6. Poplar Trees and Selective Amnseia

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Hiiiii...So I decided instead of posting one normal sized chapter tomorrow I'd post one shortish chapter today and another short one later this week. Enjoy themmm ; )


Travis pov

The moon shines too brightly tonight for my thoughts right now. I just need to come out here and relax like I began when we first arrived. It's like I've been launched through a time machine and its that first week at camp again. The fresh anxiety and disbelief over the loss of our friends and former life comes back. I'm ten years old again. Connor is in bed, though I know sometimes he can't sleep either.
Thinking back to those days makes me realize how far we have come since then. The friends we've made, skills we've picked up, all the good times we have had. Without Coleman and Jonas, we would not have made it here an probably we would be gone too. We owe our current lives to them, and that is why I am incredulous in the fact that Connor cannot see this truth.
Constellations stand out miles and miles above me. How can stars, just bright balls of gas, make such beautiful patterns of lights in the night sky? My appreciation of stars certainly has been something never found if Coleman and Jonas didn't sacrifice for us.
I wonder if there is any way Connor can get the memories back. He said its permanent but can I tell him about it to get him to recall our past? Even if I did this, it would never be the same.


I wake up in dim sunlight. I don't remember coming into the cabin but I was so tired I guess I did. Remembering all the events of last night is awful and I look over to see that Connor is already out of bed, he's not there. Quickly getting dressed, I set out for the Hypnos cabin to ask a camper there about Connors predicament.
I knock on the door but do not get an answer. I try again and again but still no answer. The door is locked, but I have to get in to find some answers.
I think of the hole burst though the cabin's side that Connor and I made in one of our pranks. It was a good one, Clovis was fuming for days. It is oddly solid so I resort to a great talent of mine- lock picking. Easily penetrating it, I enter the Hypnos cabin.
This cabin is a heaven for homebodies and those people who love sleep more than themself. It has the most comfortable bunks and warmest blankets. There is a soft rug and those stars you stick on ceilings for little kids. The walls are painted a calming shade of blue. Many campers are deeply sleeping. I had assumed this would be the scene because most often, even in the middle of the day, you can find at least a few Hypnos kids sleeping in here. I also know it's a feat to wake them up.
"Clovis! Clooooviiiiis Cloooooviiiisss..." I repeat trying to wake the head counselor. I sigh looking to the gong on the corner. I didn't want to resort to this but Chiron put it in here for a reason so I hit the gong forcefully. It makes a really loud noise that no one outside the cabin can hear because of the soundproof insulation. However, all the campers jerk awake and look accusingly to see who the ringer was. When they see me, many shoot death stares my way but others go straight back to sleep. As the head counselor, Clovis was the only one to actually address me in another way than swears and groans.
"What do you want, Stoll?"
When I look to the back end of the cabin, what I see ruins the peaceful vibe. There is a strange misty area with a decorated basin of odd looking black water. It was a beautiful container but more in the way you might call an old and haunted yet elegant mansion beautiful. The strange part was, water was dripping off of a bough of a dark and ominous poplar tree. This must be the water of the River Lethe. I always thought it was just a basic fountain but instead I find this bizarre dripping tree from the Underworld. That's demigods and our world I guess.
Too bad Connor doesn't remember it all.
Clovis is looking at me expectantly, waiting for me to get on with it so he can go back to sleep. "I expect you're here for the same reason your brother was...If it's the same memory I have to admit I thought you'd crack earlier and just erase them a while ago."
"What? NO! Actually, I'm here for the opposite reason. Just wondering, how could you ever agree to let him touch that water?" I angrily ask, hardly containing my fury.
"He came, explained the situation, it seemed valid. We even asked Mr. D if it was allowed and he didn't have anything against it. So, I gave it to him and explained how they would use it and he did. It's sort of like a thing called selective amnesia. I know all bout it but I don't think you'd want to hear the spiel. He's fine now, right?"
"You asked Mr. D? What was the point of that? You know he doesn't care about anything or anyone at this camp. You should've sent him to Chiron. At least tell him to think about it with me before just randomly deciding to forget!"
"Travis, he didn't randomly decide. He told me he had been thinking about it for a while. He thought about you in the choice. He said you would want the memories but know what it's like to want them gone, " Clovis explained. When he noticed that I was about to retort, he kept going with a pointed expression. "Just think, Travis. If anyone is to understand its you. Isn't it the right thing if it causes you less pain?"
"NO, no one understands. It is not the right thing, there is a benefit and a reason to keep going with it! It is worth the memories, worth their sacrifice, and worth living this life as ourself. That's just who we are".
"If that's what you think, then sure. I'm not gonna start a thing over this. Just don't make Connor angry, then he'll start attacking me."
"Fine. But let me just say: you're not right, I'm topical. I would never give in to this. Neither should have Connor." With that, I storm out of the cabin. As soon as I walk out the world looks so bright and lively compared to the inside of the Hypnos cabin. I can't help but think about what he said, not to torment Connor on the choice. As much as I didn't agree, it's permanent.
And honestly, it hurt.


Author note:
Dec. 10
Trying to update soon as possible, coming soon! ; )

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