✒ Real Date

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Mew's POV


Gulf's second year of master degree's studies started and with it our new relationship as real lovers also started, honestly it's not much different from before, I mean we are so natural around each other and being lovey-dovey kissing and cuddling most of the time.

"Gulf, since you're not my student anymore, let's start wearing our engagement rings, I don't want anyone else to get close to you" I told him while eating breakfast, we would go to university together every morning, there is some whispers around but we both ignored it.

"I'm not close to others to begin with, it's you I'm worried about handsome popular professor"

'don't worry baby, I'm a faithful lover, there is no way I would even glance for a second to anyone else" he squinted his eyes then smiled

"I trust you Mew, I was joking, alright, I will wear my ring from now on, if I'm asked about it should I tell that it's you or should we let them guess"

"let's let everyone guess, don't even tell about the gender"

"alright, sounds like a fun game" we both chuckled. The next day, while in the professors office, the first to notice my ring was P' Kiet, he smirked coming closer

"you finally are wearing it, I'm happy for you two my friend"

"thank you, well since he is not my student anymore, we decided to wear the engagement ring, ah but don't tell anyone yet, we are letting others try to guess" he giggled

"interesting game, count me in" Prin came closer

"hey Mew, Kiet" he greeted us

"hi, we didn't see you for the last couple of days, how are you doing?" I asked

"pretty good, I replaced a professor at the medical faculty and didn't have time at all to come here" he explained sitting down by his desk that was facing Kiet's, we also sat taking care of some paper work

"Mew, you got engaged?!" he said out loud enough for everyone to hear, all the other professors who where in the room came closer, Kiet smiled looking away

"yes, in April" I answered showing him a soft grin

"congratulation!!!" some said along with Prin

"do we know this lucky person?" one of the professor's asked


"is he/she student here?" a female one asked

"yes" I nodded

"come on tell us who is he/she?" I shrugged tilting my head to the right

"try to guess"

"how are we supposed to without any hints"

"alright, here's a hint, this student is a second year master degree student in computer engineering"

"and?" Prin asked

"and nothing, the rest is up to you, maybe you'll be lucky enough to find my fiancé before graduation" everyone tried to protest

"at least tell us this mysterious person's gender" I looked to Kiet who was so amused

"should tell them?" I asked him

"you know who it is?" Prin asked Kiet

"yes, I was present during their engagement party, I think you should tell them Mew, it's unfair to let them search for both females and males"

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