Chapter 8

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Bonnie's POV - 1 hour earlier - The Grill

"Ooh, don't you two look hot," Caroline said with a wide grin as she pulled me into a hug. "Come on, Matt's giving us free shots." She linked her arm through mine and pulled me up to the bar.

I turned back to Diana, but she was gone. I surveyed the room but saw no trace of her. "Wait, where's Diana?" I asked no one in particular as I turned all the way around, still looking for her.

"Maybe she went to the bathroom," Caroline shrugged, forcing a shot of vodka in my hands. "Come on, we'll make sure she catches up when she gets back," Caroline said, knocking back two shots in a row.

I took a deep breath and drank the shot she handed me. And then the next. And the next. "Okay, Caroline," I waved the fourth shot away with a sour face. "I have to find my sister," I patted her shoulder and moved away from the bar. She gave a funny look but just shrugged and took my fourth shot for me.

I traced around The Grille one more time before making my way towards the bathrooms. Someone was stepping out of the men's room just as I approached the door beside it. It was Stefan.

"Bonnie?" he called, studying my face. "What's wrong?" he asked, his voice low and gruff.

The alcohol - and lack of food to soak it up - was getting to me, making my head foggy. "N-nothing, I just...I'm...I can't seem to find my sister," my voice slurred a little.

"Have you been drinking?" he asked with an amused half-smile.

I nodded sheepishly. "A little." I started to say more, but was propelled forward.

"Watch it!" a surly drunk meathead hissed, knocking me right into Stefan.

He caught me effortlessly and in a split second, his eyes turned red and black veins surfaced around them. "Stefan, calm down," I whispered, placing my hand on his face.

He lowered his eyes and stared into mine and slowly his face went back to normal. I quickly pulled my hand back and tried to step away from him, but he kept a firm grip on my waist. "Wait, Bonnie...we need to talk."

I furrowed my eyebrows, but nodded and he lead me through the back door of The Grille. After we trailed down the steps outside, I leaned against the cold brick of the building and waited for Stefan to say something. But he didn't. He just stared at a very suspicious way.

"What is it, Stefan? We've been out here for five minutes already and you haven't said a word," I pushed away from the wall and crossed my arms. "Is it Elena? Did something happen?"

He wrinkled his eyebrows and flashed a small, amused smile. "Why is that always your first question any time we're alone?" he studied my expression and took a step closer.

"You've never wanted to talk to me for any other reason," I said matter-of-factly with a shrug.

"It's not's you. There's something..." he tilted his head and stepped closer, "different about you. I can't quite put my finger on it..." his voice trailed off and I realized his face was dangerously close to mine, studying me. He placed his hands gently against my face and his eyes grew distant as he whispered, "I need to know something."

I blinked, fighting a laugh. "Stefan, you're not seriously trying to compel me," I chuckled. "Did you bump your head and forget I'm a witch?" I pulled his hands from my face, ready to pull back, but he gripped my fingers before I could drop my hands back to my sides.

"I'm not here to compel you, Bonnie," he smirked. It looked odd on him - sexy, but odd. He released my hands and grabbed my waist, pulling me flush against him. Before I could respond, Stefan's lips were against mine, gently at first.

I pressed my hands against his chest to push him away, but my body refused to listen to my brain. There was no way I was making out with my childhood best friend's on-again-off-again boyfriend! And yet, there I was, gripping his shirt, tongue kissing him outside the back of The Grille.

The kiss grew wilder, more fervent as Stefan pressed me firmly against the brick wall. I gasped for air when he bit my bottom lip, trying to force coherent thoughts back into my mind. "S-Stefan, wait," I said, breathlessly. He paused for half a second before his mouth crashed back against mine again. When I pulled away again, he trailed hot kisses down the crook of my neck, and I moaned against my own will. A growl rumbled in his chest at the sound and soon he was holding my hands against the wall on either side of my face. "Stefan, listen to me," I struggled, still trying to catch my breath. "Something...something's going on. This isn't you...this isn't us. What would Elena say?" I pleaded.

He gazed at me through hooded eyes for a moment, letting my words seep in. Then he stepped back, letting go of my hands. "Fuck!" he said shakily, raking his hands through his hair. "What the hell is going on Bonnie? Why can't I stop thinking about you?!"

I gulped. I had never seen Stefan like this, even with his humanity turned off. He looked so...out of control and helpless at the same time. "I-I don't know, but I think my sister might. I have to find her, but I don't think she's here at The Grille. She disappeared right after we got here."

Stefan closed his eyes and groaned. "Damon," was all he said before pulling my hand back in his and leading me around the building to his car.

