Part 17: What Do You Mean By Calm?

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AN: I am so sorry for the past 2 weeks I've been in China and they dont allow Wattpad so GOMEN! I haven't been updating this. Thank you for your patience my dear readers!

Looking out the window I glanced at the red wine stain on my dress, grumbling I got off the car and thanked the driver and hurried inside the Survey Corps HQ.

I changed out of the dress and dumped it in the trash. Sighing I went inside the bathroom and showered, I looked wearily at the mirror and realized my hairs grown longer.

"Eh? Maybe I could tie it in a ponytail now." I thought as I took a ribbon out and tried tying my hair. It actually worked believe it or not. I studied myself in the mirror, it's been ages since I actually cut my hair. Sighing I slung my towel over my shoulder and walked towards the small desk we had in our dorm.

I look at the empty space we had in our room and sighed, we were short on funds and money right now. I hummed the tune I had used to play on the piano all the time. It was weird how I got so angry at Cake-face for just dumping a glass of wine on me.

Oh I have many plans for that training tomorrow... Let's hope its either sparring or fighting, cause I don't think her face will be right after I'm done with her.

As I close the light, I realized Mikasa, Sasha and Hanji was still not back yet. Shrugging I went to sleep.


"You really think you're better than me don't you?" Madison jeered as she tightened her grasp on my hair, squinting my eyes I held back a cry of pain. The others were just standing around us, too scared to even make a move.

"You know, I especially didn't like you having your filthy poor ass walking around here." She whispers evilly in my ear.

"You can't tell me what to do." I say spitting on her face, I actually had quite a nerve to do that. She wipes the spit off, creating a chance for me as I aim a highkick at the side of her face. Stumbling back and clutched her side of her face, it was bleeding from the impact of my boot.

'Heh... You actually dared to kick me?" She asks looking up and smirking, staggering I notice some of my hair strands on the ground.

"Of coarse my queen." I say mockingly gaining posture and curtsying.

"Oh I will give you living hell." She says as she snaps her fingers, suddenly someone grabs me from behind, turning around I had just noticed that a squad leader had grabbed both of my fists. Of coarse it was a guy that she had seduced and got captured into her little spell.

"Oh thank you my love." She croons winking at him, struggling to get his grip to loosen I didn't believe a squad leader will actually be this crazy for love?

She made her way slowly towards me and started beating the living crap out of me. I never forgot that day...

:--Flashback End--:

I woke up abruptly with cold sweat as I glance at the clock, I was 1 hour late! I yelled in surprise and fell off my bed, whimpering in pain. I rushed towards the bathroom with my clothes and took at less 1 minute getting ready and ran off towards the training grounds.

Levi looked especially annoyed as he turned around to see me gasping for breath, I even went without breakfast. Cake-face smirked as she saw me, but for some reason Eren kept a funny look on his face.

"Idiot, sleeping late is not acceptable." Levi says looking at me with a annoyed tone.

"Sorry! It will never happen again Heichou!" I saw scratching my head.

"Tch, better." He says as he walks off.

"Today we will be doing practice fights, in case any of you has ever came across criminal activity." Levi says in a bored tone as he studies each of us, his eyes squints at Eren who returns it. As we buddy up, I walk across to Cake-face who paired up with poor Armin.

"Armin... Let me take over." I say smiling warmly at him.

"A-Are you sure Jessica?" He asks anxiously as I took over at his spot.

"You sure?"

"Yes I'm sure Armin."

"Are you-"

"Yes Armin please... I can handle this." I say rolling my eyes as he took a final glance and started partnering up with Sasha. Jean just smiles and gives me thumbs up, he knew what I was going to do to Cake-face.

"Surprised your actually doing this calmly Jess." He says as he walks past me slowly.

"What do you mean by calm-"

Before I could stop, Madison had lunged at me shifting my weigh to my other leg I dodged it. Jean had walked off into the distance, that mean as horse face... But now... Is payback for all those months in misery at the MP HQ. I hated every second and minute of it, it was a living hell.

I was finally happy for once in the military at Survey Corps... But now... Cake-face just had to come along and probably ruin everything at the end.

She threw punch after punch at me, but I've become stronger at the Survey Corps. Just as she created a opening for me to attack I roundhouse kicked on her face, her cry of pain made everyone turn around from their fights to look at us.

But then she gained posture and pulled me down with her, this was surprising considering the fact that it was unpredictable and was a childish act.

She smirked at my shocked expression and put her hand on my back off my head and pushed it down towards the ground.

Knowing this I steadied my leg and braced myself by putting my arms in front of me, the impact made my hands hurt, but at less my face was ok. As I rolled to the side Cake-face had recovered from the fall.

We both charged at each other, I punched from the side and she blocked it with her foot, this was perhaps the most intense fight I had first towards Mikasa's one.

Then she aimed a kick on my abdomen which I blocked with my free hand. Growling in frustration we both jumped back, I caught Levi's stare at that time.

He seemed more amused then angry. Just then we both knew, Cake-face and me that without swords this fight will get to no where. Unsheathing my 3DMG's sword we both looked at each other loathingly.

Then... We charged.


Konnichi wa Minna San~


Sorry guys for the long wait and this chapter may be short, so I've got to say... Please don't post too many hater comments. I'm OK if it's actually 1 or 2 but really? 16 hater comments on one of my previous parts I have done? If you hate it then you have the choice not to read it, don't criticise please.

I speak for many other authors who also have haters on their heels, Wattpad is a free place where people write, no one wants haters OK? Now thats clear...

So if your a silent reader and like my story please comment some advice :3 Or even better VOTE AND FOLLOW~




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