Chapter 88

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"The Imperial Investigation Division has released a joint statement with the Imperial Police of NewBrittanCity on the explosion at the old Seabond factory. Joining me now is Colonel Fulbright Quixley of the I.I.D. Colonel Quixley, what can you tell us about what caused the explosion and the body found inside the building yesterday?"

"Well Melissa, the explosion itself is still under investigation, and as you know we won't release any detailed information on that until after experts have finished their investigation. What I can tell you is it was the work of a professional. As to the body found inside the building, the person has been identified as Wes Anderson, whom you may remember was the airline executive that was the target of a car bombing that happened recently at the Tullis tower. Mister Anderson was identified by records on his person and by dental records. His body was too badly damaged and burned in the explosion for DNA testing."

"Does the I.I.D. suspect syndicate responsibility for the bombing here at this old factory? And if so, was mister Anderson their target?"

"There is evidence of syndicate involvement, yes. We believe mister Anderson was targeted by another syndicate. It is possible that there might be a turf war brewing Melissa. The I.I.D. along with the I.P. encourage any citizen with information to contact us immediately."

"When you say another syndicate, are you implying that mister Anderson was part of the Scottish syndicate and that he was attacked by the Greek..."

I picked up the remote and turned off the news, I had what I needed. Nicolas Gagucci, aka, Wes Anderson was officially dead. Quixley making the announcement on all the news networks would convince that fuck face Tullis.

I'd speak with Marvin before we left. I'd given him instructions on where to find a garbage phone I had hid. He'd keep the phone in the hiding spot, I'd set up several other places with phones, tablets and such, so we could stay covertly in contact and so that he wouldn't have to keep anything around that might tip Tullis off. Now I'd find out if he could follow instructions.

We'd kept him and Sydney on ice thru the night. There was no way I'd go to the asylum at night, that place was spooky enough in the daylight. Whether or not it was really haunted, fuck if I knew; what I did know was you didn't want to be there after the sun went down. Freaky shit happened in that place at night.

Some said the white marble walls by the doors where patients were brought in, or where the rare patient left though, turned red because of what happened in the place some 18 years ago. The marble was porous, rain water made the rust and minerals from the iron behind the marble and on the roof seep into the mortar and onto the surface of the marble. That's what made it red, not the ghostly blood of the dead.

But that was about the only thing that could be rationally explained about the place. Insanity breeds insanity, and insanity ran rampant at Whispering Pines Mental Asylum, and not just with the inmates; it eventually worked its teeth into some of the staff, doctors and nurses. The place gave me the creeps.

While Marvin and his street rat were on ice, Sasha and I made use of the time and bugged Marvin's home, both of them. In addition to his apartment at the Tullis Arms apartments, Marvin had a house he kept Sydney in. We bugged that one first. That's where the real conversations would happen; he never had company at his syndicate apartment.

I'd been keeping tabs on Marvin for years, I knew everything about him. I'd figured the information might come in useful one day, and it did. He wasn't the socialite I was, on the dress and association scale. He was more of a simple boy, simple tastes. Like me, the boss paid him better than the average lackey with the company, but he wasn't the investor I was, and he didn't get bonuses for special jobs like I demanded.

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