three | bright + flying solo

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" Peter! They can see me!" I jumped to look through the door. I backed up when I heard a knock and the opening of the door. Crossing my arms, I waited for the group to come in. A girl with a blonde streaks peeped her head in, " Who was that? Peter, where'd she go?"

"I'm right here," I held my arms out but when the girl came forward, she walked right through me. " I swear there was a girl right there." Another boy came in and nodded, " Yeah, she was right there.".

Peter scratched the back of his head, " She... uh... went to the bathroom. Yeah, she went to bathroom.".

"That's so weird"

" Yeah how'd she get out so quickly?"

Today was the second day that I followed Peter to school. He had on his soccer jersey which I was 100% convinced wasn't his and some famous soccer player but he insisted he actually played the sport. We came up with the fact that those two might a sixth sense as well but it's malfunctioning. OR at least that's what Peter said. But either way, I need to find out why they could see me sometimes but not all the time. What did I do at that moment to make them see me?

Peter all of a sudden brought his phone up to his ear and looked off into the distance, " Today, we're having a peprally. So feel free to just roam around the school if you like. And please no more accidentally making yourself reappear. I had to come up with a crazy story of how you're crazy afraid of socializing. Which seems to be the exact opposite of you."

"Aw thank you. My brother tells me my social skills are tragic."

Peter just sighed and put his phone back into his pocket before making his way over to the GYM.

After making several rounds around the school, I poofed to the GYM, placing myself on the railing next to where Peter was sitting with. " Do you like not have any friends?" I joked and wiggled my eyebrows. He grabbed his phone again and put it up to his ear, " Who am I sitting with then?" while motioning with his eyes to the group of boys with the same jerseys. " Oh, you really do play soccer." I hmphed, watching as Peter gained a weird look for his team for suddenly being on the phone. Looking towards the front, I watched a colorful group of girls dance with the whole gym being hyped. " Who are they?" Peter then ignored me again and kept his eyes forward. " D-Dirty Candy?" I squinted my eyes to see what the back of their jackets. As I tried to get a better look, I saw three familiar backs but they were soon blocked by the soccer players standing up and cheering at the end of Dirty Candy's performance . I blinked multiple times before shaking my head. There's no way they would be here. Fate isn't never on my side.

Peter got up and I followed him and the crowd that was pushing towards the exit. " Cmon, Peter, let's go to Spanish. Hola, me llamo Jolie. Como te llamas?". I skipped in front of him to get a headstart.

"Sometimes I think I'm falling down

I wanna cry

I'm calling out

For one more try "

I stopped in my tracks which also made Peter. The crowd began to slow down and look towards the stage. That was the same girl that I saw yesterday beg to be in the music club again. But that's not what caught my attention. It was the lyrics, it was the rhythm. I know this song. I inched closer to the stage while looking back at Peter who stayed behind with his team. Where have I heard this from? It was like my answers were answered because once the chorus hit, the same spark that always appeared whenever I poofed or when the boys came into that white room appeared.

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