11 (2). Maybe You're Like Me

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yep, as promised, here's the other short part of chapter 11.


Travis' pov
The deep, thought-filled silence drags on. We both look up as a quick white glimmer passes over us. Katie jumps a little and sits up as if she had just had some revelation. At that moment, I don't know what moved me. Maybe it's the green glint through her eyes as the shooting star passed. Maybe it's the swing of her cinnamon-brown hair over her shoulder as she looked up. Or maybe it's the surge of action after a long times' worth of built-up feelings. All I knew was that it's more than just pity or guilt. Because all of a sudden, I'm leaning forward and all of the space between us is gone. Days ago I never would have guessed that at this moment in time, I would be kissing Katie Gardener in a perfect clearing in the woods but... That's where we are.
Part of me expects her to yank back and go through the usual 'Stoll what do you think you're doing' routine but she does nothing like it. I'm sot sure, but I think she's kissing me back. She poises with her knees to her side as I lean forward with my hands on the forest floor on either side of her. I sense her scent of wild flowers and feel the warmth of her near me.
At the same time we break apart and for what seems like an eternity packed into a second, we gaze into the eyes of the other. Then I decide to say it, I feel that it won't seem lame or not genuine now.
"Katie..." I begin, "I am... So sorry for everything I did to you. The roses, you know I had no idea but now that I do I am sorry for everything and I know the pranks weren't worth it at all and-"
"Travis. I know you didn't know so somehow it feels wrong to completely blame you for what you ended up doing. You were only doing what makes you and Connor happy and I always ruin it." She responds, almost distressed.
"No, no no, don't start blaming yourself for anything," I say, and again I act out of our usual script. I reach toward her and I take her hand. That is another first. "I can't change the past. I think we both know that way too well. But for the rest of our time here I promise I won't go close to doing anything to you or any of your gardens at all."
Katie pauses before answering, looking in a new way at me. "I mean, I'm glad you can see that now but I also see your side of things now too." Her tone bemuses me and I almost automatically respond with some normal funny comment. I catch myself and instead just listen to what she has to say. "You didn't know what you were doing, and you were kinda in the same situation I was in. Just wanting to live at Camp without being chased by the life you knew before finding the truth. I think we're victims of the same problem, Travis. We just want to do what we like without our whole bipolar worlds colliding. It's all just complicated."
"It is though, I wish we could make things easier. A spoonful of sugar isn't going to fix anything," I add, trying to make sense of everything. It's getting darker around us, the trees becoming a black backdrop to just us. The darkness only makes the stars brighter. "Maybe that's it," I say after a pause, unsure whether or not she will get what I'm about to say or not. "You know how the stars just get better to look at the darker it is? Well, call me cheesy or corny or whatever you like, but I feel like that's like what we all have to go through. At the worst, darkest times, we just have to go out and stargaze, like find people who just get us and know what's happening, to make us happier."
She considers my crazy statement for a moment, and slightly smiles and lifts her chin. "Is that even Travis Stoll in there or is it some old-time philosopher?" She says, and I can see what she means. I might think these things sometimes but never have I said them to anyone before. "Well," she goes on, "I actually see what you mean. As someone who always goes out to the stars at night, I guess we all can try to find people like stars in our actual life... Okay, now you can call me the cheesy one" she says laughing a bit.
"Reeeeally," I drawl, and suddenly we are both laughing together. From stargazing to seriousness to laughter. This night is just full of twists and turns, good and bad, and I begin to wonder how it will end.


Soooo part 2 of ch. 11 huh. Took me a long time to get this part right, the timing and everything, you know because I kept like fangirling during this part. Lol I hope you liked it, watch for chapter 12!
I have midterms though so it might not be too soon, but not like a long time either. Yeahhhh.

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