✒ Life Struggles

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By the time our second protagonist finished his part-time, it was 10:30 pm, when he stepped outside it was raining, luckily it wasn't heavy so he ran all the way back to his rented room that is 15 min away from his work and half hour away by bus from his university, the bus station is just in front of his building which made it easier for him to commute every day.

Once he arrived, he got inside the shower to warm up, then sat on his bed drying his hair and opened the lunchbox he just brought from convenience store which only had rice, one egg, 3 pieces of cucumber and 3 pieces of tomato, after swallowing the tasteless food, he sat down by the small table and started studying until almost one in the morning.

This is the everyday life of the top student Gulf Kanawut, although he had a hard life and must work to pay for his rent and necessary things like food, he still is the top of his class and he got scholarship to continue for his master degree's studies that he was already aiming for.

The smart boy's only wish is to get a good job with good salary to be able to help his poor family and pay for his younger sister's tuition since she's still in high school, he doesn't actually hate his life, he consider himself lucky to be able to study and work and do everything he wants to, he got encouraged and helped a lot by his parents and he wants to repay them as soon as possible.

A stable good job, a decent place where he could live, enough money to support his family and that's it, that's all it matters to him, he already worked hard since high school and have been through a lot and now only two years are left and this miserable life is over, he won't have to work multiple part-time jobs all the week, he won't have to stay up so late to study and mostly he will be able to have enough time to enjoy himself a little unlike now.

Gulf has been a bright student since he was a kid, he was encouraged and supported a lot by his teachers which helped him to get to Chulalongkorn University and get into the engineering faculty but he not only has the brain but also an athletic body, good looking and charismatic along with him being eloquent and friendly that earned him the acceptance in all the part-time job offers he applied for and it helped him a lot, he could afford buying a laptop too.


"owner, I finished cleaning the kitchen and wrote a list of the missing things that you need for tomorrow" the tall man said approaching the man who was busy dealing with the few customers that still haven't leave

"thank you so much son, it's already way past your shift and still you helped me a lot, I'm sorry for keeping you until this late" Gulf shook his head and smiled

"it's fine owner, I don't have classes tomorrow, but you should take care of yourself, you still even have some customers"

"thank you for worrying but you're right, it's getting harder for me to cook and take care of the customers and do the cleaning too so I think I should hire another person to help me in the kitchen at least" he said making a decision

"I wish I could cook but I'm unfortunately terrible at it"

"I can teach you sometimes, at least how to cook basic dishes"

"thank you so much owner, I'd love to learn from a great chef like you"

"well you should go back before it get so late and dangerous outside, be careful on your way back"

"see you next Monday owner" Gulf smiled leaving and started heading back, it was 20 to midnight but the tired young boy didn't mind since his part-time tomorrow only start at 10 am, he is lucky to not have any classes on Saturdays, on weekends he would work from morning till 3 pm and then have private time doing all he missed during the week from cleaning to laundry and studying.

Never Give Up {MewGulf}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora