Chapter 27 - Mister Gagucci

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"You sure I can trust this guy?" I asked Holland as we drove out to my storage barn to meet with the estate buyer.

He shrugged. "He's a second hand buyer. I guess you can trust him about as much as anyone else. I highly doubt he's in Tullis' pocket; doesn't mean he doesn't want the reward offered for you if he knows about it." He answered.

Reward, that's right, Tullis had put out a reward through his network on my head. A lot of people would want to be collecting on that reward. I'd been in disguise when I'd met with the buyer. Longer hair, different colored eyes, mustache. Did Tullis even know my eye color?

"Right, how much is he offering for me now?" I asked Holland.

"15 thousand crowns." Zandie answered for him. That was a fuck-ton of crowns.

Looking between Zandie and Holland, I was glad they were as successful as they were. Zandie probably cleared that a month, maybe a quarter; Holland, between his business, royalties on inventions and dividends from his family's business, who knows, was probably nothing compared to what he made, or was worth.

"You two know where to go, right?" I asked Zandie and Lydia. They both nodded. I looked right at Lydia. "You don't give her any flack, okay? You do exactly as Zandie says and stay right on her ass."

Before Lydia could respond, Zandie cut in. "Right on my ass? Ooo, sounds like we're going to have a good time girlfriend; some close quarters military type drill training. You want to be the sissy or the bitch? I mean butch. Accidentally dotted the i, sorry."

Lydia smirked a bit. "Yes boss." She answered.

My face became hot as I looked back at her, I could feel it flush and my eyes flair, Lydia recoiled back in her seat. "Don't ever call me boss again." I hiss-growled at her then turned back to the front.

"Sorry Nells, I didn't mean... sorry." Lydia replied meekly from the back seat of the Mopar.

I glared out the window for a moment. I knew she didn't mean anything by it, I just hated being called boss because of Tullis. "Forget about it. I know you didn't mean anything bad."

The girls talked in back quietly until we arrived where we'd part ways. Holland and I didn't share any conversation.

We stopped and let the girls off down from my barn. They'd move into position and communicate through our spy watches. The one Lydia bought ended up in the trash, Holland had much better in his shop, he'd built them naturally. They were the same as what the Imperial government used, of course Holland designed the watch for them.

With the girls off, I deposited Holland with our ride just past the barn. He'd take his vantage point from the other end of the barn, just incase we were flanked. Then I moved slowly up to the barn, noticing everything. The buyer wasn't there yet and wasn't due for about 20 minutes. I wanted to have the extra time to look for a setup.

Right on time several trucks started down the drive towards my barn, which I'd also sold. The buyer bought everything, when he found out I owned the barn but not the land, he made me an offer on that as well. The trucks turned off so they could back up to the building, the car I recognized the buyer driving pulled right up to where I was while the trucks positioned themselves. There were three other boys with him. Two clearly looked like workers from the way they were dressed, the other I recognized.

The boy up front with the buyer was one of Tullis' boys. I turned and moved towards the entrance to the barn, giving myself the cover I needed to alert Zandie, Lydia and Holland through the spy watch. When I turned back around, the buyer, Tullis' boy and the workers were getting out of the car. I couldn't think of the Tullis boy's name, I'd seen him around, maybe I'd never known it, but I thought I had.

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