Chapter 7

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Diana Bennett POV

There it was. The Mikaelson Mansion. Massive. Extravagant. Ominous. A chill crept down my spine as the driver hopped out and unloaded the trunk.

As soon as I reached for the door, it swung open with the hand of an original vampire waiting for me to take it. I ducked out of the car, ignoring the hand and walked around to the trunk. As I grabbed a duffel bag from the driver, it was snatched from my hands. None other than Kol, the fun original, as he called himself.

"Allow me, darling," he said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes and shrugged, turning to the mansion. It was overwhelming. Large spaces always made me feel...disconnected, ungrounded. Like I was floating without a tether. It made me feel sick, lost. I hated it. But if being here would protect my sister, this is where we would stay.


Hours later - The Grill (Still Diana Bennett's POV)

The sun was drifting below the horizon, painting the cloudless sky an array of pastels. Bonnie had talked me out of sweats and into a black minidress and knee high boots. My silky black hair hung down to my shoulders - I needed a trim. I blew the too-long bangs from my eyes as I shrugged into my red leather jacket and followed Bonnie into The Grille.

"Ooh, don't you two look hot," Caroline said with a smile, pulling Bonnie into a hug. "Come on, Matt's giving us free shots." She pulled Bonnie to the bar and I started to follow behind them, but a day walker vamped in front of me.

"We need to have a chat, sissy-witch," the blue-eyed vampire said with a smirk. Before I could respond, he latched onto my forearms and dragged me from the building at a dizzying speed.

Once the world stopped spinning around me, I surveyed my surroundings. We stood in a cemetery, near an intricately carved family tomb. An angel statue stared down at me as I backed away from the vampire.

"Damon, why did you bring me here?" I asked, taking slow steps back.

"Relax, charmer-witch, I'm not gonna hurt you. I just wanna know what you know," he said, his smirk disappearing from his face and in its place, a menacing glare. He took a swift step toward me and placed his hands on either side of my face. "Tell me what you know about the harrowing. Is it coming after Elena?" he asked, his pupils dilating and constricting.

I had two choices, I could pretend his sad attempts at compelling me were working and make up something completely fake or I could give him a dose of his own medicine. I never was one for making good decisions. I smirked, gently pulling his hands from my face. His eyes widened in shock, but I already had my hooks in him. "Damon," I whispered his name as his eyes glowed purple for a moment before fading back to blue.

He nodded, unblinking, "yes, Diana?"

"You don't really want to know about the harrowing, do you?" I suggested. "You want to know what would make me happy."

He nodded, mindlessly.

"Good, and do you know what would make me happy?" I asked, soothingly.

"What?" he pleaded.

"For you to take me back to The Grille, then go home and forget this ever happened," I answered with a gentle smile.

He nodded and looked down at his feet. When he looked back up, his eyes were dark. Something had gone wrong. I knew my magic wasn't the same since my escape from Marcel in New Orleans, but I was sure I could still manage the basics. Clearly, I was wrong. I gulped and took an instinctive step back.

"That's not what would make you happy, Diana," he whispered, his signature smirk returning as the blue of his eyes finally twinkled back into place. Suddenly, he vanished. What was happening? "But I think I know what will," he whispered from behind me.

I quickly turned and faced him. I had to fix this and fast. "Wait, Damon," I held my hands palms up in front of me, looking around for an escape or something I could use as a distraction. Think, Diana. What spell could fix a sire gone wrong? He vamped away again, but my eyes couldn't find him this time. "Listen, you're not yourself right now. A-and that's my fault, okay? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have used my sire magic on you." Really, Di? Logic? You're using logic on a vampire who's been sprinkled with siren dust? "Y-your girlfriend, remember her? The brunette? What's her name...Elena?"

Suddenly, he was behind me again, one hand gripping a fistful of my hair, the other, on my waist holding me flush against him. He trailed a breath from my earlobe down to the crook of my neck. Was he going to bite me? "I don't care about Elena anymore," he whispered, pressing wet kisses against my neck.