"You think she's with Damon?" I asked, confused.

"He's shown an active interest in her lately. And he was here earlier, now he's not," he spoke casually, still clinging to my hand. He rubbed circles against my palm with his thumb, but didn't seem to notice it.

"Where do you think they are?" I asked, debating whether or not I should pull my hand from his. The way he was driving and clenching his jaw, I decided against it.

"I pinged his phone. He took her to the cemetery," he answered.

I opened my mouth to say something else, but my stomach growled loudly, interrupting my thoughts. I smiled sheepishly when Stefan smirked at me. "You need to eat."

"After we find them," I nodded, looking out the window.

Half-way to the place Stefan's GPS said Damon and Diana were, my phone started buzzing. "Hello?" I quickly answered it, hoping it was Diana.

"Bonnie, thank God!" it was Caroline. "Something's happened to Elena! Where are you? Have you seen Stefan? O-or Damon? I can't seem to get ahold of either of them," her voice frantic and high-pitched. She was talking a million miles a minute.

"Wait, Care, calm down. I'm with Stefan right now. What's going on with Elena?" I asked, darting questioning eyes at Stefan who seemed suspiciously unconcerned about his girlfriend - last I heard, they weren't broken up again - and her whereabouts.

"Klaus' surrogate vampire son has her. He's demanding Diana in exchange for her. What are we gonna do, Bonnie? How did he even find your sister?" Caroline asked, panic clear in her voice."I don't know. I'm on my way to find her now, just get to the Mikaelsson mansion with Matt and try to stay calm. We'll be there soon and figure out a plan," I said, trying to keep my voice even.

"Okay, we're heading there now. Oh, and Bonnie?" she called.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Please be careful," she said, shakily. "If something happened to you again...I'd...I'd--"

"It's okay, care. I'll be fine. See you soon." I ended the call and watched Stefan who had clearly heard the entire conversation, but was completely unbothered. "Stefan? Didn't you hear what's going on?"

He glanced over at me and changed his face like he was searching for a "proper" expression for the given situation. "Yeah, that's...that's terrible," he mumbled, unconvincingly.

I tilted my head at him in confusion. Before I could say anything else, the car stopped. "There," he nodded, looking over through my window.

I squinted my eyes to get a better view, immediately regretting my decision. "What are they...oh my God!" I rushed from the car and broke into a sprint with Stefan already at my side.

"What the hell, Damon?" Stefan yelled.

Damon cursed, backing away from my sister - who he was making out with against a tree just seconds ago. He turned around, glowering at Stefan viciously. Diana's eyes grew wide and her face flushed as she stepped forward. My eyes almost popped out of my head when Damon grabbed her waist and pulled her back against him. What the hell was happening?

"They have Elena," Stefan muttered. "I thought you might wanna know, since she's your girlfriend. Or did you forget that?"

Damon smirked, his eyes glancing between Stefan and me, narrowing on our currently linked hands. "Elena chose you, brother. And I moved on. Or did you forget that?" he asked.

I pulled my hand from his, but Stefan wouldn't let go, pulling me back to his side instead. Diana lifted an eyebrow with a slight smirk and I looked away in shame. How could I say anything about her make out session with one Salvatore when I'd just had my own with the other?

"So...what? We just let them kill her?" Stefan inquired, genuinely asking. I wrinkled my eyebrows in confusion and looked at him. He was serious!

"Stefan!" I scolded. He didn't even look at me when he shrugged nonchalantly in response.

Damon glanced down at Diana, who seemed oblivious to his attention on her. Then something twinkled in his eye. Something sinister and sneaky. "Let's see, who in this town actually needs the doppelgänger alive?" he asked, wriggling his eyebrows as his eyes turned to Stefan.

"Klaus Mikaelson," Stefan responded. "Let's go. We'll call him on the way."

"On the way where?" Damon asked.

"Back to The Grille. Bonnie's starving," Stefan said with another smirk, looking down at me. I rolled my eyes and fought the smile threatening to break out across my face.

Diana's eyes flashed between us. "You're explaining on the way back," she waved her index finger at Stefan and me.

I scoffed, "so are you."

She slapped Damon's hands away from her waist and turned to chastise him, "Keep your hands to yourself."

He smirked at her, eyes full of adoration as he retorted, "Not a chance," grabbing her waist again and pulling her back into another brief kiss. He dodged her playful smack and brushed past Stefan, getting in the back seat of the car.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked her quietly as she stepped toward the car.

She just shook her head, looking as confused as I was.


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Bennett Bound: A TVD FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora