Chapter 6

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Bonnie Bennett POV

"Diana, what are you saying? My dad wasn't really my dad?" my heart dropped.

"N-no! Bonnie, no," Diana said quickly.

"So how the hell am I a witch...siren?" I asked, more confused than when she'd said it the first time.

"Sire-witch," she corrected. "It''s complicated," she groaned. She took a deep breath, staring into my eyes with furrowed eyebrows like she was debating something with herself. ", my father - God rest his soul - was the son of a siren. A very powerful one. After Abby had me, some of that magic over," she struggled through the words. "So while you're not exactly half-siren, you do have residual siren magic."

I rolled her words over and over in my mind. "So...what-what exactly does this mean? Am I a monster now?"

"No, Bon, it's nothing like that. You're still a witch, you just have an extra little...boost. A persuasive boost," she explained. "With a little practice, you can multiply the power of your spells," she said with a mischievous look.
I tilted my head a little. "And the down side you were so worried about?"

Her eyes lowered and worry crossed her face. "It's a lot of power. And very little control - no matter how long you practice. It's easy to lose your way and let the power corrupt you." She pulled my hands into hers. "You should watch yourself around the Salvatore brothers. Limit physical contact, or things could get...complicated," she said clearing her throat.

"Di, stop being so cryptic and just say what you mean," I huffed.

"Think about it, Bonnie. Mythical sirens are known to lulling men to them, just by the sound of their voices. There's truth in that. A simple touch from a sire-witch who isn't aware of her powers? It could be catastrophic."

"That's why you wouldn't shake Stefan's hand," I said, more to myself than to Diana.

"Your sire powers are muted right now, but it won't be like that for long. You need to be careful. Even with your human friends. And the way too cheery vampire."

"Caroline?" I asked, and chuckled, "no, Care is a lot of things, but bi-curious isn't one of them." I laughed again.

"Being sired to a sire-witch is not the same as being sired to a vampire or even a hybrid. You become the only desire your victim has. It's more than loyalty or adoration. It's worship. And it starts to subtly, there's no resistance. Their minds are rewired to believe you are the only thing they crave in life, and nothing else matters. Not preference, not status, least of all sexual orientation."

I studied Diana's face for an ounce of humor, but found none. She was serious. "Di, this is crazy," I said with a nervous laugh.

She squeezed my hands and gave a gentle look. "Just trust me," she said, studying my eyes until I nodded.

Seconds later Caroline and Matt came blinding down the stairs, Matt's hands full of luggage and Care carrying two duffel bags. "All done here. I packed just enough things to make people think you still live here," Caroline said with a grin and a wink.

I studied her expression, wondering how she hadn't heard everything Diana and I talked about, but she wasn't that great of an actress. She seemed completely oblivious.

A few knocks sounded on the door. "And right on time," Care smiled brighter, vamping to the door.

"An Uber to the Mikaelson Mansion," a man stated, sounding thoroughly bored. "Any luggage?"

"Yes!" Caroline smiled again, turning back, "Matt?" She waved him forward. They handed over the luggage and Caroline stepped back towards us.

Matt stood by the turn, turning with a small smile. "I'm gonna head out, now that my spleen isn't in danger. Come by The Grille for drinks tonight, my treat."

I nodded at him and waved as he left.

"I'll pick you guys up," Caroline said, pulling me into another hug. "Ready by seven?" She asked, pulling back.

I glanced at the clock on the wall. Only Caroline Forbes would think four hours was the necessary minimum for getting ready for a girls night at The Grille. I chuckled and nodded. "We'll be ready," I promised.

The driver honked from outside and Diana pulled my arm from Caroline's grip. "That's our cue," she said, with a forced smile before pulling me through the house, leaving a confused Caroline behind us. "Lock up, if you wouldn't mind," she tossed back, not waiting for Care to answer.I took a deep breath after we were both seated in the back seat. I looked to my sister, who offered a forced smile, and off we went to the Mikaelson Mansion. "Are we ready for this?" I asked Diana.

"As we'll ever be," she shrugged.


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