I gulped, my heart rate increasing. I had to try something or things could get much worse. Maybe my sire magic wasn't strong enough. If that was the case, he could be pulled out of the bond before it grew any stronger. "You know that's not true, Damon. You love her, remember? And love, real love, is stronger than any sire magic--"

He spun me around, cutting me off. "I. Don't. Care. About. Elena," he said, matter-of-factly. "What ever doppelgänger spell I was under, you pulled me out of it." I searched his eyes for anything magic-induced, for anything that would make this make sense. "I can think of a few ways to thank you for that, if you're up for it," he smirked, wriggling his eyebrows. He was totally playing me.

I pushed him away from me and scoffed, running a shaky hand through my hair. "You could've just said my magic didn't have an effect on you." I rolled my eyes and shook my head in disbelief.

"That would've been a lie, charmer-witch--"

"It's sire-witch," I corrected, throwing a glare his way.

"Whatever. Your magic didn't do the little love spell you wanted it to, but it did take away all those pesky feelings I had for Elena Gilbert. What did I see in her anyway? I mean, yeah, she was hot, but man was she annoying," he said, in rapid speech. I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not and I didn't care.

"Are you gonna take me back to The Grille or what?" I demanded, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Hmm...I could, but then you'd owe me something," he said, playfully, putting his hands in the front pockets of his pants.

I rolled my eyes. "And what's that?" I asked.

"Nothing big. Just a little smooch," he winked.

"You're not serious," I scoffed.

"What? It's just one little kiss. No big deal. Or, I mean, you could walk the seven miles back to town, through the dark and creepy forest with all those supernatural creatures out there waiting to use you as a blood-bag for the Harrowing. Your choice," he smirked again.

He was taunting me. But why? What did he have to gain from this? Was this yet another ploy to benefit the human brunette? And more importantly, why did my magic not work on him? Had I lost it? I shook the thoughts from my head. I needed to get back to Bonnie.

"Fine. Don't regret it," I said, stepping up to him. I grabbed the top of his shirt with both hands and pulled his face down to mine. As I pressed my lips to his, ready to back away again, his hands gripped my waist and pulled me closer as he deepened the kiss. Suddenly, my back was pressed against something hard. He lifted my legs around his waist and bit my bottom lip. When I gasped, his tongue claimed my own. I felt the bulge in his pants grow larger between my legs and I pulled away from the kiss, struggling to catch my breath as he traced kisses across my neck and collar bone. "Y-you said one kiss," I breathed out just before his mouth covered mine again.

"What the hell, Damon?" a voice called angrily from somewhere behind us.

Damon cursed under his breath as he lowered me back to the ground. We were standing against a tree in the middle of the forest. As he turned around to face the voice, I saw Bonnie and Stefan standing hand-in-hand. I stepped forward, but Damon grabbed my waist and pulled me back against him.

"They have Elena," Stefan muttered. "I thought you might wanna know, since she's your girlfriend. Or did you forget that?"

"Elena chose you, brother. And I moved on. Or did you forget that?" he asked. I could hear the smirk in his voice and I was sure he had eyed Stefan and Bonnie's intertwined hands like I did.Bonnie tried to pull away, but Stefan pulled her back to his side. I lifted a brow, but she just looked away from my inquiring gaze.

"So, what? We just let them kill her?" Stefan asked, with a little less worry than I expected.

"Stefan!" Bonnie called, chastising him for his indifference, to which he simply shrugged.

"Let's see, who in this town actually needs the doppelgänger alive?" Damon asked rhetorically. We all knew the answer.

"Klaus Mikaelson," Stefan answered anyway. "Let's go. We'll call him on the way."

"On the way where?" Damon asked.

"Back to The Grille. Bonnie's starving," he said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.I looked between the two of them. "You're explaining on the way back," I said, pointing to Bonnie.

"So are you," she scoffed.

I swatted Damon's hands away and pulled free from his grip. "Keep your hands to yourself," I said, turning to glare at him.

"Not a chance," he gave a devilish smirk and pulled me by the waist into another brief kiss, then released me and walked over to his brother's car.

"What the hell is going on?" Bonnie asked quietly as I approached her.

What the hell, indeed, I thought to myself.


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