Part 13 "Rapture"

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It was now the eighth time rehearsing in a row. Justine had a leadership personality making Olivia a bit pissed off. Personally I didn't mind much, I thought it was nice having someone telling us exactly what was wrong and do it over and over again until it was right, but I understood it would be hideous at times. Damon however was the one having the most fun. He jumped like a ball of energy swinging his guitar around. He would do little dances, if he didn't had to play the guitar he would be moving his arms around at the rhythm.
"Alright lads I think we're good for today" Justine said after we'd finished the song. We practiced a few songs but we chose Heart Of Glass for our performance. It matched Olivia's voice almost perfectly.
I let out a deep breath in exhaustion looking up at Olivia. She collapsed on a chair aside of her microphone. My fingers were burning red from holding the drumsticks.
"Tomorrow at 3?" Justine asked. We nodded as we saw her pick up her bass and walk out, she never stayed around with us much longer after the sessions. She probably had more things to do.
"How about we go get some coffee?" Damon proposed. That was enough to make Oli jump off her seat.
Olivia loved all types of coffees, with enough sugar and milk of course.
"That sounds just like what my body needs right now" she said as I began packing up the setting with Damon. We put everything back to its place and after a few minutes we were ready to go. We left the practice room locking the door behind us and walked outside the campus to a small coffee shop that was across the street. There were a few people inside including Claire Davis, the girl who Olivia had caught with Liam a couple of months ago. She noticed us when we walked inside and sat on a table across from her not taking her eyes from Olivia.
"Look who's here" Olivia said taking a seat in front of me. Damon sat by my side picking up a menu that was left there.
"Who?" Damon asked as he opened the menu and began flipping the pages to find the drinks.
"Claire Davis" I answered giving him a slight hit on his shoulder.
"Oh" he finally looked up the menu and across the shop to see her sitting with a couple of her friends glimpsing occasionally at us.
Olivia began to feel uncomfortable so I asked her if she wanted us to go find another place.
"No we're already here" Olivia said turning around her chair giving them her back. We made our orders and our food arrived almost immediately.
"I'll just ignore them" she smiled. "Let's talk about our practice today wasn't it lovely?" she began the conversation with a slightly sarcastic tone making us laugh.
"So lovely that you almost wanted to murder Justine" I said remembering Olivia being so pissed at Justine's critics on her vocals. She had made Olivia do extra warm ups before each session.
"She was being so heavy today" Olivia held her head between her hands laughing.
"But she's brilliant" Damon said taking a sip of his coffee. Olivia raised her eyebrows at Damon's comment.
"Well yes, she is a talented woman" Olivia admitted.
"Do you think we are closer to win?" I said looking at Damon who was already devouring his sandwiches.
"Against Graham's shite band yes" he said with his mouth still full.
"Liam is also practicing really hard with his brother" Olivia mentioned Liam as a foolish grin appeared on her face.
"Oi what was Liam about with Claire anyway? " Damon asked Oli in a discret manner so they didn't notice.
Olivia signed looking down at the table.
"I saw them once at the hallway and she was all over him" she said, I could tell by her voice that she was still hurting.
"I'm sorry about that" Damon said after an awkward silence filled the atmosphere.
"Let's better talk about something else" I said breaking the silence.
"We should go out one of these nights"  Olivia said, she was more of a party person than me.
"We probably should, we deserve it honestly" I chuckled at them.
"I know all the pubs around here" she said giving us an innocent smile.
"You can give us a tour then" Damon laughed. Olivia seemed to be very posh yet she drank like Liam.
"You'll wait and see Albarn" she winked finishing her coffee.

