Chapter 11

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Note: I'm reuploading all full chapters of this book! My site is temporarily down, but I don't want you to have to wait to read.

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You've been warned.


Omni-POV - Stefan & Bonnie

"What do think Damon and my sister are talking about?" Bonnie asked, nervously glancing at Stefan. She wasn't sure it was the best idea for them to be alone - not now that she knew she'd been accidentally charming him with sire-magic.

They were headed back to The Grille, but the town was oddly quiet for it to only be nine o'clock at night.

He smirked, looking away from her. "I highly doubt they're doing much talking," he said quietly, trying not to meet her curious gaze.

"What makes you say that?" Bonnie asked, completely missing his point.

"The way Damon was looking at her," he said with a shrug. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he turned to park across from The Grille.

"And what way was that?" Bonnie asked, still not catching on.

Stefan sighed at her naivety as he shut the ignition off and turned to look at her. "The same way I'm looking at you, Bonnie," his voice was husky as he spoke, looking her up and down a wolf after his prey.

Bonnie cleared her throat and looked away from his intense gaze. "Oh," was all she could manage before unbuckling herself and stepping out of the car. Stefan was by her side even before her door slammed shut behind her. He snatched her hand in his and intertwined their fingers as they crossed the street and reentered The Grille for the second time that night.The lights were on, music was playing, but The Grille was empty. Not a single soul anywhere in the building. Stefan's grip on Bonnie's hand grew tighter.

"I think we need to leave," Stefan said, clenching his teeth.

"Where is everyone?" Bonnie whispered, gaping at the empty bar room.

Stefan didn't respond, and instead pulled her back outside and back into his car. Though Bonnie didn't know, Stefan knew exactly why the bar was empty. Not only could he smell it all over the place, he could hear everything going on in the back room. Matt and Caroline weren't missing, they were otherwise occupied. Stefan shook his head as thoughts of everything he wanted to do to Bonnie flashed through his mind.

Being beside her like this, in such close proximity, was making it next to impossible to control himself. Fighting his own instincts, he peeled his car from the parking spot, not paying much attention to where he was headed. Before he knew it, they were pulling into the driveway of his house.

"Stefan, what are we doing here?" she asked him, innocently.

"Well, the Grille is, uh, not open for service. And I need a drink," he said brusquely, quickly dipping out of the car. He knew it was rude to vamp to the door and not wait on her, but he needed to put some distance between them before he lost control.

He dashed straight to Damon's whiskey collection and was already babysitting his third glass when she finally walked in. Maybe the drink was a bad idea. The scent of her infiltrated his senses, sending shocks through his nerve endings. He cursed under his breath and turned away from her.

"Listen, Stefan," she started cautiously, slowly stepping further into the room, "I never intended to make you...feel this way...about me. I'm so sorry you got dragged into this." She stopped, waiting for him to turn and face her. When he didn't, she swallowed hard and took a deep breath. "I swear, I'll find a way to fix this," she said, running a shaky hand through her curly, dark strands.

"There's no fixing this, Bonnie," he scoffed, turning to glare at her. "What? Are you gonna go back in time and undo the moment I realized I had feelings for you? Outside of all this sire-magic thing? Diana said it herself, your magic would have nothing to latch onto if there wasn't already something there."

"Something doesn't necessarily mean feelings..." her voice trailed off as she struggled to find words to make it sound better, "it could just be chemistry o-or tension between us. Even Damon admitted--"

"I know the difference," he said, dropping his empty glass to the table in front of him. "It isn't just chemistry, Bonnie," he stalked towards her. "And it's not just sexual tension," he added. "I'm tired of denying it."

Bonnie crinkled her eyebrows and shook her head, holding her hands up as he approached her. There was something predatory about the way his eyes glazed over when he looked down at her. She stepped backwards with his every step forward in a failed attempt to keep distance between him. "Th-there's nothing to deny, Stefan. As soon as we get Elena back, you'll realize that," she said, her voice bold even though she was shaking inside.

"Aren't you tired of it?" he asked, backing her against a wall. "Saving her all the time?" he added, leaning down so his eyes were level with hers.

"I will never stop protecting my friends, Stefan," Bonnie answered, defiantly. "Elena's just--"

"Elena, Elena, Elena," he rolled his eyes and cut her off, scoffing. "I'm tired of watching you bend over backwards for her. I'm tired of keeping you at arm's length because she might get butt hurt about it. Tell me you don't feel anything for me," he dared her, leaning closer to her.

