maybe were done with walks until I my ankles back to normal, I don't want to slip on ice and hurt it even more."

He opens his eyes wide.

"I forgot about your ankle how is it feeling?"

I laugh

"its alright."

We finish eating and keep unpacking. I take my highschool box into the bedroom, I haven't seen the stuff inside since summer before college. I open it up and see old pictures with me and Brody, my ex boyfriend. I push thoses aside and see tickets, braclets, and necklaces from concerts and trips. I also put in my homecoming crown and all the shirts I made. I find the picture of me and homecoming king on the feild

"mmh the good days, I wonder where Ayden is now?"

Tom walks in and sees the box.

"oh cool what is this?!"

He picks up the picture of me and at senior prom. He looks at my dress,

"beautiful you look beautiful....but who is this guy?"

I slide closer to him

"thats Ayden we were good freinds we went to prom together and we won homecoming king and queen."

He turns and looks at me

"sooo... not the bad cheating guy?"

I grab the pictures of me and Brody

"thats the bad cheating guy,"

he opens his eyes wide

"whoa I can already tell hes a dick!"

I make a face

"hey! He was nice guy before we moved in together."

He turns and looks me in the eyes

"well sorry forget him anyway I'm better, and plus I'm done unpacking out there this is the last box."

You know it's really sad that Tom and Claire aren't going to be touring but hey who am I to judge when someone has stage fright..especially when I have it myself.


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