Expedition P4: Are You High?

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GUY GUESS WHAT? I GOT THE A.O.T COSPLAY XD, I AM SOOOO HAPPY IT HAS THE SURVEY CORPS WINGS OF FREEDOM ON IT. IM HYSTERICAL XD. It's for Halloween though :) still very happy. Thank you for all of the support you've given me XD though none of you did except for a awesome person called @TornApartSlowly. OMG LEVI'S SMILE CAN CURE CANCER AND END WARS, WHY DOESNT HE SMILE ALL THE TIME?


I practically dragged Levi on to the dry grass after I killed the Deviant. Oh god... It was all my fault, if I hadn't disturbed him fighting... I hate myself. Let's think the bright side now, he didn't end up in Titan vomit... Ok I'm making stuff worser now. I couldn't help but stare helplessly at his face, it was so cute. I know that this isn't associated with it but... He looks so vulnerable almost innocent when he's sleeping. I checked his pulse, and was relieved it had a good beat.

I looked up at the horses who was in a distance eating grass... Raven was probably crushing on Levi's horse like I'm crushing on him. I looked back at him, I didn't have a band aid... Like it helps but, he had some cuts on his arm and legs. Stradis had said something about team mates back in the 104th graduates, something about CPR...

I touched his forehead with my hand, it was kind of sweating a little and... I bet he has a fever, something more to do, great. I narrowed my eyes, CPR aren't what I wanted to do. After all, on him... He'll probably mutter about sharing mouth germs and how unhygienic it is. I looked at my tights and at my cape, my cape was pretty rough my tights were probably the softest material I had.

I flexed my fingers and gripped my ankle bit where it was slightly less tight (I'm not trying to be funny ok?) I ripped out a piece of cloth, and whistled at Raven to come.

He trotted towards me as I took my water bottle, which I haven't drank from thankfully. I patted him on the nose as he bickered softly.

"He'll be alright." I said reassuringly, but Raven had turned his head towards Levi's horse who was worriedly looking around cautiously. I narrowed my eyes at Raven, and smirked.

"You falling in love with her?" I whispered as I winked at him, he snorted and whinnied at the mare. She looked up and trotted towards us.

"So... Um.... I don't know if you'll understand me but... Levi's going to be alright." I said as I looked at the mare, she looked at me as I wetted the cloth and placed it on Levi's head gently. She sighed as she trotted back out on to the open. I nodded to Raven and winked at him, he rolled his eyes and followed the mare.

I let my gaze go back to Levi, his face which was a bit tightened then, was a bit relaxed now. Since we were under a tree, I climbed up, I grumbled as I got a splinter on my thumb. As I got to the top, I squinted my eyes and looked out. It gave me an idea, I maneuvered back down and ran to Raven. I grabbed one of the paint guns or what ever and took the emergency one out. I wired back up dragging Levi up with me.

The plan was simple, when there's a trace of people I shoot the gun. Causing them to see the colour, and then we'll be saved. I looked around on the tree top, there wasn't a single trace of anything. After a few minutes I looked back at Levi, I had pushed him against one of the big branches. Like I care if he falls off, I turned over the cloth. It was really warm, from the heat of Levi's forehead.

"Quit staring." He suddenly said, I jumped and almost fall out of the tree.

"H-Heichou! You ok?" I asked as I scrambled back into position.

"Of coarse, I would've been better if you hadn't disturbed me..." He grumbled as he lay his back flat on the branch not caring if he falls of or not.

Protecting You; Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now