Instinctively, her eyes fluttered shut and she gulped, unable to manage out any words with him in such close proximity. She shook her head instead.

"Say it. If that's really how you feel, then say it," he challenged her again, smirking at the blush that spread across her face as she tried to look anywhere but at him.

"I...I..." she stuttered, groaning. "F-fine...maybe there is something--but there shouldn't be," she sighed, pressing her hands against his chest to push him away.

Instead of stepping back, he moved impossibly close, pinning her against the wall as he dipped his head, grazing her lips with his own. "And why not?" he asked, his voice low and husky.

"Because," she breathed out, suddenly wanting to feel his lips against hers again. "B-because..." the thought just would not complete itself. "I-I don't know," she admitted.

He smirked again, pressing a kiss to the corner of her mouth as his face drifted over to the crook of her neck. He was using every ounce of self control to keep his hands to himself, but the way she moaned when his lips brushed over a sensitive spot, it was quickly slipping away.

His hand slipped around her waist, pushing her firmly into the wall and covered her mouth with his. The kiss wasn't sweet or soft. It was unhinged, rough, desperate. Stefan tensed as he caught the scent of her arousal, jerking away from her lips. "Bonnie," he called her name, his tone low and dangerous.

She looked up at him, breathless and wanton. The way he looked at her, like nothing in this world mattered more to him than she did, emboldened her. She ran her hands up to the collar of his shirt and yanked his face back to hers, claiming his lips before he time to protest.

Breaking the kiss for only a second, he dipped down and grabbed the backs of her thighs, hoisting her up as her legs wrapped around him. She moaned again, grinding herself against him and in a flash, they were upstairs in his room. Sometime between blur from downstairs up to Stefan's bed, Bonnie's dress had been tugged off into a pile of black material on the floor and Stefan's shirt was flung off in the same manner.

Now, he was hovering over her, his frantic kisses drifting from her lips to the crook of her neck. Her scent was driving him crazy. Suddenly, his mouth was pressing wet kisses against her inner thigh. In one swift move, he tore her drenched white panties off and she gasped as he thrust his tongue inside of her, lapping up every drop.

She moaned louder as his tongue ravaged her, snaking around her core until she was bucking beneath him. Her fingers gripped his hair as she lifted her hips, pressing his mouth harder against her. Her legs started to tremble as he savored her.

His fingers dug into the flesh of her bottom, holding her in place as his tongue explored her further until she was quivering mess of whimpering moans, begging what? He couldn't stop. He couldn't get enough of her.

Another orgasm quaked through her, sending another tantalizing wave into his mouth. Only after a fourth earth shattering climax erupted from her did he consider stopping.

He leaned up, capturing her swollen lips in his before turning her over on her stomach. He gripped the hair at the back of her head tightly, turning her face to kiss him again as he leaned over her, his chest against her back.

He nudged her legs apart with his knees, his teeth sinking into her shoulder as he slowly slid into her. She let out whimpers as he filled her, but they quickly turned into muffled moans as his thrusts grew faster. He wanted to be gentle with her, but the way her slippery walls squeezed against him was breaking his resolve.

She got wetter every time he slammed inside of her or sank his teeth into her shoulder, or pulled her hair, told him he was doing exactly what she'd wanted. He cursed, plunging into her deeper, faster.

He gripped her hips and leaned up on his knees, lifting her bottom up with him. He yanked her hair harder as he pumped into her with all his strength, cursing every time his skin smacked against hers. He smacked the plump flesh of her bottom with another curse as he felt her walls clench against him.

Feeling himself reaching his limit, he pulled out, gripped her leg and flipped her over, and slammed back into her. His hand found its way back into her hair as he continued to thrust into her. "Look at me," he ordered her, lifting one of her legs over his shoulder as he plunged deeper still. Her glossy eyes found his as she moaned louder. He groaned and cursed again, capturing her lips in his, and tightening his grip in her hair as he came hard inside of her. He continued kissing her as he slipped out, only stopping when she pulled away, breathless.

He pressed one more kiss to her forehead before laying his head against her chest, listening to her heartbeat as her breath evened and she drifted off to sleep. 


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