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I really do want to be saved.
I dont know how to do that.
Who do I go to for that?

People say god.
They don't understand I have been begging him but he seems to have turned a blind eye.

Then I hear some silhouette saying
"You are the only one who can save yourself, do you really want to be saved?"

Do I really?

I am dying. Or dead. Or nothing.

If there's one thing I know I want with passion, it is to get away from this.

How dare you ask me if I want to be saved?
How dare you.

I am lost.
I dont know how or where the way back is.
I have tried everything and now reached a standstill.

I really do want to be saved.
But I have no energy left.

I am lost.
I don't know how or where the way back is—• @huzaifa.riyaz

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