Chapter 8: The Girl is Gone Part 2

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     Daphne kept looking around for anything familiar but her eyes were constantly met with darkness. It was as if she was inside her own body, able to see herself but with no control of her movements. She felt small inside the darkness, watching it bracket off her mind and
giving her a front row seat to the possession. She screamed Juliette's name for what seemed like forever, throwing in Jeans name as well . Daphne tried to close her eyes and envision the scale of spirits but nothing appeared in her mind. She ran around frantically, wondering where she could possibly be until she heard a voice say" I've got you". She screamed as a elderly man dressed in a suit appeared before her, with a Cain and a devilish grin to match. Daphne cowered as the man grew in stature within her head, quickly engulfing all her thoughts. She was able to see her body from above at this point, still no ability to control her movements as the man whispered " this is revenge". She lunged at the specter, asking where she was being taken as the man cackled in the abyss that had become her mind. His face appeared before her while she saw the sign in front of her body that read " The Spectorium".

     Juliette had never been this scared in all her years of life. She could remember the exact day her father told her that she was to " watch over" Daphne like it was yesterday. She was called into his chambers from her room, racing downstairs passing the spirits floating through the hallways. Her father hugged her tightly, telling her that she was finally getting the opportunity she had begged for. He slid her the file and her mouth dropped as she looked at the list of spirits and specters Daphne had been in contact with. She laughed, asking if she was going to be brought here until she read the bottom of the page and spelled out " ESPER". Juliette jumped up and down, realizing that she would be helping her collect the 6 spirits and specters that lingered on earth. Her father patted her on the back, reminding her that " this isn't a playmate she is your partner" and Juliette shook her head in agreement. She had always wanted another friend her age even if she was human and now she was gone. It didn't matter that she was the GhostWatcher or that she was needed by the council. Her friend was gone and she was supposed to make sure nothing ever happened to her and she failed. She glanced at Jean, who was shedding feathers hysterically due to Daphne's disappearance and told her that " she would get Daphne back if her spirit depended on it". And with that she teleported to the Celestium with no wasted movement.

All Daphne could see were the same grey roads and paths that appeared the moment she got possessed. Her mind still wasn't in control of her actions, her legs walking the roads while she tried to fight the movements. She yelled for the specter to appear as she heard voices race through her mind. They hurled insults and curses at her taking every moment to indicate that she was in their territory. Daphne felt tiny in the presence of thousands of jaded specters, screaming for help while the elderly man appeared before her. She once again lunged at him, attempting to knock over his cain and immobilize him but she failed. He floated above her, showing her the countless specters doomed to walking the roads, tunnels, and pavements of the Spectorium for eternity. He disappeared for a brief second before appearing in front of her, mentioning that " she would reap the rewards of the councils actions". Daphne shivering with fear got up, demanding that she be released before trouble ensued. The specter chuckled, informing her that she " wasn't like the other one" and that she would be forced to endure the punishments that every specter did. Daphne could feel her body grow tired by the second, sensing fear take over as she closed her eyes. She tried to practice what Hikaru had instructed her to do when the Specter butted in, telling her that she would pay for " Butting into family affairs". Suddenly she felt a wave of darkness brush over her, taking her senses from her and forcing her into fear. She stood by herself as she looked down and noticed her hand disappearing.

     Juliette had tried to calm herself but nothing seemed to work. She held Jeans shivering body in her arms as she raced down the halls of the Celestium and past the receptionist desk. She passed her room in the building without a second glance, dashing for the elevator up to her fathers floor. Juliette jumped out of the elevator, almost knocking down a elderly spirit as she mumbled the door numbers she ran by. She came to a grinding halt and attempted to catch her breath, noting that she had never felt this sense of anxiety before. She ran towards her fathers door before being intercepted by Diandria. Diandria confused over Juliette's Frantic pace, asked why she was so unnerved and where Daphne was. The mere mention of Daphne's name caused feathers to fall off Jean's body as Juliette informed her that she had been possessed by a specter. Diandria's head met her palms as Juliette walked by and banged on her fathers door repeatedly. Sotomanao opened up and greeted her cheerfully until he saw the look on his daughters face. He sat in his chair as Juliette relayed what had went down with Melanie and Daphne's Possession. Jean fell to the floor while Juliette teared up, mumbling that this was "all her fault". Her father consoled her telling her that " no one could have predicted this". Juliette sat in a chair as her father explained how they were going to get Daphne back. He began to pick up a phone when Juliette put it down, pointing at the keys on the desk. Her father repeatedly shook his head, reminding her that only elder spirits can enter the Spectorium. Juliette reminded him that Daphne was her responsibility and that if she was taken under her eye she would be found by her as well. Juliette took the keys into her hands and headed for the door in the basement, Jean in her arms and tears down her face.

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