Still Here Huh...

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*None of the art is mine unless said otherwise and I do not own Voltron or any of the characters in Voltron, also trigger warnings⚠*

Lance POV

Dios mío, god dammit, shit, Shit, SHIT! How could I screw up so badly, I'm late again. What the hell is wrong with me. You don't have a right to be sad you fucking idiota.

I had a loving madre y padre, mi hermanos y hermanas were loving as well. I have to stop crying about it and move on. I need to step up and be better... Like Keith.

Even just thinking about him makes me feel a little better I want to be the reason he laughs or smiles.

Anyways, I run through the door to the dining hall for breakfast witch started sinco minutes ago.

Nobody even looks at me as I walk to my seat.

"Lance your late, again," Shiro says without even looking at me.

I give a fake grin and a small laugh, "sorry gotta get my beauty sleep you know, can't wake up every day looking this perfect."

Lie, I was up training way too late and passed out. Though it did feel good to not wake up with bloody marks on my arms.

"There's not much we can do about it now just try not to be such a disappointment," Shiro said shaking his head with a somewhere between disappointed and disgusted face.

I sit down next to Keith in the only spot open and he turns his head slightly to look away from me.

Why would he want to look at me anyways.

I pick up some food whispering a bearly audible grasias and dig in. Everyone started to get up and leave to do there own thing. Pidge to work on techy stuff, Hunk to bake, and Allura, Coran, and Shiro to work on the castle. Leaving just me and Keith.

We both finished at the same time and Keith got up, "I'm going to go train," Keith said.

"Oh, cool, can I come?" Why the hell did I just ask that.

He looked to the side and opened his mouth to say something but I quickly interrupted him, "you know what, actually I can't I have something to do so I can't make it anyways," I gave him another fake smile and quickly rushed past him not wanting to get rejected.

He looked almost...disappointed. No, I need to stop, he hates me, he's said so himself. Me loveing him doesn't change a thing.

Why the hell am I even still here huh?

I could grab a knife and go to the bathroom right now.

Then I could really be gone.

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