Chapter: Learning

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Its been a week since Leslie left. No word. No call. She just left.

"Hey," Stan sits next to me on the couch.

"Hi," I say.

"How you been? I haven't seen you in two days, I've been working hard."

"Yeah I know. I'm alright."

"How is it going with Florence?"

"Good. She told her parents. They approved."

"That's cool. They always liked you."

"Yeah," I say, "guess what?"


"Yesterday, Troy talked to me. He asked where was Leslie. I told him she left to Florida."

"Wow. And?"

"He told me that she was a good friend. He hoped she would have changed me for the better and that she did. He was happy that I was happy."

"Whoa," Stan says. "He said that? He told you that with honesty?"

I nod. "I couldn't believe it either. But he was sincere. He left after he said that."

"Things are changing," Stan pats my back. "Leslie did help you."

She did.



I am talking to my classmates. It feels normal to talk to everyone again.

"So," July, a short hair girl, says "where is Leslie?"

"You knew her?"

She nods. "She was in my history class. She helped me with an essay."

"She left,"Florence says. "Move on."

She pushes July off my desk. "Whoa, rude much."

"Look back off MY boyfriend's desk!" Florence yells.

"Whoa," I stand, "what the hell Florence?"

"She kissed you!" She slaps me. "Why didn't you tell me she kissed you last time you saw her?"


"Hey, what's wrong?" A security guard comes in.

"Shit, that's what's wrong!" Florence yells and she runs away.

What the hell happened? I didn't do anything.

I can't chase after her because the teacher comes in and class begins.

Soon as lunch time arrives, I look for Florence. Where is she? I call her but she doesn't answer.

I go to the girls restroom, open the door and yell her name. The door opens but it's one of her friends. "What is wrong?" She asks.

"Do you know where is Florence?" I ask her.

"Umm, no" she sounds nervous.

"Tell me please,"


Then Lola stands next to the girl. "What?"

"You know Florence, where does she go when she is pissed?"

Lola rolls her eyes, "to her house dumb ass."

"I've been calling her and she doesn't answer."

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