Chapter: My first mistake

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It's Saturday. First week of my senior year is over. I am in the living room watching tv with our dog Chu. Yeah Lu named her, she is a black pit bull.

"Derek," Mom comes in and stands in front of me with her hands on her hips. "why didn't you go to the therapist?"

I look up at her, "Mom what's the point? Besides, Lu helps me with that. She is a nurse after all."

"But I want you to go," she sits next to me pushing Chu from the couch. "you can get better."

"Mom, I am not. All of this is permanent,deal with it."

Her brown eyes look sad. "I know."


She stands and walks away without any word.


Stan invited me to a party. "why?" I ask.

He sits on the edge of my bed. "Well, you are still feeling shitty, and I'm not going to lie, having a brother in your condition makes me look like a good big brother."

"Oh so I'm being used as a cute factor? You getting chicks because of me huh?" I ask.

He shrugs, "maybe. And come on! You also need to go out and socialize. Come on bro."


Stand jumps to his feet. "woo! Alright, get pretty. We go in an hour or two."


I put on a white button down short sleeve shirt with dark jeans and nice black shoes. I comb my black hair and tell Stan I'm ready.

We arrive to the party. Its in a house of three floors with the driveway filled with cars. I notice its near Florence neighborhood.  I wonder if she is at the party.

We go in and immediately people look at us well mainly me. I don't know what to do but Stan gets me by the arm and hurries me to his group of friends. I notice that everyone looks older than me, maybe this is a college party.

"Hey!" Hector says hi to us both. We are in a dark room illuminated by techno lights only. The music isn't that loud in this room but enough to get people dancing.

Hector is a long time family friend. He is a junior at the local community college.

"Thanks for the invite," Stan smiles. "I brought Derek with me. He needs to socialize."

Hector shakes my hand, "No problem,nice to see you are fine."

"Thanks," I say.

A girl with curly hair and brown skin comes by our spot. I remember she is Hector's girlfriend Jane. "Here are some drinks to get the party started," she smiles. She gives each of us a beer.

"I can't drink," I say.

Stan pats my back. "Dude just relax."

He opens the beer and I drink it. We talk about almost everything. It feels nice to talk to other people but I feel eyes looking at me all around. I can hear their questions: "Why is he here?" "Why does he have a cane?" "Why does he walk weird?"

"Hey you deaf?" Jane interrupts my thoughts. I look at her, "What?"

"Stan and Hector are going to dance. You be ok here?" she asks.

I nod. She leaves to dance with Hector. I find a couch near by and sit and finish the beer. I haven't had a cold one since the accident. It feels bitter yet good on my.lips and my throat.

I see a group of girls chuckling and looking at me. Great, making fun of me..

Then a tall slim girl is walking my way. I sit up straight and try to look normal.

Healing, Love, and High SchoolKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat