Chapter 10: The Girl Is Back

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History Class was as boring as always but Daphne was grateful to at least be able to function at school. After the last run in with the spirit in Vermont Daphne's ability to walk and eat started to come back gradually. School had been back for three weeks and this was her first full week back. The only downside to being back in school was that she didn't have Jean to protect her from any specters. She could somewhat sense them before they came but summoning the scale of spirits was still out of the question. She pushed all of that to the back of her mind and focused on Zoe's Lacrosse Gear sticking out of her bag. The Teacher placed them on opposite sides of the room which was a great idea but he didn't account for Jared being in the class as well. Daphne and Zoe were always model students but Jared was the key to them goofing off or laughing during a presentation. And today he couldn't help but imitate the professor as he kicked him out of class, yelling " MR CHASE I HOPE YOU HAVE FUN IN THE HALLWAY". Zoe tapped her on the shoulder as school let out for the day, hugging her goodbye as Daphne walked home for the first time in forever.

     The Routine after school was fairly simple even if it could be a bit tedious. She would get home, say hi to her mother, have her temperature checked, then sit down and do whatever homework she was given. Daphne's mother had left for the office earlier so the oral thermometer was on the table along with some medicine for later. Daphne started up the stairs when she felt a rush of cold air burst through her body. She steadied herself and braced for the chills that would enter her body. She saw the specter knock over the vase in the living room and disappear into thin air. Normally she would've called for Jean to fly around and escort it out but she didn't have that luxury. She hadn't seen Jean since Melanie's Grandfather took her to the Spectorium and she didn't know if she could function without her. She laid her bag on the bed and picked up the one remaining feather Jean had left when she saved her. At least that's what Juliette told her when she awoke in her bed with a sticky note stuck to her face. Daphne missed the little raven spirit she had been with her in some way since she was little and not having her gave a air of unease to her routine. She opened her history textbook and pulled out her homework when she heard the doorbell ring and walked downstairs. She had grown accustomed to using the railings of her stairs  due to the number of times she over Christmas break. The door continued to ring while Daphne gave the classic " BlackThorne Residence Who is it". She was ecstatic and a bit annoyed to hear Juliette reply with " Celestium's Very Own".

     Juliette took her shoes off and entered the home before giving Daphne a bear hug. Daphne started to groan as Juliette apologized for her " eagerness". Juliette took in the familiar jumble of books , posters, and new LED lights that took up Daphne's room as she sat in the desk chair and pulled out a file. Daphne sat on the bed staring at the feather on her desk when Juliette noticed her friends somewhat despondent look. Juliette scooted over and hugged her, stating  that she "misses Jean like crazy too". Daphne tapped her knee and motioned for Juliette to pass the file her way. Juliette hesitated for a split second however, informing Daphne that " she can't push herself again". Daphne assured her partner that she wouldn't go bullishly into this case like the last one and began to read the file present. They were to find the specter of world famous dancer Juliana Joubert in New York, who had died to a drinking problem she had gained due to grief over getting her competition killed. Juliana was around her old practice facility and she wanted to stop another young talented dancer from rising in the ranks as well. Daphne was taken aback at the details but was even more suprised at the note behind the files. It read " The Lower Levels Call Your Name Ghostwatcher" and with that sentence she and Juliette were teleported away.

     Daphne didn't land on her feet this time and to her enjoyment neither did Juliette. They both fell flat on their backs and were greeted by fluorescent neon signs and rainy weather. Juliette snapped the specs of mud out of their hair and began walking. Daphne noticed her disdain as they moved past telephone booths and overheard futuristic trains zooming over their heads. Juliette shook her head and introduced Daphne to the " Lower Levels" where the 4th elder lived. Daphne quickly compared the place to Coruscant and Juliette laughed at the idea, noting that it was a obvious inspiration. The girls walked through the city and were met by various spirits that took the form of robots, managing booths, tolls, and restaurants. Juliette approached a spirit and popped a quarter into its mouth, which led to its pointing north. Daphne pointed out the large building in the skyline to which Juliette responded was the destination. The walk towards the building wasn't as long as Daphne thought but the downpour made it hard to marvel at the things she saw. They reached the large black building in the center of the town and Juliette knocked on the door a handful of times. A spirit appears before them instructing them to punch in the access code on the pad in front of them. Juliette took a deep breath and yelled " Alzant I've got the Ghostwatcher" as they were moved to the 7th floor.

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