Chapter 11

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"In the mornin'... don't say you love me... cuz I'll only kick you out of the door. I know your name is Rita, cause your perfume's smelling sweet-a since when I saw you down on the floor."

I opened my eyes to the sound of Rod Stewart's voice on the wakeup-call alarm. While I laid there waking up, I reconsidered selecting this song from the menu as our wakeup-call and Rod slammed on the guitar.

Sheila's hand came across my face and slammed down on the silence button. Guess she wasn't into Rod this early in the morning either. After she retrieved her arm I felt her move in the bed, when the movement stopped an 'I don't want to be up yet' groan came from her. I seconded that emotion. It was early, we'd decided to get up early so we could board the ship ahead of the crowd. I think we were both reconsidering this option.

Eventually I sat up first then climbed fully out of bed. Since I was up, Sheila felt she had to get up too, only there was a bit more protesting from her side of the bed.

"Oh, sunlight, make it stop!" She grumbled.

Her being a country girl, I thought this would be the best part of the day for her, though we were up rather late. "I'll let you have the bathroom first." I told her.

After a moment she answered. "You know, there are two sinks in there."

I nodded, there were two sinks. We bumped into each other on purpose as we both fumbled our way to the bath.

"I blame you for being up this early in the morning." Sheila griped at me then gave me a playful shove.

Catching my footing and bumping firmly into her when I returned to her side I said, "Hey, you're the farm girl, you should be used to this early morning routine."

She scoffed at me. "Yeah, but not when you keep me up as late as you did mister."

I gave her a feigned hurt face. "Me? Why is it my fault, seems more like you kept us both up late."

She laughed at my antics. "Yeah, well, I still would rather blame you. Us country girls aren't used to being up that late. It's you big city types that are up till all hours of the night then go to work and do it all over again." She pinched at my cheek. "Wears us country types out fast."

"You seemed pretty full of energy last night." I muttered back.

Sheila looked over with a raised eyebrow at me, then we both laughed and entered the bath to brush our teeth, which then turned into a shower together in the large glass shower across from the tub we'd used in last nights adventures.

We were both sitting on the bed, Sheila was taking a towel to her long dark hair. I was mostly looking at my feet working on clearing the cobwebs from my brain.

"Do you want to wait and catch breakfast on the ship, or take the hotel up on their complimentary breakfast downstairs?" Sheila asked breaking me from my mental fog.

Looking in her direction I thought for a second.

"On the ship." We both said together having the same thought.

Even at a high class joint like this hotel, a complementary breakfast was still just that, a complimentary breakfast. It didn't matter what grade the hotel was, a free breakfast in a hotel left you wanting your stomach pumped.

I called downstairs and requested a limo to take us to port and a bellhop for our luggage. When the knock on the door came and I answered it, the girl whom would take our bags looked like she'd had a late night too. After she had our bags on her cart she informed us the limo was waiting then headed off down the hall to the freight elevator that she'd use to bring our things down.

Defective - A Psychopath's TaleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz