Unexpected Message : Last part

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Taehyungs Perspective:

The next day

The thought of what Jimin has gone through in his past rang like an alarm clock in Taehyungs head. He was angered that anyone would treat him that way and He wasn't having it at all. He was going to handle the man who hurt his sweet Jimin in the first place.

This Chanyeol guy really has some nerve contacting my Boyfriend and thinking he could just waltz back into his life. He needs to be taught a lesson. I should pay the club a visit Just in case.

Baby boy

Baby, I'm gonna be home a little late okay?


Okay I love you daddy


I love you more kitten


Wait, babe :(


What's wrong?


 Can you bring me pizza and chicken, please :(


Ofc I can baby on my way home 

I will make some stops for you


Alrighttt hurry Kitten wants cuddles


Okayyy see you soon

He drove down to the strip club and he was already pissed and ready to see the bastard. Taehyung had on a black turtle neck under a nice suit and Italian leather shoes to match. He had a Rolex on his wrist and a chain hanging from his neck. Girls were ready to fall at his feet but he completely ignored them and went to the back where he found Hwa.

Hwa noticed that Taehyung had seemed to be in a bad mood and he went over to him and immediately began to speak to him

"So you heard to Tae"

"Yea and now I'm here and I dare that motherfucker to come back looking for my PREGNANT FUCKING BABY.."

"Wow I actually would love to see that"

"Did Jimin tell you about..."

"Yea he did..."

"Wow I'm so glad he found you honestly, I'm glad he is pregnant with your child and not someone else's"


"Hey Hwa who is this guy "

Hwa immediately frowned and rolled his eyes and Taehyung turned around meeting eyes with the boy. He had to ignore the sudden urge to punch him in the face and he smiled a dangerous smile.

"you must be Chanyeol"

"You heard about me? And you are"

 Taehyung smirked and slipped his hands into his pockets.

"Jimin's Baby daddy"

Chanyeol's heart sank to his feet and his expression went blank...

"Y-you're lying."

"I am his Boyfriend and He is having my child."

"Prove it..."

He opened his phone and showed a quick video of his hand on Jimin's baby bump and Jimin laughing and giggling as Taehyung cooed at his lover

"What more do you need to see"

"J-jimin was Mines first, I can have him w-whenever."

"No, you actually cant and let me tell you something right now"


Taehyungs voice went down a couple of octaves, His glare pierced through Chanyeol and he took a step closer to Jimin's ex

"If you send one more text to Jimin's phone, One call, If you ever set foot in this club or any of my clubs, If I see you even bat an eye at Jimin.... Don't think for a damned second that I won't find you and dispose of you myself."


"you are on my turf and I am itching to make you suffer now for what you have done to jimin but since I have the thinnest amount of patience I'll give you a chance. if you ever find the audacity to try me or my boyfriend or anyone close to him... You will have a bounty on your head"

Not a peep was heard from Chanyeol, He was terrified and regretted coming here. whatever he had with Jimin was gone, and all he wanted was to get away but he was frozen.

"Oh and one more thing, Get the fuck off of my property"

Without hesitation, Chanyeol Ran off tripping over his own feet just to get far far away from the club. He was going to listen to Taehyung He wouldn't even dare disobey his orders. He didn't know him, but that was enough.

"HELL YEA" hwa jumped up and high five taehyung


"You are such a tiny ball of energy"

"Remind me to stay on your good side Big guy"

They laughed and Taehyung remembered

"I gotta go, Jimin is home waiting for me and he is also Hungry which is literally my worst fear now that he has craving and mood swings."

"Yea you should get out of here, Be safe alright."

"you too"

Taehyung left the club proud of himself, His boyfriend would now feel completely safe and had nothing to worry about as long as Taehyung was around. He made his way to a good chicken shop and bought a couple of boxes of pizza. He was feeding the maids, His pregnant lover, and his growing baby. He needs to get a good amount of food. 

He had a bunch of food and was ready but he would need help so he rang Bang Chan

Phone Call:

"Hey bang chan are you at my house right now"

"Yea me and Jackson are here actually"

"Great come outside, I'm pulling up to the driveway now and I have food everyone. "

"Noicee but you didn't tell us your boyfriend was a gamer"

"He is full of surprises" He smiled at the thought of his beautiful boyfriend.

"Okay we are coming out"

call end

they came outside and ran to the car like children helping their boss carry the loads of food that was still hot and ready to eat. As they carried the food inside Taehyung noticed that beautiful figure standing by the door. he approached and leaned down to place a Loved filled kiss on the smaller boys lips.

"I missed you"

"I wasn't gone that long"

"It felt long"

"Lets go inside"

Taehyung was greeted by all of his maids and they all played games on the T.V enjoying the company of the people he called family

"our baby is going to be so loved kitten"

"yes our baby really will"

-Chapter end




(a/n) I CANT these CHAPTERS MAKE ME UwU!!!!!!!! I cant even do it bye Stop mf playing. Im literally making heart eyes at this shit and I WROTE IT okay bye and after  JImins baby shower which is next I am skipping to him giving  birth. BYE dont @ me. okay bye 

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