A couple of hours later Olivia and I were working on homework in my room.
"Do you think Damon fancies Justine" I asked Olivia casually scribbling down on my notes. She looked up the book she was reading and stopped to think for a bit.
"I think he just admires her that's all" she said confident in her answer. I couldn't help but to wonder if she was right. I hoped she was.
"Why'd ask?" she said bringing her eyes back to her book.
"dunno" I didn't bother making up an excuse with her.
"So you are thinking about Damon" she laughed closing the book and throwing it aside on the floor.
"It's not that" I laughed a bit embarrassed probably already blushing.
"What is it then, you can tell me" she reminded me a lot of my older sister.
"Well Alex told me that Justine fancied Damon and it bothered me a little" I admitted a bit shy.
"That's alright love" she began trying to find the right words to say. "We can be a little possessive over our best friends" she explained trying to make me feel better.
"We kissed Oli" I interrupted her.
"You and Damon kissed?" I could sense her excitement as she began taking little jumps of happiness.
"Stop it Oli it's not like that" I tried to calm her down.
"What do you mean it's not like that?" she frowned in confusion. I struggled with speaking about my overall feelings and coming to terms with them scared me.
"Well it happened kinda like a week ago and afterwards we act like it didn't happen" I realized my own disappointment as I told Olivia about it. I told her how it happened and then about Alex asking me out and me turning him down. Justine joining us made things even more confusing because Damon was fascinated by her personality and it hurt to admit.
"Gosh" Olivia listened closely to me as I finished explaining.
"I'm just confused" I said now standing up and walking towards my bed. Olivia had chosen to move in with me after months of going back and forth so she lied on the other bed that was now hers and stared at the ceiling for a couple of minutes. Both of us in silence. It was a perfect moment to relax until we heard a knock on the door. I growled in annoyance making Olivia go open the door.
"Are you still going to show us around?" Damon asked Olivia walking in and taking a seat on my bed.
"Tonight?" she asked. Damon nodded. "Yes tonight why not? It's thursday"
"We've got school tomorrow" I said bringing my pillow to my face so I didn't have to look at Damon.
"C'mon it'll be fun" he tried to remove the pillow and make me get up.
"Alright but I won't drink anything" I gave up walking to my closet to take a jacket. I wasn't feeling in the mood to party but maybe I needed to losen up a bit.
Olivia went to get Liam and Noel came along as well as his girlfriend.
This was the first time I met Noel's girlfriend she was beautiful, tall and had short black curly hair. She smiled and gave Olivia a quick hug before introducing herself to Damon and I.
"I'm Rowan" she shook my hand with a warm smile.
"I'm Jenny" I smiled back as Olivia pulled my arm.
"This one isn't my favorite but it's the closest" Olivia clarified. "Liam and his mates love to come here"
"When Olivia asked me to come tonight I almost didn't believe her" Liam jumped into our conversation. Before we arrived and walked in. It was dark inside with flashing coloured lights. Olivia held my arm bringing me up to the bar and ordering a drink for herself.
"Sure you don't want anything love?" she asked before bringing her drink to her lips.
"Not really, I'm not in the mood" I said before starting to get bored. Damon was dancing with Olivia and the Gallaghers. I looked at him from the bar not wanting to take my eyes off his hypnotizing face.
"They've left you alone" I heard a woman from behind me. I turned around to see Rowan. She sat next to me.
"Yeah it was Damon's idea actually" I said supporting my chin on my hands
"I also didn't wanna come around" she laughed before turning around and asking for a bottle of water. We stayed there for a while talking about anything.
"Do you wanna dance?" she said after a couple of minutes.
"Sure" I laughed walking towards Damon and Oli. Olivia had two beers one in each hand and she moved to the music while Liam watched from a far drinking with Noel.
I got closer to Damon and I could smell his scent of cigarettes mixed with the alcohol. When he saw me his eyes lit up and he got closer. We both danced in silence feeling eachother's warmth.
"You look beautiful tonight" he said and I could barely hear his words since the music was so loud.
"Thank you" I answered as our faces got closer. I could feel his breath on my lips making me weaken.
He teased taking a step closer I froze before knowing what to do. Before I could analyze what was happening Damon pressed his lips on mine. At first I didn't move but eventually gave in closing my eyes. He slightly opened his mouth teasing my lips with his tongue asking for permission to deepen the kiss. I curled my fingers on his hair as I felt his hands on my waist holding me tightly. I could taste the alcohol on his mouth as we kept locking our lips.
We pulled back slowly and I had no idea what had happened.
Damon continued dancing to the rhythm and held my hand inviting me to dance with him.
As we danced I saw Olivia stumbling over a chair, she had gotten extremely drunk.
I stopped and walked towards her before she could fall.
"Are you alright?" I asked taking her hand.
"I don't feel so good Jenny" she managed to pronounce. I walked her to the bathroom making sure that she wouldn't hit the herself against any chairs or tables.
When we arrived she ran to the toilet kneeling down and puking. I held her hair as she kept going and after a few minutes I decided it was time to get back.
"Please Olivia c'mon" I struggled to get her out of the pub. Liam tried to pick her but he was also drunk. Damon, Noel and Rowan finally appeared helping me to carry Olivia towards the campus. Rowan and I carried her all the way to her bed. Where she collapsed sleeping almost instantly.
"Thank you for helping me" I said to Rowan she smiled.
"No problem" she said before leaving. I got into a shirt and took off my shoes finally falling into my bed. I didn't stop thinking about Damon as I fell asleep.

thank you for reading ❤️
if you have any suggestions on how I can improve my writing let me know! I'm enjoying sharing this with you. enjoy

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