"Are you going to tell me what happened or what? Because you have been keeping me in the dark, what are you after Amayaa?" He almost shouted, his tone raising and his brows furrowing into a mean knot. 

"What happened to your 'I don't care' attitude? I think I miss the Chrollo who doesn't keep me on the leash! You have your job and I have mine, and I would prefer that you do not know EVERYTHING about me. I will tell you what happened after my last job, I was going to bring it up but I'm pretty sure that a tracker is more important than your personal feelings." She said raising her voice in turn, 

"What do you expect me to do? Of course, I care. Do you not get that when you are close to a person that you share with them? I want to know everything about you, not because I want to know your weaknesses so I can be CLOSE to you, do you not understand that I care about you?" His eyes shone with anger, she thought he was going to hit her. 

He brought his hand down onto the steering wheel fiercely, and she flinched. 

"Oh well, I am so sorry that I have misread our relationship, I am not good at this stuff, do you not realize that I spent the last years of my childhood in a metal chair? I don't know how I feel about you!" She brought her hand to her forehead and healed it in a matter of seconds. 

Her face went a sickly shade of white as she had just realized that she had actually said that to him. It didn't feel real, 

This isn't real, we were fine minutes ago what happened?

You, you happened. 

Briar's voice rang in throughout her head, she quickly sunk into her seat as the sickly shade resided in her face. Chrollo clenched the steering wheel viciously, his hands shook as he glared daggers into the road.  

He took a second to contain his anger before he monotonously stated, "You should know how you feel by now, we've been together for weeks." 

His heartbeat fluttered to pure rage, she knew that he wanted to hit her, but he held himself back. 

"I don't know." She muttered weakly,

He roughly reached over with his right hand gripped her jaw aggressively, her skin around his finger turned paperwhite,

"I will make you know. Either you love or hate me, you're mine. I own you." His grey eyes burned into her pale green ones with a ferocity that she had never seen in his usually soft eyes before.

Her eyebrows twisted into a horrified knot, her eyes looked of those of a wild dog that had just been tamed violently. He let go of her jaw and pushed her head into the window violently, 

His fingerprints burned bruises into her fair skin, the world went fuzzy around the edges through her eyes, the side of her head ached and tingled ferociously. 

He went back to the stone-cold expression and asked with no tone, "What happened, Mayaa. "

She swallowed her guilt and started, "Illumi killed my target, he then called me and asked to meet up, he said he would give me the reward money if I met with him and talk with him. I thought he wanted to know where Killua was since we had just seen him in York New, I accepted."  She said catching her breath as she tried to keep her voice from breaking. 

She started again, regaining her breath. "He seemed odd when I first saw him, so I was on alert. I then found out he didn't want to talk about Killua and he had been watching me for a couple of weeks, he then proposed a deal." She thought about her next words very carefully.

"What was the deal?" He said flatly,

"He-  He offered me a contract to become his wife, and bear another heir since they don't know if Killua will consent to be the head of the family, so the role of 'heir' has fallen to Illumi. He picked me as a candidate, and his parents were approving. He then talked about how if I accepted I would be able to live a life of comfort in the Zoldyck estate, I wouldn't have to worry about my family."

His eyebrows dropped from their high post, he looked very angry. 

"What did you say?" He asked flatly beside his furious expression.

 "He would not accept my upfront answer, so he was going to take me to the Zolydck estate so I could reach my verdict without any- 'distractions'. " She said, picking at her cuticles.

His hand reached over and broke her fingers apart, blocking her from hurting herself. 

"I refused and then he knocked me out. He took me onto an airship to Kukuroo Mountain, when I woke he was very, 'out of it' I asked him to release my binds, he did so, and then-" She felt as she had just swallowed a rock, 

"And then...?" He said patiently,

"He forced himself on me... I escaped and asked Hisoka to drive me back to York New, he agreed and he drove me home, that's what happened.." She said looking out of the window, she did not know how he was going to react at the news that Illumi had assaulted her, 

"He touched you?" His voice deepened and his knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel furiously,

"No... he tried to kiss me. " She said darkly, she hung her head on her shoulders as she waited for his response. "He didn't do anything else..." 

He nodded and kept his eyes on the road as the port came into view, she shifted in her seat trying to soothe the building knot in her stomach. The sun rose as the colors bled into each other, making a soppy light blue color. The streetlights zoomed past and he slowly sped up,

She was unaware of how they were going to get out of this, it wasn't the first time he hit her or was rough with her, but she had never struck the nerve of how she felt about him. 

She pushed her hair back as he drove, not speaking another word.

The rest of the car ride was silent, she did not dare to strike up a conversation; that would only make him angrier. He did not open his mouth once, he only ran his hand through his hair as he glared at the road.

They made it to the airport and boarded their airship, Chrollo had bought them two different rooms, and that's when she knew that it would take a while to patch the gap between them.

I should apologize. Yes, I should have shut up and told him what had happened. Why did I always be so snappy? He didn't deserve it... If anything I should just have done anything to make things easier for him, after all, me coming back was stressful for him... What if I had just stayed gone?

'I care for you Amayaa, do you not get that?'

You what? 

How could he care for her? They were just sex, had something sprouted between them that she didn't even know about? The feeling of worry when Chrollo's death was mentioned, how she was nervous, and scatterbrained when Chrollo had been taken hostage, it all fits together now.

I... have feelings for him....?

No..that can't be right...


quick note,

I'm so so so so sooooo sorry that this chapter was short, 

and I may have to slow down on updating because I have school and it's pretty time consuming, but I will work on this story whenever I can and will be writing a lot on the weekends, so I probably will be updating more chapters on the weekends.

that's it, luv all of u ;P


HIS BUNNY; THE SNAKE AND THE CROW (Chrollo Lucilfer Smut)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon