Chapter 1: The Silver Car

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"Hey! Watch where you're going!" A voice called out. I looked up from my book, not aware I was in the middle of the street, to see a silver car was barely inches from my leg. I made eye contact with the blonde boy in the drivers seat, beginning to blush hysterically.

"I-I'm sorry.." I say, beginning to walk across the street. After I cross, I take a seat on a bus stop bench and watch the silver car drive away. On this narrow and straight street, I can see cars for miles until they fade into the horizon. About two blocks down, the silver car parks, and its owner walks into a restaurant.

I, again, find myself walking without my brains consent. Towards the silver car and the blonde British boy who drove it. I put my book into my purse and pay attention to those walking beside me. After a couple minutes of walking, I was across the street from the restaurant. The boy from the silver car was sitting at the window seat, alone.

I sit at the curb, glancing up at the boy more than I should have. More than once making awkward eye contact. After about an hour of this, I heard the door shut to the restaurant. I look up and there's the boy. He glances left and right and begins to cross the street. I look down at my book, to seem distracted. I don't think it worked, but it was worth a shot.

"Are you, uh, lost or something?" The boy spoke. I looked up slowly, making that eye contact again. It felt noticeably less awkward than before. A smile was spread across his face, and I let myself smile, too.

"No, I'm just reading" I say, shyly. He sits down next to me on the curb and looks at my book. We sit there, reading together for a couple minutes. The end of the chapter comes and he grabs my book.

"I've never heard of this title," he says, his adorable accent makes his words so beautiful. He stares at me and starts to chuckle.

"Hm?" I say. He grabs my hand and smiles at me.

"I asked for your name, doll" he says.

"Madi. It's Madi" I say, smiling back at him.

He smiles. Oh man its so beautiful. I felt as if my blush was going to be stuck on my face forever.

"Whats your name?" I ask, trying to sound more confident.

"Thomas," he says slowly. I smile at him and he smiles back.

"You live around here?" I ask. He nods and my spirits are lifted.

"It's a small town, I'm surprised I've never seen you before," Thomas says. I look down at my feet and take my hand out of his to scratch my neck nervously.

"I'm not around here much," I admit. He looks confused. I can't see him but I know he is. Everyone is confused about me.

"Do you live in the city?" Thomas asks. I hesitate. Should I trust him?

"It's complicated.." I mumble quietly. He grabs my hand again and moves so he's kneeling in front of me on the ground.

"You look like you need someone to talk to," Thomas says, taking my other hand. He pulls me up and makes eye contact.

"I..." I start, trailing off before I could finish. Thomas pulls me into a hug and I bury my face into his chest. After a minute or so he pulls back.

"Let's take a walk, Madi" Thomas says, an encouraging smile on his face. I nod and wait for him to start walking. After a little bit of walking in silence, we make it to the town park.

"River?" Thomas asks, pointing towards the river. I nod, and we walk towards a bench not that far off of the shore.

"How old are you?" Thomas asks, keeping the conversation alive.

"19" I whisper, meaning for it to come out louder. My eyes are fixed tightly on that bench. Just get to the bench.

"Oh, cool" Thomas says. "I'm 24." I sprint to the bench and sit down immediately. Thomas follows shortly and sits close to me.

"Is everything alright?" Thomas asks. I quickly put the hood of my jacket over my head and look over at him.

"I'm not supposed to be seen by anybody." I say.

A look of alarm flashes across Thomas's face, then quickly leaves.

"Why? Are you okay?" He asks. I shake my head, then nod, then sigh.

"It's complicated, Thomas." I say, looking down at my hands.

"Then explain it to me" Thomas says. I pause for a couple seconds. He seems trustworthy, right?

"Well..I'm not supposed to be seen by anyone because I'm not supposed to be here..actually, more like I'm not supposed to be alive.." I say, hoping he decides that this is too weird and walks away. But he doesn't. He stays.

"My mother was murdered 5 years ago. My father was so depressed from it he killed himself right on the spot. The cops thought whoever killed my parents kidnapped me, when in reality I was just hiding. I was scared. And I've been living in the abandoned house ever since," I finished. It felt good to get the story out, to be honest. I just hopped it didn't sound too crazy. I really wanted Thomas to believe me. More than a minute pauses before someone spoke.

"You can stay with me," Thomas said, suddenly. I looked over at him, my heart was beginning to race.

"I can't be seen, Thomas. I can't," I say. He grabs my hand again.

"Madi, I can hide you, take care of you. Now that I know your story it's no wonder you're so skinny. Doll you're not eating enough, I can't let you go back, I couldn't live with myself," Thomas almost had tears in his eyes. Why would he care this much about a stranger? Someone he met as he almost ran them over. I hesitated, then I squeezed his hand lightly.

"Thomas, that's really sweet of you, but-" I start. He cuts me off.

"I need to help you." Thomas said, strongly. I looked back down at my feet and didn't say anything more for a couple minutes. Thomas sniffles and kneels down on the ground in front of me again.

"Thomas.." I whisper. He shushed me and tried to smile.

"Come on, I'm going to show you your new home," Thomas said, his smile becoming more believable.

"Thomas you don't have to," I say, my voice cracking a little bit.

"No, I don't, but I want to," He says. I stand up and look down at him. He stands up and I hug him. He feels surprised at first, but then he embraces me. I smile. Probably the biggest smile I've had in 5 years.

The Silver Car (Thomas Brodie-Sangster Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now