Don't talk to me

941 61 23

Clayton's P.O.V

I watched as Andrea smiled and looked away. I now know what my mom was talking about when she said mates are the best thing that will ever happen.

'Clayton.' I heard Colton link.

I glanced at him. 'what.'

'So, you know how I always feel as though something bad is gonna happen?'

'I swear to the goddess you better not be feeling like that now.'

'I think we should leave.'

"Clayton, you okay?" I came back and looked at Andrea.

I smiled. "Yeah. Just thinking."

"You had this distant look in your eyes." She said a bit concerned.

I shook my head. "It's fine. Are you ready?"

She nodded and stood up. I pushed my seat out and stood. I thought about her comment from earlier. Tall? Was I really that tall? I mean yeah I can look down at her. She's just short, I'm average.

We walked out and I instantly stiffened. I smelt a rouge. I grabbed for Andreas hand but she snatched it back. "Whoa there cow boy. Just because you took me on a date doesn't mean we are gonna hold hands."

Damn her for being so stubborn. "Look, Andrea. If you let me hold your hand now you never have to see me again."

"Your such a bad liar."

"And you so very stubborn." I said grabbing her hand an walking down on to the sidewalk.

"And your very annoying." She murmured.

I smirked at her because she didn't even try to pull her hand away from me, and I wasn't even holding her hand tightly.

We were close to her hotel when the smell got worst. I stopped when I seen a group of rouges. Why. Why of all days it had to be this one.

"What's wrong?" she asked putting her hand on my arm.

I glanced down at her and smiled. " you want to come to my room. I swear I'm not trying to get in your pants. My parents are home so.... yeah."

She laughed. "I would usually say no. But sure why not."

Thank the moon goddess she said yes. We walked across the street to my hotel and we went up.


I looked at Colton who was walking by Lilly. I forgot she was here.


He motioned his head to the left and I seen Skylar. She turned and smiled at me.

"Hey cutie."

I hated when she called me that. "Hey."

Andreas hand tightened and I felt her
Move closer to me. "Skylar this is Andrea. Andrea this is my moms friend Skylar."

She looked up at me. "Okay."

Colton said something to her and her eyes went wide. She nodded and walked outside. I looked down at Andrea and she was looking at me. "Your weird."

I smirked and walked to the elevators. "But you like weird."

We got in and I pressed the floor number. It was silent but then the elevator stopped and shook. Then It went black. Andrea clung to my chest and wrapped her arms around me.

"Are you okay?" I said checking her. At least I can see in the dark.

"Nawr um tart a da dart."

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