They covered their ears and I glared at them. "Unchain me right now or I'll do it myself."

"I doubt that." Ryan laughed.

"Little side note here. My father just so happen to be a Russian spy and assassin so trust, I think I know enough."

They backed away from me and I yelled at them. "I swear if you don't unchain me. I'll kill you." I was starting to get angry. I wanted out. I felt like a dog caged up. Ryan laughed and nodded towards Alex to leave. Alex looked sadly at me but followed. They shut the door and I let out a huge scream. "You assholes. You mother fucking assholes. I swear I will kill you if its the last thing I do." And that was a promise.

"Ok, let's see here. Dad said if it's chain then it's lame." I looked at the handcuffs. I moved up to get to my hair and pulled a bobby pin out from the back. "Oh the perks of being a girl."

I turned my hand awkwardly to the key part and stuck it in. I twisted until it fell lose. I removed my hand and continued with the other one. Once free, I rubbed my wrist. No windows so I can't jump out. One way in, one way out. I took a step but remembered, these guys could be werewolves right? Clayton said they have good hearing and smell. I took my shoes off but what to do about the smell? Would dust work? I looked down and smiled. I'm wearing Clayton's shirt. I smell like him, so they wouldn't know what I smell like. I smiled and started to take the shirt off but stopped. But if I had his shirt on doesn't that just mean his smell rubbed on me so I will still smell like him. "Fuck you Clayton. You're not even here and you're still screwing things up. Fuck it yolo." I opened the door and peeked my head out. The hallways was long but there was a door at the end. I seen enough spy movies to know to keep your back against a wall, but I didn't expect to fall into another room. I fell right on my butt with a thud. "Fuck." I cursed under my breath. I looked up to see a girl sitting on a bed. She had jet black hair and bright green eyes. Her face was small like a kittens and she seemed so fragile.

"If I may ask? Who are you?" Her British accent was very strong.

"Ummm.....shhh. be quiet." I shut the door and listened if anybody heard me but no sound came. I looked back at her. "I'm An......Annie." I think that was the fake name I have.

"What are you doing in my room?"

"You know, the usual, trying to escape and all." I said crossing my arms and nodding at her.

"If you don't mind. May I please, you know...tag along."

"Sure English, now let's go."


I tilted my head at her. "You want me to call you the queen of England or do you want to escape."

"Oh sorry." She got up and went to me. She basically glided across the floor. The fuck was she... a fairy. "I'm Cierra."

"Cool, now come on and be quiet." I opened the door and looked out. Then looked at her. "Have you even tried escaping."

"No, what's the point?"

I slowly looked back out down the hall. This dim witted bimbo, air headed mother...... my thought got cut off when I heard foot steps. I closed the door and waited. The foot steps walked by and I opened the door again. The guy walked into the room at the end of the hall and I opened the door. "Come on....whatever your name is."

She was about to speak but I shushed her. We walked to the other end of the hallway. I know there had to be more
People here. If I knew any better Clayton said wolves run in packs which meant there are more around here somewhere. I turned and her eyes were closed. The fuck is she doing? Meditation is not going to help right now. I grabbed her hand and pulled her down the steps. I stopped. "This is too easy."

"What you mean?" She whispered back.

"You don't think that this is easy. Sneaking out the room. Guy walking by. No people around. They are basically saying walk out the front door. I pulled her along with me and as I was about to round the corner I bumped into someone. I looked up to see blue eyes. I gulped, maybe he doesn't see me. Cierra held my hand tighter and pulled me back slowly.

"How did you get out?" He spoke.

I looked at him. That Alex guy. "I told you I would escape. Now if you would please. I need to continue my mission."

He stepped in front of me and looked around. He took his jacket off and put it on me. "My scent should distract them for a while but they will realize your gone soon. No ones outside so head east until you reach a lake. I will meet you there."

I raised a brow. "Is he helping. Like actually helping."

I half smiled and shook his head as he walked around us like he never seen us. I, on the other hand was in a state of shock. The British chick pulled me to the door and out we went into the dark cold night.

Oh how I love Andrea. She matches my personality perfectly.

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