Chapter 6: The Girl is On Fire

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Halloween was never Daphne's favorite holiday but Zoe and Jared somehow got her to tag along as they took  Emily Trick Or Treating. Zoe was dressed as Scarlet Witch which fit her orange/red hair and athletic abilities while Jared was dressed as Blade with a trench coat and a sword. Daphne decided to dress up as Donna Troy's version of Wonder Girl cause her mother had grown up loving the comics and made the costume for her a week ago anyways. The night was as fun as a regular Halloween night, filled with kids crying for candy, cool costumes, and teens breaking rules. Daphne tried to crack smiles and have a good time but every kid she saw reminded her of Dave and Dawn. She couldn't understand why they had to suffer because the council had a stupid rule that members can't marry humans. She brushed the Celestium to the back of her head as Emily handed her a Twix out of Zoe's Pocket, remarking that she " needed to stay at her playing weight". Daphne had instructed Jean to protect Emily tonight since she didn't want any remnants of the 1st specter to pop up. As they walked towards Jared's House to drop he and Emily off Daphne's heart stopped as she turned her head to see a fully human Juliette dressed as Shego from Kim possible standing on the sidewalk.

     Juliette walked up to the group, hugging Daphne and introducing herself as her cousin from Olympia. Jared immediately got googily eyed while Zoe complimented her costume and physique. Daphne stayed silent, only interjecting when Juliette motioned to her or put her hand on her shoulder. Emily and Jared went inside the house as the three girls walked away, Daphne silently fuming at Juliette's presence. Zoe walked down to the avenue she lived at and waved goodbye to Juliette and Daphne while Juliette was given the worlds shadiest gaze. Juliette remarked " Halloween is really this fun" as Daphne pulled her into the nearby trees as Jean followed. Daphne demanded to know why Juliette would show herself now, stating that there wasn't a chance in the world that she would do anything for her. Juliette looked amused and taunted her, replying " you want the spirits and specters gone right Daph?". Daphne yelled back arguing that they didn't matter  and all she cared about was that Dave and Dawn suffered for years because of the councils stupidity. Juliette yelled back asking her what her role in that was when Daphne screamed " You could have told me I wasn't getting the truth". Daphne paused, the redness on her face only increasing as Jean flew above. She barked at Juliette accusing her of just being there to fulfill a job and not caring about how this affected her. Juliette stared back shocked and replied  " you think I don't care? You think they just gave you to me for a reason? You think I don't check on you without my fathers permission?". Juliette was enraged at the thought of not caring about Daphne that she threw the file she brought to her feet. Daphne turned and walked away when Juliette said shakily " all the truth is in there this time". Daphne picked it up reluctantly, noting that a specter was causing fires in Southern California due to his jealousy of a man who made a product like his in his life that rendered him obsolete. She threw the paper on the ground, remarking that he was a jealous asshole when Juliette told her that they had to do this tomorrow night or he would burn down the company office. Daphne locked eyes with her, informing her that the next time she kept a secret from her would be a cold day in Celestium as slapped Juliette's butt and ran home with Jean.

Daphne had spent all day at home replaying the conversation with Diandria over and over. She couldn't understand how or why the council outlawed human/ spirit relations but her hunger overtook that thought. In the mean time she watched as Jean flew around her room frantically, muttering something about "fire is scary" . Daphne's mother knocked on the door with a grilled cheese and remarked that Daphne " looked stressed out her mind" asking if she could help. Daphne assured her mother that nothing was wrong and that she's just been getting a lack of sleep lately that she'll be sure to fix. Her mother kissed her on the forehead and walked downstairs, leaving Daphne to her YouTube videos and sandwich when Juliette popped up in her desk chair. Juliette smiled, asking her how she explains the disappearances to her mom as Daphne shrugged, biting into the fresh sandwich. Juliette grabbed Jean in her arms and asked Daphne if she was ready to go and Daphne nodded her head and sprung to her feet. Before they left though, Juliette put her hand on Daphne's shoulder, telling her that after this they're going to her dads office to talk about the Diandria fiasco. Daphne smiled at Juliette,  asking how they would even get him to listen before Juliette reminded her that she was his daughter and Daphne was the " Infamous Ghostwatcher". Daphne picked up her grilled cheese and stood next to Juliette as her fingers snapped and away they went.

