Your choice

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Third's person: 

The boy arrived home seeing his older brother in the kitchen as always. He was baking cookies after leaving food on the table. He turned to see Jimin and of course ran in to give him a hug

"Hellooo Hyung"

"Jiminahh~ I missed you "

"Hi Hyung I actually wanna talk to you and Hwa"

"Yes we can talk but first eat up" 

As I began to eat hwa came in giving me back hug and greeting jin who stood by the oven

"Since we are all here what was it you wanted to talk about Jimin"

"Well...." The boy began thinking about how he was going to tell them that he wanted to start dating. He spent so much time after a traumatic relationship hating men. It would have been surprising that after 5 years he wants to try. It was a scary but exciting topic. he didn't want to go through the same things he did in his past relationship but it was about that time. He didn't plan to be alone and single for the rest of his life.

"I want to begin dating again." Jin looked up almost dropping his mittens and Hwa's jaw dropped in awe. They looked at the boy in disbelief. He almost didn't believe his own words but he knew that is what he wanted.

"Jimin.," Jin said showing caution and concern while slightly excited to hear Jimin would try.

"Yes I know I can be emotionally unstable and yes I know I refused any man that asked me out but..." What the boy said next surprised them.

"I like taehyung..."

"You mean your boss? the one you were shunning constantly."  Jin questioned and he wasn't wrong.

"Yes him." My

"So suddenly," Hwa asked almost in confusion

"I had time to talk to him and get to know him just a little more and I spoke to a lady that worked for him as well. I saw such a sweet loving side to him and it was so nice to see that. I know it's so sudden and you guys probably think I might not be ready, But this is the first time in so long I have ever had an interest in anyone."

"He is right though Hwa, He wasn't interested in anyone in so long ever since the whole Chanyeol thing" Jimin cringed at the mention of his abusive exes name. He hated everything about Chanyeol. He was manipulative and horrible to him. But in the process of remembering he came to realize how sweet taehyung was and how much different he was compared to Chanyeol.

"He was so sweet to me when I was at his home, I truly think he is different."

"It is your choice Jimin, we trust your intuition"

"Thank you guys"

"If he hurts you I will kill him myself" 

"I will too," Jin said in agreement with Hwanwoong

"Okayy okaayyyy" Jimin smiled at both of them and they all got into a group hug. 

"Jimin go to bed you do have work tomorrow right."

"Yea I do goodnight both of you."

Jimin's Perspective:

I went to my room and made my way to the bathroom so I could take a shower releasing any stress that I held onto for the past two days. It was a long two days from and I was looking back thinking about my conversation with Ms.Amanda who confirmed that the gentlemen I saw was actually real.

Before I showered I found myself throwing up in the toilet. Holding my stomach and on my knees and waiting for it to happen again.

"What the hell is wrong with me."  I decided to get up and shower after such a disturbing event

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