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The silhouette has not been accompanying me,
And will not for a while.

I have always been told that I am unusually good at seperations, almost too good.

Somwhere deep down I feared that the separation from my silhouette will be the last straw of sanity I hold.

Turns out I was wrong.

I am still holding, floating rather, somehow, somewhere.

But my silhouette is not here.

I want her here.
To accompany me ever so gracefully.
As she always did.

Held me.
Loved me.
Accompanied me.

Turns out, i haven't turned berserk, which I feared I would.

But because of that exact fact, I can feel her absence more than ever, more than anything.

I might hold myslef.
But I want her to.

I might survive without her love.
But I dont want to.

And lastly,

I might learn how to live in my own  company again.


I dont want to.

I want my silhouette
Next to me
Accompanying me
Loving me
Holding me.

Ever so gently
Ever so gracefully.

I want my silhouette back.
Because I love her.
Because she's my love
Because she's my silhouette
Because she's mine.

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