Southern California is definitely not a place Daphne was used to but there was always a first time for everything. Juliette had already pointed out where he would be so once they spotted him they had to be aware of his penchant for fire. Jean was patrolling the perimeter in the meanwhile, looking out for any runaway specters that might interfere or side the arson. Daphne Sat atop a building reading the file given to her as Juliette stared into the night eyeing the streets. The specters name was Mack Taverson apparently and he was a failed entrepreneur that made faulty product. Daphne couldn't help but laugh until Juliette reminded her that she should never underestimate a specter based on their file. She watched the buildings below her bustle and hustle with people filing in and out, files and copies being handed out and around the place. She saw a man she could only assume to be the CEO walk in and put down his latest invention. It looked like a car engine that ran completely on mileage instead of fuel.  While Daphne looked at the buildings below Jean flew down to the girls, screaming " the fire is here, the fire is here" as Juliette spotted Mack floating by a abandoned building.

     Juliette jumped to the ground running up to the building just in case a fire was to start as Daphne ran to Mack. She turned her attention to him as he stood outside the empty building, murmuring " He's gonna see". She stood behind as he lit up the first building, watching it burn to the ground but he seemed to be unnerved. No one was around to notice and it infuriated Mack. He began to mumble to himself almost like he was arguing with himself. Daphne watched as Mack floated around the building whispering " He stole your idea, You deserve all the money he has, You deserve all the things he got and all you got was drunk and a funeral ". She motioned for Jean to fly over as Mack sent some fire into the air to attack her. Daphne stood behind the corner, waiting for Juliette to do what she had to do.

Juliette walked through the building now, dressed as a women in her mid 30s filled to the brim with credentials and confidence. She felt a bit odd in this getup but if was okay if this is exactly what she had to do. She knew Daphne would watch him burn the abandoned building to see what he was capable of first off. As Daphne did that Juliette would change into the form she was in now and try to get everyone out of the building. If they didn't listen she would be forced to teleport everyone out. Luckily by the time she got to the 3rd floor she was able to smell the fire from a few blocks away. Juliette ran to the receptionist, informing her that a fire was minutes from taking place and the lady didn't believe her. Juliette ran to the bathroom and teleported to the 10th floor where the CEO was and banged on his door. She ran to his door yelling that a fire was starting when she smelt the fire coming from the building a few blocks down. The CEO's guards grabbed her so Juliette snapped her fingers and the smell of the fire filled the room. The Guards banged on the door with her, informing the CEO that a fire was actually starting. He walked outside took a whiff and ordered everyone out on his intercom. Now Juliette needed Daphne to finish the job.

Daphne moved from the corner as Jean notified her that everyone had left the building. She jumped out, yelling that they ruined Mack's plan when he turned and shot fire directly at Daphne. It managed to catch her hand before Jean's feathers fell in front of her, shielding her from the blast. Mack laughed at Daphne asking if " she was here to steal a idea from him too". He yelled hysterically to the heavens noting that " Davis became a CEO off of a idea that isn't even smart". She stared as he monologued to himself about Davis making a fortune off of the idea of using a battery for energy to power cars while he decided to try it with housing. He yelled " Why didn't I get to where he was" as Daphne realized he was just rambling at this point. He might as well be a unreliable source so instead of using journalistic terms she envisioned the people inside the building and summoned the scale of spirits. She watched the scales swing as Mack levitated in front of her and disappeared into a whiff, being sent to the Spectorium where he belonged. Juliette appeared before her and all she could do was embrace her as Jean flew above them, yelling that they " did it".

Daphne had never been this nervous in her life but going to see the Equivalent of a Spiritual Principal would give anyone a bit of anxiety. Juliette assured her that she would be right beside her giving her father a piece of her mind as well. They walked through the familiar hallway passing paintings of Baby Juliette and a few others. Daphne stood at the door to the elder spirits room when she looked at Juliette and realized she never asked for his name. Juliette fell back laughing and remarked that it was " Sotomanao" as the door opened and they were face to face with Diandria and the three of them embraced. Diandria hugged Daphne as she told her what they were hear to do and she shook her head in compliance as Sotomanao waved them inside. Daphne walked in the door and Juliette walked right beside her as Sotomanao closed the door behind them.

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