Expedition P3; When Titans Dance

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HELLO GUYZ~ I HOPE YOUR ENJOYING THE STORY SO FAR! I was thinking of doing Levi's POV soon, there's lots od twists and stuff now. Plus in this one this is gonna be one of the 'useful' bits where it tells you about a little of the autobiographers combat skills. Please follow if you like this, PLEASE PLEASE IT WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. XD

P.S I added a pic ;)


"Guys mount we're riding off into the outside now!" Erwin had said as he mounted onto his horse, to be honest... I was kinda surprised that Erwin wasn't interviewing the newcomers... Like Levi's a corporal, he's a captain. Hanji had caught up to me just as I was looking around Wall Rose. Nothing's changed much, except the construction around. Fixing houses, while some still remained broken because citizens can't afford to fix it.

I bit my bottom lip, as I saw some kids standing in the pathway, in extremely dirty clothes. Hope in their eyes, of joining the military in hopes of better lives. Mikasa noticed me staring at the kids, Hanji was talking to Sasha about food. I was surprised that Sasha wasn't in the same dorm as us. It was weird...

But she seemed to be OK with it, I stared at Levi who was deep in conversation with Erwin. I wouldn't be surprised to know if they were gay, but the thing stopping them would be me... If I had the guts. Levi's clothes were all clean, despite that he was just in the stables.

My clothes were all grubby and filled with mud, thanks to SOMEBODY. A little kid stepped up in front of Raven, he snorted and pawed the ground nervously. I patted him and looked at the girl. She had muddy blonde hair and deep blue eyes. Looked a bit like Historia to be honest, they both have enormous eyes.

"Little girl, you shouldn't be in the middle. You'll get trampled." Mikasa said in her dull voice, but something told me that she didn't really mean to have that tone. The little girl looked at her ragged shoes nervously and held out a bunch of flowers at me.

"Wow, for me?" I asked shocked the fact that this complete stranger girl was handing this to me. I took it and smiled at her.

"Good luck! I want to be just like you when I grow up!" She said nervously yet eager. I smiled weakly, it was dangerous to be in the Survey Corps.

"What's your name?" Mikasa asked kindly this time, I nodded.

"E-Eva miss." She replied nervously, shuffling her legs. I smiled and patted her on the head. She innocently looked up, the military's going to ruin her innocence...

"I'm Jessica, nice to meet you." I said, as I smelt the flowers she gave me.

"I'm Mikasa." Mikasa said as she smiled warmly at Eva, who was shocked. Levi turned around and glared at us, his metallic eyes suspicious and annoyed.

"CALLEY, ACKERMAN. GET YOUR BUTTS HERE NOW! WE DONT HAVE ALL DAY!" He yelled as he looked back and continued to converse with Erwin.

Eva looked at us and smiled "Jessica and Mikasa... Wait for me to grow up and join the army!" She yelled as we started heading away. We waved goodbye and stretched a smile, it was painful to see such a little girl suffer famine and poverty. I looked at Raven who was aware the same thing, he whinnied softly at the little girl, it's his first whinny I hear him do. Mikasa looked back at the Eva who was now walking away, and angrily bit her lip.

"The king should do something about this..." She said grimly as she steadied her horse

"Mikasa not everyone can be saved, but I do agree." I said as I looked up front, Hangi was busily talking about food with Sasha, while Eren and Armin was throwing rocks at Jean who was staring at Mikasa in the corner of his eye. We had almost exited the gates of Wall Maria until Erwin had turned around and halted us.

Protecting You; Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now