Chapter 43

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Pancakes with real maple syrup, for the side dish, a kiwi and strawberry mix topped with blueberries. She hadn't made any meat with the breakfast, I was happy about that. Randi on the other hand requested some bacon. Zandie had glanced at me then told Randi bacon wasn't on the menu this morning. She didn't push the issue; though she had flipped Zandie the bird when she had said that meat at every meal wasn't healthy. There was a reduction in the intensity from Randi, hopefully she was beginning to understand and quell her anger.

After we'd eaten, Zandie started picking up the dishes, Holland helped, and when their hands were full they headed into the kitchen. I took this moment to share a thought with Randi.

"You know, they don't have to let us stay here. You keep up the hard-ass routine, we might be out on the street. Zandie and Holland are friends, to both of us. It's well past the time to forgive and move on." I told her.

Randi didn't acknowledge me in any way, she kept playing with her napkin. Holland and Zandie returned and started picking up the rest of the dishes. A plate that had been used for the serving of breakfast slipped from Zandie's hand, falling to the floor and shattering. Her disappointment in herself showed on her face as she looked at the mess with her hands full.

She delayed a bit, but Randi got out of her chair then went over to the broken plate and started picking it up, when she spoke, her voice was unnaturally deep, slowed, but not full of vexation and anger, it was almost calm.

"I'll get it... ... ... bitch." She said. Again, not warmly, and not full of hate; not exactly neutral, however it was an improvement, a step in the right direction.

"Thank you Randi." Zandie replied with a soft smile.

She picked up the broken parts of the plate, put them in the garbage and even swept the floor. Like a good farmer's daughter. What she did next was unexpected. She went into the kitchen as Holland returned and helped Zandie with the cleanup and dishes.

When the kitchen work was done, Zandie returned with Randi following behind. Randi's face wasn't pleasant, it was blank, nothing more than that. I guessed it was because she'd forced herself to help Zandie; clearly she wasn't willing to let go yet.

The girls sat down with Holland and I. I brought out some smoke and a couple chillums. "None for Randi and I, we have to get going now." Holland informed us.

"Get going? Where? What's this all about?" I questioned.

Holland was up and holding his hand out to Randi. She took it and stood then he started leading her away. He looked back over his shoulder just as I was about to question him again.

"You'll see." Was all he said.

I looked at Zandie. "You know anything about this?"

Her response was only to laugh. I knew before I even asked, she was as much in the dark as I was. As much as I hated to admit it, that was something Holland and I both had in common, we both liked to do things without explaining them so we could do some sort of reveal once we'd finished. The part that dug at my craw, was that he'd involved Randi without consulting me. I'd never do such a thing with Zandie.

I was stewing about this thought, how he'd involved Randi. Yeah, I would've done the same thing with Zandie. The reality was, I had nothing to get perturbed about because of the situation; I still was though. He'd taken Randi; I hoped he knew what he was getting himself involved in.



Okay, I didn't know why Holland T. Fuzzy wanted me to go with him instead of his old friend, but it was an excuse to get away; especially from his whore Zandie. Okay, maybe that was a bit harsh, calling her a whore, but still, she had nearly killed Gordon and I; technically with me, it was more she'd nearly caused Gordon to kill me. Either way, I wasn't fond of my own death, everyone else's, fine, my own, not fine. Sure, it was an accident but fuck, how could you forget that you'd used something in a photo shoot that would kill a person?

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