35. The Final Battle

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Clayton's P.O.V

I ran as fast as my lungs would let me go. I could feel Andrea getting closer. Soon, i caught the scent of multiple wolves around me but kept pushing forward. I knew my mother was close behind me. In the very distance I started to see a faint house come into view and I knew she was there. I could smell her her, feel her, hear her heart beat. 

In the corner of my eye I saw a flash of grey and then it was gone. I knew I was being chased but my wolf had one thing on his mind which was his mate. 

Before I could react, my mother crashed into a wolf that was about to lunge at me from the side.

'Clayton, go!' she linked

As I reached the house, I knew this was where his life would end. 

Andrea's P.O.V

I refuse to be stuck here any longer. As I stood up from the corner, there was a pain in my chest. A sharp pain like I've been bitten. Soon I heard a loud howl and a crash. It was happening, he was here. He was really here. I know, I've been hard on him, and at the moment I just wanted out. I wanted....him. The door to the room was broken open and I screamed, it was like the devil himself showed up and said it was my dooms day. I ran to the corner, "You stay away from me. Clayton is gonna..."

"Hush girl. Clayton isn't as strong as me. He'll be lucky if he lives, which is more than unlikely."

As he grabbed me my arm started burning at the touch and I screamed in pain and called the only name on my mind, "CLAYTON!"

Clayton's P.O.V

This was a all out war. Two, against his rouges he seemed to find. 

I made my way to the house and I could here her heart beat. I howled as loud as possible to let her know I was here and with that her heart beat started racing.

I looked at my mom and she looked at me. 'Clay, its gonna be okay.'

I growled and flipped the wolf off of me.  

As we were in battle they all trampled my mother. I won't lose my mother. I won't lose my family. Im sure as hell not gonna lose my mate. I ran at my mom and pushed the wolf off her. She got up but fell back over. I looked her over quickly. She was badly hurt, her leg may be broken and was gonna take time to heal.

I know Levi can feel all of this. 

'Clayton, just go. I'll be fine.'

'I love you mom.'

I ran in the direction dodging wolves left and right. I followed Andreas scent to the old broken down house.

I heard a scream and then my name being yelled, I ran and snapped at everything that came in my direction. I stopped in front of the house and shifted back to my human form. "Come on Tyler. You don't want her, you want my family."

He walked out with Andrea with a knife to her throat. "Are you sure I don't want all of you?"

My heart was racing at the sight of her. She was scared and cold. She looked me in my eyes and I looked at her and then looked at Tyler and scoffed. "Dude, just let her go."

"If it wasn't because of your family, I could be ruler of this world."He looked at Andrea. "What do you think?"

He brushed the knife against her face lightly and I growled. It started storming but the rain was yet to fall. It got dark and you could hear the roaring thunder, and growls.

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